RT Enhedslisten.EU
Selv efter dagens afstemning er meningerne om naturgenopretning i EU delte.
Men @nvillumsen er naturligvis klar i mælet 👇
#eudk #dkpol #dknatur
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1679141123711705090
Børn der vokser op i fattigdom, mens de rige bliver rigere.
Jeg er SÅ træt af de riges undskyldninger
Så vred over uretfærdigheden.
For hvis vi beskatter de allerrigeste så HAR vi penge til både velfærd og grøn indsats.
Derfor siger jeg også: #TaxTheRich
#eudk #dkpol #eupol https://t.co/ZjfGgE4qWW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1679144327706976257
RT The Left in the European Parliament
Re @ManonAubryFr @sirarego @papadimoulis @nvillumsen @JPimentaLopes @joseggusmao @botengam @emmanuelmaurel @DFIeurope @IUEuropa @IzquierdaUnida @GA4TJ @TaxJusticeNet @eurodad @OxfamEU @etuc_ces @cncd111111 @PSIglobalunion @SYRIZAEP @SyrizaI Sick of excuses from the right & those who "luxuriate in ridiculous abundance," @nvillumsen shows his anger at grotesque inequality.
"If we tax the richest we can afford:
🏥 better hospitals
🤝 welfare
🌍 action to defend climate & nature."
#TaxTheRich https://t.co/ZqY2CYPezM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1679150036310188032
RT Emil Nielsen
Til EP-valget i 2019 var klimaet vigtigst for @weisspernille:
“Vi kommer til at aflevere en klode til vores børn, der er i ringere tilstand end nogensinde før”.
I dag vil hun modarbejde EUs naturlov, som skal redde den europæiske natur og hjælpe klimaet😢
#dkpol #dkgreen https://t.co/Tpnb7Skpas
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emilnielsen/status/1679008502591676416
Skal vi tage hånd om EUs natur?
Eller skal vi lade som ingenting, mens den forsvinder fra os?
Det er kernespørgsmålet, når vi i #EU-Parlamentet i dag stemmer om EU's naturgenopretning.
Jeg stemmer klart JA!
Desværre stemmer flere danske EP-medlemmer nej!
#eudk #dkpol #dknatur https://t.co/OBaoMj4UnP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1679039057614057472
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Never again shall the international community turn a blind eye on mass murder, ethnic cleansing and #genocide.
These were parts of @nvillumsen's words at the EU-Parliament commemoration of #Srebrenica
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary https://t.co/pdW1yqEojm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678725169429323776
RT Vänsterpartiet i EU
”Det borde inte vara möjligt att spela roulett med naturens framtid som insats bara för att kunna plocka billiga politiska poänger. Men det är just vad som sker.” @MalinBjork_EU skriver med nordiska kollegorna @nvillumsen och @silviamodig #RestoreNature
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VansterniEU/status/1678739497930956802
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Skal EU have naturgenopretning eller ej?
Sammen med sine kollegaer, @MalinBjork_EU fra Sverige 🇸🇪 og @silviamodig Finland🇫🇮, råber @nvillumsen i en række debatindlæg i nordiske medier deres EU-kollegaer op, for at få dem til at støtte forslaget.
#eudk #dkpol #dknatur #EPlenary https://t.co/Qs2Sf6uTt1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678742221477085184
RT Enhedslisten.EU
EU-Parlamentets taler til minde om folkemordet i #Srebrenica for 28 år siden dækkes af bosniske medier, der bl.a. citerer @nvillumsen tale på vegne af Venstrefløjsgruppen 👇
#EPlenary #NeverForgetSrebrenica #eudk #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678788928176893952
Today in the #EuropeanParliament we commemorated those horrible events that started 28 years ago today.
Events that should by all be recognised as what they were: #genocide
I had the honour of speaking on behalf of the @Left_EU group, this was my speech.
#NeverForgetSrebrenica https://t.co/fcpKWKPfiY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678795788678316032
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Nordens venstrefløj i EU til de borgerlige: Stop med at ofre naturen på populismens kolde alter.
Læs det fælles indlæg i @Altingetdk fra de nordiske EU-Parlamentarikere @MalinBjork_EU 🇸🇪, @silviamodig 🇫🇮 og @nvillumsen 🇩🇰 👇
#RestoreNature #eudk #dkgreen
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678662475145781248
Today the EU-Parliament will mark the 28th years since the #SrebrenicaGenocide began.
Men and boys were executed, women raped, children traumatized and the whole Bosniak community forced from their homes.
We must #NeverForgetSrebrenica!
#EPlenary #eudk https://t.co/YAx34uvWuy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678678095128059907
Environmental organisations outside the EU Parliament right now, protesting the attempts to kill off the #NatureRestorationLaw.
As @GretaThunberg also pointed out: The Right is trying to saw off the branch we are all sitting on.
#eudk #EPlenary #dkpol #dkgreen https://t.co/NF38gVgKEX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678650109238583296
Naturen kan selvfølgelig regne med min og @Enhedslisten’s støtte!💚
Uden bier - ingen landmænd. Uden fisk - intet fiskeri!🐝🐟
Naturen er i krise. Derfor stemmer jeg onsdag FOR Naturgenopretningsloven!🌳🌱
#dkpol #dkgreen #RestoreNature #eudk
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Kristine Clement: Vi står midt i en menneskeskabt masseudryddelse af naturens arter - der er hårdt brug for, at vi mennesker giver plads tilbage til naturen og sikrer betingelser for, at arter kan trives. Jeg håber derfor, at ALLE danske EU-politikere stemmer for på onsdag!
#dkpol #dkgreen https://t.co/iUx76SSrA8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678371106015657985
RT Frank Nordhausen
A typical Erdogan surprise move in foreign policy to aim at interior politics. He needs to distract from the terrible economic crisis.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Ankaralı Jan: President Erdoğan says Turkey will only open the way for Sweden to join NATO when the way is opened for Turkey to join the EU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NordhausenFrank/status/1678375858988351488
Denne uge samles EU-Parlamentet i Strasbourg.
På tapetet er den vigtite debat og afstemning om EU's naturgenopretningslov.
Og vi skal også diskutere nye, strammere etikregler for EU-parlamentet - og de riges skattesnyd!
Læs mere
#eudk #dkpol #EPlenary
<div class="rsshub-quote">
The Left in the European Parliament: 🔎Our Plenary Focus is out!
Some key issues our MEPs will focus on in the July session are:
Nature restoration law
Tax the rich
Ethics body
Read more 👉🏽https://left.eu/plenary/july-2023/ https://t.co/0aBx7bGgLH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678396984015593474
RT Enhedslisten.EU
EU’s naturgenopretning handler om natur, om at sikre fremtidens landbrug og fiskeri og så handler det i allerhøjeste grad om klima.
Sådan skriver @nvillumsen og @Kira_MPH i dagens @klimamonitor 👇🏼
#eudk #dkpol #dknatur #RestoreNature https://klimamonitor.dk/debat/art9431551/Borgerlig-sabotage-af-naturpakke-er-skidt-nyt-for-klimaet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678299402727817222
RT Human Rights Watch
A controversial anti-boycott bill has passed its second reading in the UK Parliament.
The last time the UK Government tried to stop boycotts, it was against apartheid South Africa.
The UK should not be on the wrong side of history again. https://t.co/H7wJjKsAU3
RT Eddy Wax
Very funny David Attenborough-esque swipe at EPP's stance on the Nature Restoration law. Top-notch political comms on display here, even from a neutral's perspective that's impossible to deny.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
The Left in the European Parliament: Isolated from the wider world, the EU institutional jungle often evolves some quirky critters.
😲 Watch breathtaking footage of fully grown adults toying with our planet’s future.
😊 See their joy as they jeopardize the environment.
This... is “Odd Planet”.
🌍 #RestoreNature https://t.co/IJzAEjhYUQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EddyWax/status/1677359306621034496
RT Alberto Alemanno
Wow. This is unprecedented:
The EU Commission denounces @EPPGroup disinformation campaign around #RestoreNature proposal
New interinstitutional power dynamics at play ahead of #EP24 https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_env/status/1676925575628312588
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU Environment: This is simply wrong
The @EUCouncil has agreed to better address large divergences within & between EU countries regarding urban green, notably in those cities with already large green areas, like Helsinki
They won't have to do the same efforts as less green ones
#ForOurPlanet https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1676625296974282753
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/alemannoEU/status/1677266285967572992
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament representing The Red-Green Alliance @Enhedslisten from Denmark. Vice-chair @Left_EU. Solidarity, Climate Justice and Democracy