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Today we are celebrating Victory Day in Estonia.
It is a reminder that maintaining freedom requires tireless work. Estonia's own War of Independence also shows how quickly things on the front can change and freedom prevail.
We must keep this in mind to help Ukraine win.

[2024-06-23 09:49 UTC]

Had a meeting with EU countries' ambassadors today.
Thank you,
, for a successful EU Council presidency. Your leadership led to crucial decisions on supporting Ukraine.
A lot of work is still ahead. Wishing all the best to
who takes up the presidency.

[2024-06-21 14:09 UTC]

Thank you, Ambassador
, for your personal contribution to bringing Estonia and the Netherlands closer than ever.
Glad for the strengthened defence cooperation, joint support to Ukraine and partnership in the EU.
All the best in your next posting.

[2024-06-19 18:19 UTC]

Happy to see Estonian students ranking 1st in Europe in the OECD’s PISA Creative Thinking test.
This confirms that our education system successfully develops students' creativity and problem-solving skills.
Smart ideas and effective solutions are key for future prosperity.

[2024-06-19 07:16 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Rule of Law Index 2023

Top 10 Countries

1. Denmark🇩🇰
2. Norway🇳🇴
3. Finland🇫🇮
4. Sweden🇸🇪
5. Germany🇩🇪
6. Luxembourg🇱🇺
7. Netherlands🇳🇱
8. New Zealand🇳🇿
9. Estonia🇪🇪
10. Ireland🇮🇪


[2024-06-18 14:40 UTC]

and our dear friends in Iceland, on your National Day.
Glad to see Iceland’s strong contribution to Nordic-Baltic cooperation as well as to our common security via NATO's eFP in Estonia.
Look forward to advancing our close relationship.

[2024-06-17 08:27 UTC]

Emphasised at
: Russia's war targets people, not just land, aiming to destroy Ukrainian identity.
Deportation of children is a horrific war crime. We must get the children back.
Accountability is also crucial – unless unpunished, it continues over and over again.

[2024-06-16 13:17 UTC]

Thank you for the good meeting,
, at
fully supports
’s path to EU membership.
Another important step will be achieved soon: the EU is to launch negotiations and open the Intergovernmental Conference with Moldova at the end of June.

[2024-06-16 10:26 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Morning run in Switzerland with friends and colleagues @BuschEbba @jonasgahrstore @kajakallas @alexanderdecroo

[2024-06-16 06:26 UTC]

Good discussion with the UK Prime Minister
G7 decision to use frozen Russian assets for a loan to Ukraine is an important step.
Thanked the UK, our NATO framework nation, for ensuring security in our region.

[2024-06-16 09:57 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Witnessing the continuation of Russia’s colonialist landgrab policy today in Ukraine is a heartbreaking reminder of how history can repeat itself.

My call to you all: let us finally learn from our past mistakes. 7/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: I grew up during the final years of Russia's occupation. My mother, deported to Siberia as a baby, suffered war crimes Russia inflicted upon far too many.

In theory, it was called peace, but it was peace on Russian terms – meaning mass atrocities, repressions, colonisation. 6/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Many countries have suffered under colonial wars.

Russia isn't typically thought of as a colonial power. But it was and still is.

Estonia, my own country, went through Russia’s colonisation and occupation for almost half a century, up until 1991. 5/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: History has proved that giving up territory for peace has too often led and will lead to further aggressions.

We must learn from our mistakes, or face a colossal human cost globally. 4/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has lasted for ten years. For the bigger part of it, the world ignored it.

Some hoped back then and are hoping right now that territorial concessions to the aggressor would bring peace. But it will not. 3/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: That is why I’m concerned about so-called peace plans and initiatives that ignore the core UN Charter principles.

We cannot treat Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty as somewhat secondary.

Without these core principles we cannot achieve a just and lasting peace. 2/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

My message at
opening plenary:
Sovereignty, territorial integrity and discrediting aggression as a tool of statecraft are crucial principles that must be upheld in case of Ukraine and globally.
These principles are essential for just and lasting peace. 1/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

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