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Hoje, na edição impressa do @dnoticiaspt, no âmbito das comemorações do Dia da Europa, que se assinala amanhã 🇪🇺


Veja aqui a minha intervenção em plenário @europarl_en sobre o impacto da agressão russa à Ucrânia nos setores dos transportes e do turismo da UE, onde apelei à @EU_Commission a implementação de medidas para contrariar os impactos negativos.


Uma estratégia renovada e reforçada para as regiões ultraperiféricas que demonstra o compromisso e empenho da @ElisaFerreiraEC @EUinmyRegion 👏
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: As são parte integrante da 🇪🇺, tornam-nos mais fortes no🌎

A nova Estratégia visa utrapassar constrangimentos e desenvolver o seu potencial. É uma obrigação institucional e política perante os seus 5 milhões de cidadãos.



RT @EPHA_EU: This year’s meeting will focus on the environmental dimension of ,
exploring challenges & opportunities for fighting in the EU🇪🇺
@sara_saracerdas is among the confirmed speakers!

📆 17 MAR at 15.00 CEST

Join us➡️


RT @EPHA_EU: The cost of is estimated to be up to 940 billion annually for the EU. This includes health costs related to premature death and diseases from air pollution.
EU standards must fully align with @WHO air quality recommendations by 2030.
🔍co-signed letter👇


Congrats to my dear friend Angelo Demeter & @fredrik_akerman for making 👏👏👏for their work @VGreentech sea-weed based algae cow food supplement, to reduce methane emissions from cows


É inegável o papel que a economia azul sustentável pode desempenhar na prosperidade das regiões ultraperiféricas da UE!

Veja aqui a minha intervenção em plenário, no âmbito do relatório “Rumo a uma economia azul sustentável na UE: o papel dos setores da pesca e da aquicultura”⬇️


RT @WHOatEU: Almost 60% of adults in the WHO European are living with or .
Today WHO/Europe will publish a regional , highlighting the status of obesity in the WHO European Region.

Register and join the launch here 👉


RT @EuObesity: Delighted to be joining the launch of the @WHO . Our Vice Chair @sara_saracerdas is speaking in the opening section.
Big push from speakers to "Empower Member States to find solutions

@weisspernille @EU_Health


Studied and effective policy tools are available to member states, but not all are on board with these 🤷🏻‍♀️
We must work to change the perspective of less-convinced countries. 💪

ahead of the


60% of individuals live with obesity in the EU 😨
We have more than enough evidence to fight this - starting by addressing the multiple social determinants of health.

On today’s launch of the European Obesity Report by @WHO.


RT @eaAgriFood: .@sara_saracerdas calls for a comprehensive toolbox which mimics what is done for other public health scenarios: better literacy and tools needed for people to take healthier choices, but this must go hand in hand with better regulation and accessibility to care.


RT @eaAgriFood: @sara_saracerdas reminds critics that not all supplements are the same: some are used to mitigate malnutrition in clinical settings and others are used in elite sports as a supplement, while others are used without any evidence of clinical or performance benefit.


RT @eaAgriFood: Food supplements are not a homogeneous reality across the 🇪🇺, as we have different definitions, different regulatory agencies and different perspectives across professionals and consumers, says @sara_saracerdas of @TheProgressives, kicking off the discussion.


Live with @EURACTIV to discuss the future policy framework of food supplements:
The @EU_Commission is working on policies to protect consumers against potential health risks and to prevent misleading information.


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