RT @letanewslv: Vai ES pilsoņu priekšlikumi neieguls Briseles atvilktnēs? Kas nogāja greizi pirmajā Eiropas Nākotnes konferencē, un ko darīt, lai saglabātu cilvēku vēlmi būt pilsoniski aktīviem?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1529773409843937280
RT @Europarl_LV: Iepazīsties ar mūsu laika grafiku, lai uzzinātu, kā 🇪🇺 un Eiropas Parlaments ir atbalstījuši Ukrainu kopš Krievijas iebrukuma sākuma 24. februārī ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1529453054411608064
RT @Europarl_LV: Beidzot klātienē - aprīlī un maijā EP Vēstnieku skolās jaunieši tikās ar EP deputātiem no lielajām EP politiskajām grupām: @inesevaidere, @nilsusakovs, @ijabs un @Dace_Melbarde sarunās par pilsoniskās sabiedrības spēku 🇱🇻 un 🇪🇺! Plašāk: https://www.eptwitter.eu/EPVS
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1527619421191249924
RT @TheProgressives: People across Europe are already feeling the effects of the Ukraine war. The EU needs to step up and help.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1527313069109411841
RT @Europarl_LV: ⚖️ EP deputāti prasa veicināt 🇷🇺 un tās sabiedroto kara noziegumu izmeklēšanu, noziedznieku kriminālvajāšanu un sodīšanu. Svarīga ir ātra rīcība, lai karadarbības dēļ pierādījumi netiktu iznīcināti. Plašāk ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1527303535066435584
RT @Europarl_LV: Lai mazinātu Krievijas kara ekonomisko ietekmi uz Eiropas Savienību, deputāti rosina ES budžetu papildināt ar enerģētikas uzņēmumu peļņas nodokli un konfiscētajiem Krievijas oligarhu aktīviem. Vairāk: https://eptwitter.eu/atbalstsES
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1527298705337905157
RT @TheProgressives: We completely condemn the cruel murder of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. But condemnation is not enough, we need answers.
Today the European Parliament debates the circumstances of her death.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526939773000097792
RT @TheProgressives: Today is a sign that Moldova is high on the Parliament agenda.
I want to thank the country for the help given to Ukrainian refugees.
The report we are discussing today welcomes Moldova’s candidacy to the 🇪🇺. Of course, there is a long way to go.
🗨️@juozas_olekas in #EPlenary
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526933266271551488
RT @VDombrovskis: 🔴 The EU is presenting a historic new plan to support #Ukraine with emergency funding + investments for reconstruction.
It sets out the structure for organising the huge investments needed to rebuild the country, with our 🇺🇦 partners in the lead
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526917801943900160
RT @TheProgressives: We're pleased to welcome @sandumaiamd, president of Moldova, in our Group meeting this morning.
Later in the afternoon, our members will join her in #EPlenary, as she addresses the challenges the country is facing as a result of the war on Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526874765734068225
RT @TheProgressives: ‼️New spending rules for EU budget are disappointing.
The proposal by the European Commission does not give the much needed flexibility for 🇪🇺 money to be used in cases of unforeseen circumstances
@nilsusakovs & @claudiumanda2 detail our position 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526614091644735490
RT @mepassistants: 🚨MY WEEK ON #TWITCH🚨
-🎙️Interview with 🇩🇪 MEP @svenja_hahn
-🎙️Interview with 🇱🇻 MEP @nilsusakovs
-📰Weekly EU news reviews
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1526103079195750402
RT @TheProgressives: Citizens’ recommendations are very good.
Citizens clearly show they want more Europe, says @nilsusakovs at the #CoFoE ceremony
Europe must now deliver and prove its commitment towards citizens.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1523682968258355203
RT @Europarl_LV: Pāris stundu pirms Konferences par Eiropas nākotni noslēguma Strasbūrā tās dalībnieki no 🇱🇻 ar žurnālistiem apsprieda gadu ilgušo procesu - pozitīvi, ka tajā iesaistīti pilsoņi no visas Eiropas, tagad būtiski saprast nākamos soļus priekšlikumu īstenošanā. #NākotnePiederTev
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1523593858642104320
RT @visit_EP: Join us for the Europe Day opening debate at 11:00 CEST live from the Hemicycle in Brussels with the Vice-President of the European Parliament,
@othmar_karas and ask your questions about the future of Europe!
#VisitEP #EuropeDay https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1gqxvlXmBagGB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1522883439770411008
RT @TheProgressives: Be like @PedroMarquesMEP & @MarcAngel_lu! Bring your family&friends and join us in the European Parliament in Brussels, for this year's #EuropeDay.
We're here with music, quizzes, a children corner and we're ready to answer all your questions about 🇪🇺.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1522879948754669569
RT @TheProgressives: We're ready for the 2022 #EuropeDays here, in Brussels!
Join us and our #progressives4Europe friends, in the European Parliament and let's talk about 🇪🇺!
Looking forward to discussing with you all about the future of our Union.✊️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1522879913430327298
RT @Europarl_LV: Konferenci par Eiropas nākotni noslēdzam ar mediju & ekspertu brokastīm. Tajās ar dalībniekiem no 🇱🇻 atskatīsimies uz paveikto & apspriedīsim iespējamos nākotnes scenārijus. #NākotnePiederTev ✉️ Plašāk par pieteikšanos ➡️ https://eptwitter.eu/CoFoEbrokas
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/nilsusakovs/status/1522502560195780608
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP, S&D, BUDG. Former mayor of Riga and Member of the Parliament. Eiropas parlamenta deputāts, sociāldemokrāts, bijušais Rīgas mērs & Saeimas deputāts.