Pobuda Državnega svetnika in svetnika SD v MO Nova Gorica Tomaža Horvata glede urgentnega nakupa letala za gašenje je bila soglasno sprejeta na današnji seji Državnega sveta.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1549812739035602946
RT @NIJZ_pr: Če se nahajate na območju požara ves čas upoštevajte priporočila ekip za reševanje oz. @URS_ZR. NE ZADRŽUJTE SE V BLIŽINI POŽARA❗️ Če ste na zadimljenem območju oziroma v prostoru, kjer je mogoče zaznati vonj po dimu, se z njega čim prej umaknite.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1549799481960448006
.@vladaRS: uničujoči požari na Primorskem bodo marsikoga pahnili na rob preživetja. Predlagam, da se vsem fizičnim osebam, ki bodo utrpele škodo v požarih, odpiše dohodnina za 2021&2022, pravnim pa zmanjša plačilo DDV. Podobno predlagam za kmete, ki bodo v Istri ob ves pridelek.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1549790585170567168
.@UrosEsih: Tisti, ki me poznate (več časa), veste, da "lomljenje rok" (pri) meni nikoli ni bilo uspešno. 😉
RT @UrosEsih: 'Lomljenje roke' Milanu Brglezu, da postane predsedniški kandidat SD.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1547501388556632064
RT @strankaSD: Bob dneva (@vecer), 13. julij 2022, @milan_brglez
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1547154101204652032
RT @vecer: (PISMO IZ BRUSLJA) "Solidarnost v skrbi za bližnjega je resnični, skupni in edini pravi evropski način življenja," piše evropski poslanec @milan_brglez. https://www.vecer.com/vecerplus/pogledi/pismo-iz-bruslja-sistemi-socialne-varnosti-v-eu-so-zastareli-pravica-do-izbire-je-ogrozena-ali-je-skorajda-ni-10290046
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1547154049245581315
RT @a_jongerius: Hoppa! 💪
De Sociale Zaken commissie van het #EP stemde net vóór onze wet voor eerlijke minimumlonen in Europa!
Een mega stap zodat werknemers krijgen wat ze verdienen: fatsoenlijk rond kunnen komen met 't #minimumloon!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1546772855966367744
@a_jongerius @EPSocialAffairs @RadtkeMdEP @mounirsatouri @MonicaSemedoLux @oezlemademirel @e_rafalska Congratulations and thank you for your excellent work! 👏🏻🥳
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1546760919233056768
Happy to host @a_jongerius on a working visit to Ljubljana🇸🇮🇪🇺and to be part of the @TheProgressives family, fighting for decent working conditions for all workers, adequate minimum and other wages, and for a social Europe. @strankaSD @PES_PSE @z_s_s_s @etuc_ces
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1545325499924287488
RT @Europarl_SL: 🇪🇺Poslanec @milan_brglez ob robu #plenarnoEP o strategiji za oskrbo: “Če bomo poskrbeli, da se lahko vsak otrok vključi v varstvo in izobraževanje, in za dostopno dolgotrajno oskrbo, bomo naredili največ za razbremenitev družin in drugih neformalnih oskrbovalcev.” 👇🏻🎥
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1545004320395083779
RT @TheProgressives: We did it!
The EU Parliament just backed including right to abortion in EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Our response to the US Supreme Court is clear. Progressives are leading the pushback against the global fight on women.
@fritzon_h @MariaNoichl
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544999439789588482
RT @EP_GenderEqual: Report on common European action on care by @milan_brglez and @spietikainen was adopted in plenary. Read more about it here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220701IPR34355/more-investment-needed-in-common-european-action-on-care
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544317722334564352
RT @TheProgressives: A Europe that cares is a Europe that guarantees universal access to care services and values care work as real work!✊
"The Covid pandemic opened our eyes: the care sector needs public support and investment!"
@milan_brglez & @LeitaoMarquesEP have details
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544288592792526848
@LeitaoMarquesEP Obrigado, dear @LeitaoMarquesEP, for your excellent work. I look forward to our future co-operation in raising the level of ambition in the area of care.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544286698896498688
RT @LeitaoMarquesEP: The European Parliament just called for an ambitious European approach to care that assures rights and fair working conditions to formal carers, support for informal carers and that tackles gender inequalities in all areas, from the household to the labour market.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544280378113925120
We look forward to the presentation of the European Care Strategy in September and remain a strong ally of the @EU_Commission in making care a right and backbone of our economies and societies. @dubravkasuica @TheProgressives @LeitaoMarquesEP @EPSocialAffairs @EP_GenderEqual
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544269142722740225
A clear and strong 💪🏻statement of the European Parliament👇🏻. Europe that cares is a Europe that takes better care of people in need of care and support & their carers. Our report is just the first step towards an ambitious common 🇪🇺 action on care. @spietikainen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544269140545896448
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🗳️MEPs vote at noon on:
➡️Common European action on care @spietikainen @milan_brglez
➡️Mental health in the digital world of work @MariaWalshEU
Stay tuned for results and press releases!
🔴Video's of today's debates: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/debate-details.html?date=20220705&detailBy=date
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544245723578994688
RT @TheProgressives: Our rapporteur @milan_brglez calls for:
- universal and equal access to care services from early childhood to older age
- choice of care services based on individual needs
- improved working conditions for carers
- equality between men and women in unpaid care and housework
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544234553111465984
RT @EP_ThinkTank: 9 in 10 care workers are women
They're likely to earn less and work in poor conditions
Care work benefits us all - yet is undervalued by society
@EP_GenderEqual @BiedronRobert @EPSocialAffairs @dragos_pislaru @milan_brglez @spietikainen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1544234050331836421
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