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I’m attending
to express support to Ukraine,
, and his peace plan.
The way to peace is supporting Ukraine until victory.
Just and lasting peace is possible when Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty are restored.

[2024-06-15 15:38 UTC]

On 14 June 1941, 10 205 Estonians, including infants and elders, were deported to Siberia by the Soviet regime.
Most of them died, only a few managed to return. But we remember them all.
Today, Russia uses deportations as a weapon against Ukraine.

[2024-06-14 08:14 UTC]

Stressed in
panel on Ukraine’s future in the EU that
has proved its ability to carry out reforms even during the war.
Estonia’s experience shows that enlargement will benefit both new and old members.
An enlarged Union will add to our security and welfare.

[2024-06-11 20:47 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Ultimately, Russia has to pay for the damages it has caused.

Estonia’s Parliament recently passed a law allowing the use of Russia’s frozen assets for Ukraine.

Hope it also sets an example for others.

Read the national statement of Estonia in full: 2/

[2024-06-11 16:26 UTC]

My message at
: we must continue to set Ukraine’s victory as the goal.
Our aid must be long-term and large enough to help Ukraine defeat the aggressor and keep its economy running.
Recovery is possible already now. 1/

[2024-06-11 16:26 UTC]

A pleasure to meet with
Glad to see that Montenegro has been making great progress on its EU integration path.
I am looking forward to further intensifying our bilateral cooperation as allies in NATO and future partners in the EU.

[2024-06-11 14:46 UTC]

Discussed important summits ahead with
Our decisive action must help set Ukraine on the winning trajectory.
We must keep raising the cost of aggression for Russia. To compensate for damages in Ukraine, finding a way to use Russian frozen assets is crucial.

[2024-06-11 13:58 UTC]

Always good to exchange thoughts with
We must connect the dots behind Russia’s hybrid activities against our societies and ensure consequences follow.
Also discussed what more we can do to support Ukraine on its way to NATO.

[2024-06-11 13:35 UTC]

I am in Berlin today to take part in the Ukraine Recovery Conference.
Reconstruction is possible even before the war is over. It is the most practical expression of our belief in Ukraine’s victory.
Stay tuned for

[2024-06-11 06:30 UTC]

Deeply shocked by the attack against
on her way home in Copenhagen.
Dearest Mette, thinking of you and sending my best wishes.

[2024-06-08 07:00 UTC]

Wrote an essay on
. The book by
is out.
My message: democracies should not be afraid of their own power. Democracy and freedom are not a given. Understanding this can be the decisive force for pulling ourselves together.

[2024-06-06 19:37 UTC]

Stressed the importance of setting Ukraine’s victory as the goal in an interview to
Our combined economic and military might is much stronger than Russia’s.
If all Ramstein countries commit 0.25% of their GDP, Ukraine will win.

[2024-06-06 12:05 UTC]

Ulf Kristersson, I wish you and all Swedes a happy Flag Day.
Yesterday's visit yet again confirmed the warmth of our close relations.
Glad that from this year the Swedish flag can fly proudly with the Estonian and 30 other allied flags in front of NATO HQ.

[2024-06-06 07:33 UTC]

, on the election victory.
Happy to see that in recent years bilateral relations between
have expanded.
Looking forward to further cooperation in the digital and cyber sphere and strengthening ties between industry.

[2024-06-05 21:31 UTC]

Thank you for the warm welcome,
Estonia and Sweden are closer than ever: we’re good friends and partners and now Allies with a capital A.
We’re determined to enhance the security and competitiveness of our region together.
We also stand united in supporting Ukraine.

[2024-06-05 20:28 UTC]

Attended Sommarminglet of tech entrepreneurs with
Defence is crucial for Estonia along with the startup and tech sectors.
Combining strengths of these sectors, innovation to revolutionize defence can follow.
Estonian and Swedish companies should seize the momentum.

[2024-06-05 19:35 UTC]

Great meeting with representatives of Swedish companies.
Our region shares values and is closely linked. Together with Sweden and other Nordics, we should create a new Nordic innovation and tech valley.
By working together we attract more investments and boost all our economies

[2024-06-05 16:19 UTC]

I am in Stockholm today.
The main focus of my visit is to strengthen business and economic ties between
I look forward to my meeting with
Ulf Kristersson and attending Sommarminglet with Swedish tech entrepreneurs.

[2024-06-05 13:03 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Based on the 2024 Environmental Preformance Index (58 indicators) of @Yale, 🇪🇪 is the most country in the world. Happy to live in this country.

[2024-06-05 06:12 UTC]

Warmest wishes to
Mette Frederiksen and all Danes celebrating
Our friendship has paved the way for close cooperation in the EU and NATO, as well as strongly supporting Ukraine.
Very thankful for your contribution to eFP to ensure our common security.

[2024-06-05 05:44 UTC]

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