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RT by @milan_brglez: Kakšni so dosežki evropskih poslank in poslancev iz 🇸🇮 v iztekajočem mandatu? Kaj jih še čaka v naslednjih 6 mesecih? Kdo se bo potegoval za nov mandat na , ki bodo potekale 9. junija? Vse to in še več jutri z vsemi 8 poslankami in poslanci 👉


[2023-12-07 14:45 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Slovenian candidate for the International Criminal Court Judge, Beti Hohler was elected today at the Assembly of States Parties in New York! This is the first time that a judge from 🇸🇮 will serve at the @IntlCrimCourt. In times when the Court is more needed than ever.


[2023-12-05 23:38 UTC]

Thank you
for the opportunity to host a very insightful discussion on trauma informed approaches in services for young children 👧🏻 👶🏼 🧒🏻and their caregivers 👩🏻‍🦰🧔🏻‍♂️👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍🏫, and to highlight the
work and
initiatives in this regard.


[2023-12-05 12:27 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Mainstream Child Rights by reinforcing services for children' physical and mental health and development; by supporting also families and investments.
Thank you so much MEP @milan_brglez to host our 91th QoC and your warm words for putting CR at top of the EU Agenda.


[2023-12-05 12:30 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: 📣Live at @EU_EESC's conference ⬇️

@EESC_President, @dubravkasuica, Heidrun Mollenkopf, AGE President (@bagso_de), @JorgeCalero1, @AnaMartinezCCOO, @CEOE_ES, @milan_brglez, @MCabraDeLuna, @mjkucharczyk, @AnaGallegoEU,@lubegach,@RelicDanko,@eu2023es



[2023-11-29 08:42 UTC]

Več kot očitno pri upravljanju družbenih zadev zapostavljamo ne le starejše, ampak tudi otroke in mladino. Ne smemo dopustiti, da nam pandemije ter krize vzamejo empatijo, občutek za pravičnost ter enakost.


[2023-11-29 10:00 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: 🗣️ Milan Brglez | @milan_brglez | MEP European Parliament
"Age discrimination and ageism remain impediments to an inclusive society. I reiterate my support for an EU Strategy on Age Equality and Intergenerational Solidarity."


[2023-11-29 10:47 UTC]

Otroci ne uživajo zgolj posebne zaščite, temveč so polni nosilci svojih pravic. Skrajni čas je, da se njihov glas sliši tudi v procesu demokratičnega odločanja. Na predsednico
sem zato naslovil pobudo za ustanovitev stalnega telesa za varstvo 👶🏼👧🏻🧒🏼pravic👇🏻


[2023-11-27 08:56 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Women are often at the forefront of conservation and environmental protection efforts.

UNEP’s new report highlights the need to protect environmental defenders and promote gender equality in environmental governance.


[2023-11-26 05:03 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Danes živimo v svetu vojn. Te, s katerimi smo soočeni zdaj, so drugačne. Ne v tem, da v njih ne bi bilo grozodejstev, množičnih zločinov nad civilnim prebivalstvom in pobijanja otrok. Drugačna je v tem, da je zdaj ...

Piše Milan Kučan.


[2023-11-21 04:00 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Opportunities and threats. On the initiative of @milan_brglez, we are discussing with Slovenian students how to regulate and better use Artificial Intelligence. Use of AI in schools, healthcare, transport, public administration and in many other areas of our lives. @Europarl_SL


[2023-11-16 10:01 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: just adopted Res 2712 tabled by Malta. It calls for urgent & extended humanitarian corridors in Gaza Strip + unconditional release of hostages, esp. children. Our efforts were guided by the need to have a humanitarian Res. We're determined to continue working towards peace.


[2023-11-15 21:02 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: Thousands of children like Remas & Rama are disproportionately bearing the brunt of the violence in Gaza.

@unicef‌ calls for an immediate ceasefire, unrestricted humanitarian access & the release of all abducted children.


[2023-11-14 14:29 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: With 🇸🇮 MFA @tfajon on most urgent measures that need to be taken in support of civilians in :

➡️ scale up humanitarian supplies into Gaza

➡️ introduce meaningful humanitarian pauses throughout Gaza

➡️ allow fuel in for the lifesaving work of humanitarian organisations.


[2023-11-14 15:11 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: .@coe states should adopt a approach to mental health care to break the vicious circle of stigma, prejudice and coercion against persons with issues.

Read my speech at Riga Conference on promoting autonomy in mental healthcare👇


[2023-11-14 09:39 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: 🔴 LIVE

🇪🇺🇱🇺"Our care system is based on a patriarchal system which need revision. We need to provide affordable and convenient solutions in the home care sector to sustain women empowerment."

@MarcAngel_lu, Vice-President of @europarl_en


[2023-11-14 10:34 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: "We missed an opportunity when we failed to make care a mandatory part of our national recovery and resilience plans. Caregiving is a job and we need to value it by providing fair remuneration and good working conditions”




[2023-11-14 10:36 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: “The atrocities perpetrated by Palestinian armed groups on 7 October were heinous, brutal and shocking, they were war crimes - as is the continued holding of hostages.

The collective punishment by Israel of Palestinian civilians amounts also to a war crime.”
- @volker_turk


[2023-11-12 02:00 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: “If there is a hell on earth today, its name is northern Gaza.”

– @UNOCHA says the trickle of aid entering Gaza is entirely inadequate to meet the enormous needs of civilians on the ground.


[2023-11-10 21:50 UTC]

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