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RT @EUatUN: .@europarl_en INGE2 Committee Members from across the political spectrum are in NY to meet UN officials & diplomats for a cross-regional exchange of good practices, promoting media literacy & enhancing cooperation in the establishment of international norms on disinformation.


RT @KyivPost: 📸 Happy faces of mass murderers.

The Insider, Bellingcat, and Der Spiegel identified 30 military engineers who tune 🇷🇺 missiles to kill civilians and destroy infrastructure in Ukraine.

Four women are among those who feel it's their duty to kill women and children in 🇺🇦


Balance between realpolitik vs idealpolitik is a challenge for democratic countries since February 24th. Consolidating support for Ukraine, countering Russia’s and China’s influence, de-Putinisation of Russia - those were our main topics in the opening panel at the .


Man ir tas gods šogad vadīt Rīgas konferences atklāšanas sarunu ar prominentiem dalībniekiem - @valstsgriba, @carlbildt, @MSCheusgen.

✅️Sākums jau 10:00.
▶️Tiešraidē konference skatāma šajā saitē:


Mēs apzināmies, ka maksājam dārgāk tādēļ, ka Krievija turpina brutālu karu. Mums uz galvas nekrīt bumbas, mēs gribam, lai 🇺🇦Ukraina uzvar karā un tai palīdzam. Tomēr lielai daļai sabiedrības vairākās Eiropas valstīs karš Ukrainā ir tāls karš. @RIGATV24


RT @Angry_Staffer: This interview with the always-brilliant Fiona Hill is worth a read, but the bottom line up front:

Elon Musk is transmitting a message for Putin.


RT @edgarsrinkevics: is already at war with by allowing Russians to use its territory to attack Ukraine, if Belarusian army is directly involved in the aggression then we must hit Minsk with more sanctions and international isolation. Most important- more weapons for Ukraine


🇺🇦Varonīgā ukraiņu tauta, prezidents @ZelenskyyUa, ievēlētie līderi un pilsoniskā sabiedrība izraudzīti par vieniem no trīs kandidātiem uz Eiropas Parlamenta ikgadējo Saharova balvu, ko piešķir par domas brīvību un cīņu par cilvēktiesībām.


'@correctiv_org pētījums, ko apspriedām @EP_Democracy, izgaismo Gazprom radīto korupcijas tīklu, kas gadu desmitiem apvijis Vācijas politisko eliti. Nešaubos, ka līdzīgi pētījumi būs arī par citu ES dižvalstu politiķiem, kuri lobējuši Krievijas intereses.


RT @Tsihanouskaya: There is no greater punishment for Putin & no greater support for Ukraine than a free & democratic Belarus. By removing Putin's ally Lukashenka, we make sure that there will never be another threat to 🇺🇦 from our country. Belarusians want peace, democracy & independence, not war.


RT @rjukneviciene: After today's attacks on Kyiv and other 🇺🇦 cities, I expect clear responses from the leaders of the democratic world:
1. 🇺🇦 is immediately provided with ATACMS&other air defense measures
2. 🇷🇺 is declared a terrorist state
3. Spec tribunal for crimes of aggression is established


RT @alexstubb: We are witnessing a full blown Russian terrorist attack on innocent civilians in Ukraine. Sickening, but with Putin at the helm, not surprising. The rest of the world needs to continue to support Ukraine with all means necessary. The only path to peace is a Ukrainian victory.


, do you hear children in bomb shelters singing the Ukrainian🇺🇦 anthem? This is an unbreakable nation, and your terroristic revenge for the Kerch Bridge will do nothing to change this. Russia will lose the war anyway!


Putin, dzirdi, kā bērni patvertnē dzied Ukrainas himnu? Tā ir neuzvarama tauta un atriebība par Kerčas tiltu ar masīvu raķešu triecienu postot Ukrainas lielākās pilsētas neko nemainīs. Krievija ir zaudējusi karu!


Krimas tilta uzsprāgšana nav “dāvana” tikai Putinam, tā ir DĀVANA visiem Ukrainas draugiem un atbalstītājiem.


RT @janis_sarts: Rīts sākas ar ziņām par “ sērkociņu lietošanu neatbilstošās vietās” uz Kerčas tilta. Tilts, starp citu, ir svarīgs militārās apgādes ceļš.


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