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RT @JeremyCliffe: The German left at its sanctimonious, self-gratifying worst: “peace” at any cost, even if that cost is the genocidal subjugation of a democratic state.

The goal for which Germans (and other Europeans) should march is unequivocal Ukrainian victory.


Is this a coincidence? Anyone wants to believe the gas really is about "descending into poverty?" Or is there a common explanation for "no weapons" and "no gas embargo"
RT @visegrad24: Heavy weapons donated to Ukraine:

T-72M1 tanks (100+), BWP-1 (nr unknown), 122mm 2S1 Gozdzik (20+),BM-21 (20+), AAM R-73 (100)

Strela-10M SAM, T-72M1 tanks (12+), BVP-1/Pbv 501A (5+/56),
152mm vz. 77 DANA (20+), RM-70 (20+)

S-300 SAM (…


RT @eduardosuarez: Hay una cierta izquierda que lleva décadas luchando (¡con razón!) contra la violencia machista y que ahora en cambio ignora o minimiza o justifica las violaciones de mujeres y niñas en Bucha. A favor de los derechos humanos en Texas o Palestina pero no en Ucrania


Lo frase "Buque de guerra ruso, jódete", última comunicación del guarda aduanero ruso desde la isla de la Serpiente, iba acorazado Moscú, hoy hundido.
RT @lugaricano: El sentido del humor y la increíble resiliencia de los ucranianos son evidentes constantemente.

Por ej. el lema "Buque de guerra ruso, jódete", omnipresente: en la aplicación de la compañía telefónica, escrito en un puente y en la camiseta del técnico …


RT @fromTGA: Record current account surplus for due to sky-high energy prices still being paid by many European countries to Russia… Whatever you think abt proposed embargo, let no one say this is not a European tragedy...


Dear Mr. Mayor @Klitschko , I am honoured by your invitation and your kind words. It will be my pleasure to visit you in Kyiv and participate in the inauguration of the European House. See you next week.


No words. This is shocking behaviour by the German SPD.
RT @COdendahl: This is the translation via DeepL.


Los primeros ministros de Finlandia y Suecia explican sus planes para entrar en la OTAN. Putin logrando en dos meses la que no había logrado ni EEUU en la guerra mundial- Suecia ha sido neutral desde 1812. Un crack.
RT @DaveKeating: 🇸🇪 and 🇫🇮's prime ministers have just held a joint press conference outlining plans to join .

🇫🇮 expected to move first. PM Marin says she won't give a timetable but "it will happen…


Fuente datos.
Notas que para los hogares más vulnerables ( los de menor consumo) la factura de la luz es la más alta de Europa. Para los medios es la tercera. Para los mayores, l cuarta más alta.
RT @miquelroig: No sé yo si estamos para sacar pecho. España cierra 2021 con la tercera factura de luz más cara de la UE.


Para los que os quedéis en Madrid, recomiendo exposición gratuita y muy interesante de la fotografía de Vari Caramés en el Canal de Isabel II.


La "Francia vaciada": relación inversa casi perfecta entre proporción Le Pen y densidad.
RT @LevyAntoine:


So why don´t they do it?
The document @tomaspueyo uncovered from Econ and Envi minister is maddening. He cannot turn to Nuclear because:
- He would have to change law (hello??)
- Safety! (BS)
- No spare parts! (more BS)
- BS economic argument without cost-benefit


.@tomaspueyo shows we can eliminate the ENTIRE gas deficit with existing nuclear plants.

See the historical graph--you can easily eyeball it: the nuclear capacity eliminated is easily enough to replace gas. @tomaspueyo does the calculations.


Start with the mix: 30% of gas is used to generate electricity.

This is the easiest use to replace--anything can be used to produce electricity: renewable, coal, ... nuclear!


Together with @dominic_rohner and @bweder, I am running a special @VoxEU section on the "Economic Consequences of War". A lot of very useful insights from expert economists!

A thread with a one phrase teaser/summary per piece.


Observen el mapa, el gas argelino o va a España o va a Italia.
¿Quién acierta?
- ¿Draghi, que viaja a Argelia para firmar un aumento del 50% de las exportaciones de gas argelino a Italia?
- ¿O Sánchez metiéndole el dedo en el ojo a los argelinos?
RT @federico_bosco: Draghi sarà ad Algeri per firmare un nuovo accordo di fornitura di gas che, secondo le indiscrezioni, aumenterà del 50% le esportazioni di gas algerino verso l'Italia …


Here it is! Our sanctions make no difference to the level of capital being accumulated from energy exports, they only change which banks are accumulating them.
This is a completely hipocritical, empty, exercise.
RT @RobinBrooksIIF: So our sanctions compromise means that foreign asset accumulation has shifted from CBR (red) to non-sanctioned banks (blue). Our sanctions are re-jiggering foreign asset accumulation, but not stopping it…


Summary on how anti-embargo arguments by German industry linked academics have been thoroughly rebutted.
RT @RobinBrooksIIF: Points by left-wing German academics on why a Russian energy embargo is bad: (i) embargo won't end the war; (ii) it hurts Germany more than Russia; (iii) sanctions mean Putin isn't getting hard currency for his energy exports; (iv) even if he gets hard currency, he can't spend it


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