RT by @lugaricano: NVIDIA released Chat with RTX. Why is it significant? It's NVIDIA's first step towards the vision of "LLM as Operating System" - a locally running, heavily optimized AI assistant that deeply integrates with your file systems, features retrieval as the first-class citizen, preserves privacy, and leverages your desktop gaming GPUs to the full.

A web-hosted version will have a hard time matching the same functionality. NVIDIA is going local even before OpenAI.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DrJimFan/status/1757

[2024-02-14 17:37 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: We are not being asked to send American troops into war, only to help the Ukrainians defend themselves. If we fail to help Ukraine, Putin will invade a NATO nation. Ukraine is not the end, it is a step—and letting Putin have his way with Europe would jeopardize our security.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/SenatorRomney/status

[2024-02-13 01:33 UTC]

Is Gemini ready for prime time?
Comparing Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT4, identical math request. Gemini asks who the hell is Riemann-Stieltjes:

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lugaricano/status/17

[2024-02-12 15:19 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: So I tried to give the Post the benefit of the doubt last night, Sunday print edition closed too early to highlight Trump’s shocking statement that he would blow up NATO and invite Russia to invade our allies. Here is Monday’s. Nada. Sleepwalking to dictatorship

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/NormOrnstein/status/

[2024-02-12 16:02 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: "America is a country of more than 300 million people, many of them brilliant, many of them able to finish a sentence. So how can the election come down to two old men, one riffing about shark attacks, and the other communing with the dead?" @helenlewis: theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/powellAtlantic/statu

[2024-02-10 01:22 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: I was so lucky to sing with the great Seiji Ozawa at the @metopera in my years of training. He brought a thousand colors to the music, he made the singers smile and the orchestra dance. What joy, what pure artistry! Thank you, maestro, you are sorely missed.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/morley_erin/status/1

[2024-02-09 14:22 UTC]

Shocking. From the special council´s decision not to prosecute. Biden needs to be persuaded by those who love him not to run. He is in no condition to do it. Via the

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lugaricano/status/17

[2024-02-08 20:43 UTC]

Incidentally, re: Syrskyi. I never cease to be amazed and grateful at the secret wonderful people who work on the wikipedia entries. Already updated. Thanks.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lugaricano/status/17

[2024-02-08 17:26 UTC]

En abierto: ¿Cuál debe ser la postura geoeconómica de España? ¿Qué hacemos con las inversiones saudíes en Telefónica, las de BlackRock en el sector energético, las de Huawei, ...?
Escribo sobre "Capital o Control: El dilema geoecómico de España"

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lugaricano/status/17

[2024-02-05 10:16 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Un abultado gasto público no garantiza el bienestar social, un buen resumen de @Ygrojo sobre el reciente estudio con @JavierAndresDom @lola_gadea y E. Bandrés

cc @BBVAResearch

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/rdomenechv/status/17

[2024-02-04 08:27 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: It's too bad that EU leaders think they have an edge when they drown businesses and the economy with regulations.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/f_wintersberger/stat

[2024-01-31 11:51 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: on the occasion of Masha Gessen's latest on Ukraine, seems like a good time to remember what they were saying in March 2022.

"best case scenario" indeed

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/ben_golub/status/175

[2024-01-30 03:25 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Turno de noche para el artículo de hoy en @elmundoes con @lugaricano ..

Y un (breve) hilo sobre unidad de mercado, y por qué la EBAU única es una propuesta mas importante de lo que parece 🧵

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/fernandosols/status/

[2024-01-28 20:54 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Hoy escribo con @lugaricano en @elmundoes (por primera vez) sobre la propuesta de EBAU única.

Un precedente importante para que CCAAs cooperen -como se hace en Europa- para armonizar regulación, unir mercados y promover una mayor igualdad entre españoles. elmundo.es/espana/2024/01/28/6

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/fernandosols/status/

[2024-01-28 10:41 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: En Europe, on est maintenant rentré dans le dur de la transition écologique, et ça fait mal, comme je préviens depuis longtemps.

Le politique en 🇫🇷 (agriculture, ZFE) et en 🇩🇪 (chauffage) semble incapable de résister à la douleur sociale. lemonde.fr/planete/article/202

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/CGollier/status/1751

[2024-01-27 16:58 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: A small modification.

Anyone who calls his last remaining rival, who he’s currently handily beating, “bird brain” (something staggeringly obviously false besides being gross) should, well you know. They shouldn’t be the nominee.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/CliffordAsness/statu

[2024-01-25 15:51 UTC]

More worrying news about North Korea. "North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, could take some form of lethal military action against South Korea in the coming months after having shifted to a policy of open hostility, U.S. officials say."

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lugaricano/status/17

[2024-01-25 18:51 UTC]

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