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COVID Lessons - we need a stronger social welfare system!

The Portuguese Government anti-poverty strategy already referred and praised by our guest speakers 👏 @govpt
RT @TheProgressives: The pandemic hit those already vulnerable the hardest.

To prevent this in future, we need:

✔️ a robust social welfare system
✔️ an inclusive healthcare system driven by public interest
✔️ a poverty-proof recovery from the pandemic.

Follow the debate👉


RT @TheProgressives: The pandemic hit those already vulnerable the hardest.

To prevent this in future, we need:

✔️ a robust social welfare system
✔️ an inclusive healthcare system driven by public interest
✔️ a poverty-proof recovery from the pandemic.

Follow the debate👉


RT @EP_ScienceTech: Tune it to our latest podcast about novel approaches to fight resistance, set to become the 2nd biggest cause of death worldwide by 2050, surpassing cancer!


Now also on Spotify👉

@sara_saracerdas @HananBalkhy


RT @Manuel_EPSA: | and Young Professionals pose as agents of change in the Health system. At the centre of this change is a visible and needed Digital transformation, mentioned by @sara_saracerdas
📚 The need to follow the real-world advancements 🌍


Um pouco sobre a história da diabetes, na exposição do Centenário da Descoberta da Insulina, que ocorre esta semana em Estrasburgo.


O Parlamento Europeu é o único parlamento transnacional, multilingue, pluripartidário e diretamente eleito no mundo. Hoje foi o dia de celebrar o seu 70.º aniversário! 💪
@europarl_en @Europarl_PT


RT @TheProgressives: At the EU has proven leadership in the global fight vs. climate change.
A new fund for most vulnerable countries linked to a more ambitious plan to cut emissions (✊@TimmermansEU) is a real breakthrough to keep 1.5C target alive & turn COP into a success.


RT @HCWHeurope: Members of the MEP interest group on are united against the health threat of . Follow to see their message for World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

@RipaManuela @nicustefanuta @wienerofficial @woelken @spietikainen @sara_saracerdas


RT @EuropeanCancer: 🎙@sara_saracerdas MEP, @eu40

Access to screening & early detection can be improved using digital transformation 🤖 & innovative trainings for 🩺

👨‍⚖️Decision-makers have the responsibility to listen the workforce sector & act accordingly


RT @eu40: EU40 is at the for the “Reflections on the Present and Future of Cancer Care” discussion with our MEP @saracerdas !



No telejornal @rtpmadeira - apresentei o relatório em que estarei a trabalhar nos próximos meses no Parlamento Europeu sobre a nova estratégia da Comissão Europeia para as regiões ultraperiféricas (RUPs). Leia aqui mais sobre o assunto:


Esta semana con varios representantes de comunidades indígenas de países latinoamericanos para discutir los impactos del cambio climático. Es más claro que nunca que la crisis del clima y la biodiversidad son una realidad del presente.


Hoje, na 26ª Conferência das Regiões Ultraperiféricas (RUP), no Parlamento Europeu, em Bruxelas, com a Comissária @ElisaFerreiraEC e o Secretário de Estado dos @AEuropeus @tiagoant.


Recebi hoje os vencedores da 3ª edição do concurso (edição 2021/2022) no Parlamento Europeu, em Bruxelas.

Recorde as equipas vencedoras desta edição, cujo tema era “A União Europeia: que futuro?" no âmbito da Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa⬇️


RT @TheProgressives: Today at COVI committee's debate on the impact of the pandemic on the labour market, we reiterated our priority: essential workers across sectors - from nurses to truck drivers - must be better protected by the 🇪🇺 in the future @josiannecutar


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