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I agree with Ceccheti and Schoenholtz: better leave Crypto unregulated. If regulated, financial activity (both by banks and non-banks) would migrate to the crypto world and would ineviably become more risky and create more instability.


RT @mattyglesias: FTX situation is worse than Enron, according to the guy who was in charge of the Enron resolution and has now been installed at FTX.


Robust defense of free speech in the parting interview of Oxford President ("vice-chancellor" in UK parlance). I wish that would become widerspread
- " all legal speech should be welcomed at universities."
- "Education is all about being uncomfortable".


RT @RobinBrooksIIF: We forecast -15% GDP growth for Russia earlier this year, assuming that the West would impose a full energy embargo. That didn't happen & Russia will only have a -4% contraction now. Ukraine is paying the price for that. Growth will be -34% in 2022 & another awful -15% in 2023.


RT @mattsteinglass: Americans all just accept that the oligarch who owns the major news organizations on the right openly tries to dictate who will be president. It’s not normal! This is hybrid-regime stuff.


La foto aquí se ve un poco diferente.
RT @POLITICOEurope: 📸: US and European leaders gathered this morning at the G20 summit in Bali to discuss the missile that hit Poland yesterday.

Warsaw and NATO's chief said today that the missile likely came from Ukrainian air defenses trying to block Russian rockets:


Coger el tren de "alta velicidad" (Acela) de Boston a Nueva York es un viaje en el tiempo a los años 70: 3h 35 minutos para hacer 229 millas, velocidad media de 100kmh. El reloj dice que son las 8.13 pero son las 9.13. En ningún sitio se dice que para en Nueva York.


A crisp, pretty day in Boston. Looking forward to presenting my paper with @JohnHCochrane ans @masuch_klaus on "The Blurred Boundary between Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area" at @HarvardHBS (all errors and mistakes only mine!)


RT @emollick: Two cool things about this paper:
1) The results actually show a good cognitive bias: When you ask people how things could be different, they naturally think about how they could be better, not worse.
2) The style. Just read a bit of it to see what I mean!


Del asaltar el cielo...a asaltar a los contribuyentes: Podemos quiere que la malversación no sea tal si favorece a los amigos del político pero no a él.

Si se puede... cambiar a peor.
RT @EFEnoticias: Unidas Podemos plantea que el delito de malversación distinga el lucro personal.


RT @Stephen_Geiger: Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger on crypto in 2018. Absolutely nailed it.

Turns out the old guys actually know what they’re talking about… who knew.


.@Isabel_Schnabel @Lagarde @FrankElderson from Blinder's interview.
It is crucial that the @ecb not lose any of its legitimacy, given the reputational cost it will incur over the next months/years of inflation overshooting.


RT @Simon_Mongey: @HannoLustig @Noahpinion This is how I teach it, its a huge intellectual jump. It puts reaching for inefficiencies as an explanation for complex data on a back foot. Instead, first try to figure out whether an efficient model can get it right. One of my favorite examples:


Maravillosa la entrada del primer periodista extranjero en Jersón liberada.

(Recuerdos a los putinistas y supuestos pacifistas y compañeros de viaje, que lo que realmente defienden es dejar que todos estos inocentes pierdan su libertad bajo el imperialismo ruso. )
RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: Sky’s international correspondent @alexrossiSKY is welcomed by crowds of Ukrainian civilians as Sky News team are the first foreign journalists to …


And Ukraine sanctions, a topic I was very much involved from the EU Parliament- sorry for quoting myself on Feb 26. Serious academic economists like @ben_moll fought it out here against industry lobbyists who argued we could do nothing to sanction Russia.


Ok, ok, on my topic- economics. You could get first hand news of the great inflation fight right here, on Twitter. @LHSummers, the top policy&academic macroeconomist of his generation, fought it and won in front of us.


On Russia and Ukraine, the best follow has been @KofmanMichael . If you followed him, you would have known that the invasion was likely and, by April, that Russian forces were exhausted


If you follow @BBC China correspondant @StephenMcDonell (a must!)-, you learned about COVID in 2019. Also, you had an early Feb estimate of doubling time of 5 days, which proved optimistic (!) during first phase. Even with that figure it was clear it could have massive impact.


Feliz liberación de Jersón. Su libertad es la libertad de Europa.
Su lucha es nuestra lucha por la paz y contra la tiranía.
RT @yarotrof: Amazing footage of the first Ukrainian troops reaching Kherson’s main square.


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