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Dear Minister Habeck, Minister @c_lindner ,
the already closed Pailades nuclear plant in the US will be reopened.
Germany closed 3 last December, and Econ Ministry says once closed technically cannot be reopened- obviously not right.
Europe needs this clean energy this winter!
RT @quakes99: Yee-Haw!🤠🐂 Just months after it was shut down — after months of attempts to keep it open — a plan to reopen the Palisades Power Plant …


Outrageous. Yet one more SPD politician who simply couldn't care less. Brutal callousness.
Who are you going to use those vehicles against, Mme. Minister? A war against France? Poland?
Do they have any conceivable aim other than fighting Russian aggression?
RT @ARD_BaB: „Nein, das mache ich nicht “ – Bundesverteidigungsministerin Lambrecht (SPD) erklärt, warum es ihr wichtiger ist, die Landes- und Bündnisfähigkeit zu erhalten, als w…


RT @EliotACohen: I believe it was Moshe Dayan who said that every enemy soldier fleeing the battlefield carries with him a deadly germ of infectious panic. We may be seeing this in Ukraine as well. If so, a broader process of Russian collapse may be under way. 1/4


Defense minister is unlikely to be signaling his weaknesses.
So he could be baiting the Russians...or maybe pretending to bait them so that they don't attack? Or... (3 rounds is enough?)
RT @shashj: ‘Reznikov said Ukrainian troops were tired after the six-day attack but morale was high because “it’s a sign that Russia can be defeated”. He cautioned that Russian reinforcements could launch a counter-attack on his country’s stretched …


Maravilla de partido en NY. Espectacular Alcaraz. Aquí el punto del 6-6 en el tercer set
Ahora mismo a un set de ser el 1 del mundo a los 19 años.


This Russian TV talk show offers a fascinating peak into the state of mind of Russian elites. And no, Putin is not so safe any more.
RT @JuliaDavisNews: Life comes at you fast: pundits on Russian TV realize that their military is failing and their country is in trouble. They are starting to play the blame game. Some of them finally understand that their genocidal denial of the Ukrainian identity isn't working in Russia's favor.


Exclusive video of Putin's regret after giving the order to invade Ukraine.
RT @TansuYegen: 😂


Great chart. Those countries that let price increase, adapted their consumption. Those that did not let it increase, did not adapt.

The cure for high prices is ... high prices.
RT @CGollier: Les pays qui ont laissé le prix du gaz payé par les ménages s'adapter à la crise sont ceux dans lesquels la consommation a baissé le plus.
Il faudrait remplacer le bouclier tarifaire sur le gaz par un chèque énergie élevé pour les ménages les p…


Pro-Kremlin Russians on all channels followed by @RALee85 asking questions and pointing fingers at the military leadership. Shows the huge damage inflicted to Putin's standing by Ukraine's succesful attack. Worth reading the thread (also for some schadenfreude).
RT @RALee85: 35/


RT @Hancock2001: @lugaricano As part of my effort to read the work of more European authors, I picked up a copy of All Souls over the summer, read it in one sitting, and have now nearly finished the Your Face Tomorrow trilogy. Brilliant, brilliant writer


The great Spanish writer Javier Marías has just passed away. He writes, wittily, lyrically, about time, about books, about the experience of being human. Some recommendations: "All Souls," "Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me," "A Heart So White." RIP


Descanse en Paz Javier Marías, qué tantas horas felices nos ha dado.

(El obituario en su periódico, wikipédico, no me va gustado. Sí alguien encuentra uno con algo de profundidad, que lo ponga aquí, por favor.)


A very good point , as true in life and in business strategy as in war. Must read thread.
RT @samagreene: Ukraine's counter-offensive in the northeast – liberating in a day territory that took Russia a month or more to conquer – is breathtaking. Inspiring, even.

But it should also be sobering. Apart from anything else, it reveals just how much we struggle to analyze this war.



Please listen to Anastasia's request and help Ukraine!
RT @AnastassiaFedyk: NOW is the time to send more help: starlink, generators, drones. @ak2912 has exact wish lists from front-line officers, and we will try to deliver a new batch ASAP (next 1--2 weeks).

Please contribute what you can here and spread the word!


RT @MSchularick: Berlin had to answer two crucial questions after Feb 24: can Ukraine defend herself with support? And: can Germany cope without Russian energy? Growing evidence by the day that Berlin had the wrong answers to both. Time for reflection. What intellectual infrastructure is missing?


RT @adam_tooze: Jubilation today over Ukraine's offensive success, but sustaining the Ukrainian war effort deep into the fall will only be possible if Kyiv can stabilize its economy and finances. Chartbook #149


RT @JeremyCliffe: The events of the past hours disprove any lingering doubts Western leaders might have had about the case for maximalist transfers of weaponry & other military support to 🇺🇦. To hold on to available arms that might help Kyiv now is objectively to prolong the conflict.


RT @ramonmateoes: Muy interesante esta propuesta de @DanielGrosCEPS en la que propone establecer subsidios para quienes más ahorren en consumo de gas, alegando que el coste se compensaría solo al propiciar una reducción en el precio del gas.


Ayer me pidió @garcia_abadillo que escribiera para @elindepcom mis recuerdos de la "pregunta de la reina". Aquí está el resultado.
RT @cultrun: Una de las mejores anécdotas de la crisis de 2008 / Lo que me preguntó la Reina x @lugaricano a través de @elindepcom


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