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RT @PES_PSE: 🇪🇺 leaders must deliver a message of hope, commitment, and solidarity, say socialist Europe ministers. Read more from today's 🌹PES GAC meeting in 🇱🇺Luxembourg 👇


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se je po telefonu pogovarjala z ukrajinskim kolegom 🇺🇦 Dmitrom Kulebo in mu zagotovila podporo pri pridobitvi statusa kandidatke za članstvo v 🇪🇺 in povojni obnovi države. Ministrica je kolegu sporočila, da bo Kijev kmalu tudi obiskala.


Thank you for an open & fruitful conversation @DmytroKuleba! Slovenia 🇸🇮 is committed to help 🇺🇦 citizens live in peace again asap. We will also help rebuild its infrastructure & restore stability and hope!
RT @DmytroKuleba: Spoke with Slovenian Foreign Minister @tfajon to thank her for backing Ukraine’s EU candidacy bid. We also agreed on the need to accelerate the adoption of the seventh EU sanctions package on Russia. I inv…


RT @MZZRS: | Ministrica @tfajon pred zasedanjem Sveta 🇪🇺 za splošne zadeve: "Slovenija podpira status kandidatke za članstvo v Ukrajine, Moldavije & evropsko perspektivo Gruzije. Hkrati opozarjamo na in predlog, da Unija pospeši pridobivanje statusa kandidatke ."


Dan sem začela na srečanju @PES_PSE ministrov, ki sodelujemo na Svetu EU za splošne zadeve . Evr. socialisti smo bili vedno zagovorniki širitve . S kolegi smo se strinjali, da potrebuje pozitiven signal, ki bo potrdil verodostojnost širitvene politike .


RT @EURACTIV: Slovenia wants ‘magic formula’ on Western Balkans as EU leaders likely to fall short of solution


The work goes on! 👏👏👏
RT @MatjaNemec: Today I was nominated as a Lead Member of @TheProgressives for the Western Balkans inside the @europarl_en Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group @EP_DEG Thank you colleagues for your trust. I am particularly honored to continue the good work of my predecessor @tfajon


@WBHoekstra Thank you for a productive bilateral meeting, dear colleague! Looking forward to further cooperation, bilateral as well as within .


@MatjaNemec @TheProgressives @europarl_en @EP_DEG Čestitke, dragi Matjaž! Srečno in verjamem, da boš odličen v novi vlogi! @strankaSD


RT @JuttaUrpilainen: We have some new colleagues amongst us!

It was good to touch base with the @MinColonna of 🇫🇷France and @tfajon of 🇸🇮Slovenia. I look forward to fruitful cooperation in upholding and advancing 🇪🇺 values on the world stage, while supporting our partners who face multiple crises.


RT @NikosDendias: In separate brief meetings on the sidelines of today’s , Ι had the opportunity to discuss with FM @tfajon & DFM Vasil Georgiev regional cooperation and security issues.


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je na srečanju z egiptovskim ministrom Shoukryjem poudarila pomembnost ambiciozne konference . Slovenija 🇸🇮 in Egipt 🇪🇬 krepita politični dialog in dvostransko partnerstvo, tudi v luči kandidature Slovenije za nestalno članico Varnostnega sveta .


RT @MfaEgypt: FM meets Slovenian counterpart Tanja Fajon

▪️Examines aspects of the bilateral relations
▪️Discusses a number of issues of priority
▪️Affirms the importance of continuing consultations and coordination




RT @MZZRS: Ob robu zasedanja FAC je ministrica @tfajon čestitala francoski kolegici Catherine Colonna za uspešno izvedeno francosko predsedovanje @EUCouncil 🇪🇺. Slovenija 🇸🇮 in Francija 🇫🇷 imata številne skupne interese, med drugim zavzemanje za in njegovo prihodnost v .


RT @MZZRS: On the margins of , Minister @tfajon congratulated her French counterpart @MinColonna on successful French @EUCouncil 🇪🇺 Presidency. 🇸🇮 and 🇫🇷 share many mutual interests, among others and its future in the .


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je na zasedanju predlagala, da se 🇧🇦 takoj podeli status kandidatke za članstvo v , kar bi bil jasen politični signal, da je prihodnost ZB v EU 🇪🇺. Podpiramo tudi začetek pristopnih pogajanj za 🇲🇰, 🇦🇱 in vizumsko liberalizacijo za Kosovo 🇽🇰.


Couldn’t agree more!
RT @k_edtstadler: Good exchange with my Slovenian counterpart @tfajon in preparation of the meeting in Luxembourg tomorrow. There must be no first and second class candidates in the accession process. We have to send a strong signal to the Western Balkans now. 1/2


So happy to see you again dear Ann. Many thanks and I am very much looking forward to working together.
RT @AnnLinde: Met my new colleague from Slovenia 🇸🇮 Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon @tfajon and long time friend from @PES_PSE. Spoke about continued EU support to 🇺🇦.


RT @MZZRS: Slovenia's 🇸🇮 proposal at : Candidate status to immediately. Clear political signal to that its future is in . If not now, in the midst of geopolitical turmoil in Europe, when? We also support opening of access. negotiations for🇲🇰🇦🇱 & visa liberalization of 🇽🇰.


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