RT @marwasf: Repulsive and racist statement from @vonderleyen who shamelessly erases Palestinians’ history and existence by touting the racist trope of Israel “literally making the desert bloom”.
European politicians are publicly celebrating ethnic cleansing and genocide. Not surprised. https://t.co/BAoAXTmMQq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1651614419472793602
RT @RomaniChildren: #UnlockingThePotentialofYoungRomaChildrenInEurope event is opened now by MEP @milan_brglez, moderated by Tomas de Jong @EPHA_EU
#RomaWeek2023 https://t.co/PhBm6yp3nO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1651561553240416257
RT @ERGO_Network: Our #NewSolutionsToOldProblems event comes to an end, with final remarks delivered by our host MEP @LNicholsonova (@RenewEurope) and @milan_brglez, Member of the European Parliament, Group @TheProgressives.
We thank you all for staying with us today.
#RomaWeek2023 https://t.co/rVHGHmCTME
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1651260493284229132
Puščo smo pripeljali v Bruselj, v srčiko 🇪🇺. Veseli me, da imam priložnost biti eden od sogostiteljev romskega tedna, v okviru katerega danes na mojo pobudo govorimo o Pušči kot primeru dobre prakse vključevanja Romov.
RT @ERGO_Network: Darko Rudaš and Andreja Zevnik from #Slovenia give insights into the situation of the Pusca municipality - recognised as an example of good practice across Europe: How the inclusion of Roma as equal partners can change the future …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1651260439718772742
#NewSolutionsToOldProblems: Maximising the Use of Funding for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation. Follow the event live during the #RomaWeek2023.
The event will share the results of the best practices for the Roma
⏯️https://t.co/cDgPDf3doU https://t.co/Rl9RkGBrul
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1651220044494381057
RT @strankaSD: V Kuzmi na Goričkem je minuli konec tedna ob robu ustanovitve SD Grad potekalo srečanje svetnikov SD goričkih občin, ki so se ga udeležili #predsednicaSD @tfajon, minister Aleksander Jevšek, poslanca @JaniPrednik in @DamijanZrim ter evropski poslanec @milan_brglez. https://t.co/6ZJ6A6u5bb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1650723340351418369
RT @LudovicoEinaud: This was taken in 2016 in the Arctic Ocean. I was inspired by eight million voices from around the world calling for Arctic protection.
Today is Earth Day and there's still an urgent need of help to support the work in the environmental movement.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1650114322079662082
RT @Europarl_SL: Vas zanima, kako mladi vidijo energetsko prihodnost Evrope in sveta? 🏠 Prisluhnite njihovi današnji razpravi Če bi jaz odločal_a o prihodnosti energetike z evropskima poslancema @Franc_Bogovic in @milan_brglez ter Ivo Đekić Tajnšek iz Društva @Enlite 👉 https://consent.youtube.com/ml?continue=https://www.youtube.com/live/Cga8DLwc3WM?feature%3Dshare%26cbrd%3D1&gl=FI&hl=fi&cm=2&pc=yt&src=1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1649411428355387392
RT @Europarl_SL: Kakšna bo energetska prihodnost EU? Kaj glede tega predlagajo mladi? Jutri ob 10. uri bodo mladi ambasadorji predstavili svoje predloge na razpravi Če bi jaz odločal_a o prihodnosti energetike s poslancema @Franc_Bogovic in @milan_brglez ter Ivo Dekić Tajnšek iz Društva Enlite.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1649328778328391680
RT @Tineke_Strik: Stateless persons are still not properly recognized in many EU states. They spend years, even decades, in a horrific legal limbo. I call on EU & its members to provide stateless refugees access to the rights, protection & sense of belonging they are entitled to #StatelessJourneys
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648728049200816130
Čestitam in želim uspešno delo! 👏🏻Sindikalno združevanje je eden izmed ključnih predpogojev za dostojne in pravične delovne pogoje ter socialno varnost dostavljalcev 🥡🌯🍕ter vseh platformnih delavcev. Velik korak v pravo smer, še pred sprejetjem 🇪🇺 direktive o platformnem delu!
RT @MladiPlus: Vzpostavili smo Sindikat dostavljavcev! ✊💪 #rewolt #revolt
Položaj dostavljavk in dostavljavcev, ki delajo za podjetji Wolt in Glovo se je v zadnjem času poslabšal, spremeni…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648675114702057472
RT @TheProgressives: The EU anti-discrimination directive has been blocked in the Council since 2008.
But the EU Parliament is clear - no one should be denied access to social protection, to health or to education because of their religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648664566035886080
RT @ENStatelessness: We met with
@milan_brglez, Vice-chair of @Childmanifesto to discuss what can be done to end childhood #statelessness in Europe.
He's also speaking at our upcoming webinar on children’s right to a nationality & birth registration
📅 16 May, 1pm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648281867001421826
RT @Childmanifesto: Many children in the world are born stateless.
Childhood #statelessness deprives children of the full enjoyment of their basic rights, hampering their possibilities to thrive.
Legislation is the most powerful weapon to address these specific challenges!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648236218449113090
RT @DC43: Med izjavami tedna v @SpletnaMladina, Maja Sever in svoboda govora. 🎯
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1648200481477468161
RT @ENStatelessness: WEBINAR - Children’s right to a nationality and birth registration
📅 Tuesday 16 May, 13:00pm CET
📍 Online
🗣️ With @milan_brglez MEP & @Childmanifesto vice chair & @CynthiaOrchard (ENS)
Learn more & register → https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/event/webinar-childrens-right-nationality-and-birth-registration #StatelessJourneys
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1646455090209800194
RT @ZerjavicDelo: Sarajevo, 1425 dni groze. V evropskem parlamentu po projekciji pretresljivega dokumentarca Jelene Aščić o srbskem obleganju Sarajeva, otroških žrtvah in tragediji njihovih staršev.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1646249996298100736
RT @TheProgressives: This evening we celebrate 7 decades of fighting the good fight. For the people✊
On our 70th anniversary, we join @IratxeGarper and five of our former leaders in reminiscing and setting out priorities for the future.
Join our festive Group meeting live on https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1645838867843383321
RT @sahouraxo: "You can't say because Ukraine was invaded that suddenly sovereignty is important, but it was never important for Palestine. If you believe in international law, then wherever sovereignty is infringed, it must apply."
—South Africa's Foreign Minister
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1645733766449577986
Together with my colleagues from the @IntergroupAge, I today called on the @europarl_en to put an end to the ageism and stereotypes contained in the word ‘elderly’. Let’s speak about older persons in a respectful and inclusive manner! 🤝🏼👨🏻🦳👵🏻 ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1645730513154342913
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