Jedna z mnohých vecí, na ktoré si prosím spomeňte, keď budete počuť od niektorého z politikov obdivné slová na adresu Orbána.
RT @panyiszabolcs: Ladies and gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Hungary:
RT @albafella1: The soldier who was beheaded by the Russians in Bakhmut came from Zakarpattia Oblast, Vynohradiv, Ukraine.
Szerhij Pataki (in Ukrainian transliteration Potoki) lived with his wife, six-year-old daughter and one-and-a-half-year-old son in a city of 25,000 people, whose quarter…
This case proves EU needs not only good chemical legislation, but also its proper application by the authorities and effective remedies for the public in case of their failure. Nice words are not sufficient to protect us from diseases such as cancer.
The @EUCourtPress agrees with us (@europarl_en), that the @EU_Commission granted unlawful authorisation of carcinogenic chromium trioxide.
RT @zuska_kepplova: Keďže sa tu vynára apologetika Matoviča, pripomeňme si, že vďaka nemu tu dnes pobehuje nejaký náhradník Gyimesi odkazujúci Káčerovi a Naďovi, že sú nesvojprávni agenti. Kuriak sa verejne pýta otázky z vysokej školy života. A Tabák domigrovala ku krajnej pravici. 1/2
RT @PDochodca: Ak si neuvedomíme, že tento typ obhajoby rozvracačov (a rozvratu) liberálnej demokracie zvnútra nám škodí najmenej tak - a možno aj viac - ako jej rozvracači zvonku, naozaj môžeme dopadnúť zle.
RT @broe_jake: We are experiencing Elon's masterplan for Twitter, where the Auschwitz Memorial with 1.5m followers gets its verification taken away and every neo-nazi on the platform with only 30 followers will now have their posts and their comments shown first everywhere in your Twitter feed.
RT @IMatviyishyn: Russians planned to strike Kharkiv with a 1,5-ton guided aerial bomb,and thousands were rejoicing on Telegram where they announced it (link in thread). But, as it often happens, they dropped the bomb on Belgorod 🫠 and the channel started to delete posts - via @den_kazansky
RT @Skorpiooh: Petike nehéz pillanatai a BBC Hardtalk című műsorában.
Nem lehet mindenkit beetetni a békével.
@PaloKeckes @HrusovskyIvan Rozmýsľal som prečo si to nepamätám. A potom mi došlo (google), žo to bolo v 2009, keď som býval v Bangkoku...
Ale našiel som toto video. Nazdravie.
Tieto ľadovce nezamrznú...
RT @robbie_andrew: India is experiencing another scorching heatwave. Short 🧵
Doprajte ho svojim ušiam a duši...
Dnes má tento úžasný album 25 rokov od vydania.
Kvalifikuje ho to ako #oldies?
@JozefSaman Aký má mať inštalovaný výkon?
@vonpecka Počkať, počkať. A kde je neviditeľná ruka trhu?
Odkedy konzervatívna pravica presadzuje takýto etatistický postoj?
Aha to je len na prospech veľkých firiem, respekíve ich vlastníkov...
Večné chemikálie. Aj tak sa hovorí PFAS a ďalším PFCs, teda polyfórovaným organickým chemikáliám, ktoré ohrozujú naše zdravie.
Preto už od svojho zvolenia tlačím na to, aby sme ich čo najviac nahradili. dúfam, že sa to čoskoro stane skutočnosťou.
RT @EU_ECHA: #PFASAction_EU - #PFAS can still be found in many products - clothing, cookware, paints, food packaging, etc.
👉🏼Once they are the environment, they stay there for centuries.
🔎Check this infographic and le…
RT @maxbergmann: Macron's China trip/interview are exploding the internet. A few somewhat out of the box takes from me. First, the trip was terrible for EU China policy BUT it achieved something big: it may ensure China doesn’t send arms to Russia. This has been overlooked. But its huge. 1/
Búranie mýtov. #dásato
RT @ProfStrachan: Three Myths About #Renewables & the Grid, Debunked!
"As wind & #SolarPower have become dramatically cheaper, & their share of electricity generation grows, skeptics of these technologies are propagating several myths about #RenewableEnergy" via @YaleE360
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ #MEP @RenewEurope #ENVI #ITRE #BUDG
#VicePresident @Progresivne_sk in charge of #Environment and #Climate
Hiker & above all Dad.
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