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Happy Norwegian Constitution Day, dear
share a strong bond and excellent cooperation.
Wishing the people of Norway a joyful celebration of freedom, democracy, and unity.

[2024-05-17 06:53 UTC]

Honoured to speak in the opening panel of
Emphasised that it’s human nature to want quick solutions, but peace has to be sustainable, without constant fear that everything would repeat again.
The end of grey zones is the peace we need in Europe.

[2024-05-17 06:26 UTC]

Thank you for the warm meeting,
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.
Every Estonian knows Iceland was the first to recognise the restoration of our independence in 1991. Today, we are both helping to defend the freedom of others. Thank you for your strong support to Ukraine.

[2024-05-16 13:35 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: The Estonian parliament @Riigicogu has passed a law allowing the use of frozen russian assets in favour of Ukraine. Thank you @StenbockiMaja for preparing a bill. Grateful to Parliament Speaker Lauri Hussar and Prime Minister @kajakallas for another step towards justice. russia must pay. We call on all partners to join forces to achieve this goal. Together to victory!
Парламент Естонії @Riigicogu ухвалив закон, який дозволить використовувати заморожені російські активи на користь України. Дякую @StenbockiMaja за підготовку законопроєкту. Вдячний спікеру Лаурі Хуссару, ПМ @kajakallas за ще один крок до справедливості. росія мусить заплатити. Закликаємо всіх партнерів об'єднати зусилля для втілення цієї мети. Разом до перемоги!

[2024-05-16 09:28 UTC]

2024, Estonia's largest annual military exercise.
The exercise focuses on defending Estonia across land, sea, and air.
Almost half of
countries are involved. Glad to see allies practicing the cooperation with Estonian troops.

[2024-05-16 06:52 UTC]

My sincere congratulations to
on becoming Prime Minister of
I look forward to growing our close cooperation. As both innovative and dynamic nations, we've shown how smart ideas and a digital outlook can make a difference for our citizens.

[2024-05-15 17:33 UTC]

Deeply shocked by the assasination attempt of Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico.
An attack against an elected leader is also an attack against the very idea of democracy.
I wish him a full and speedy recovery. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

[2024-05-15 14:09 UTC]

We're one step closer to setting a historic precedent in Europe. Our parliament passed the first law in Europe to allow the use of Russia’s frozen assets to compensate for war damages.
Hope the president will soon announce it as a law.

[2024-05-15 13:07 UTC]

Last autumn, on my initiative,
signed a statement of intent on clean tech cooperation.
Thrilled to see progress. Our energy storage tech firm Skeleton just invested €600 million in the Occitanie region.
It’s the biggest ever Estonian investment in France.

[2024-05-15 10:21 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: 2/2 Vastupidi, Prantsusmaa investeering, sealhulgas ka riigi arvestatav rahaline investeerimistoetus, loob kaudselt ka Skeletoni peakontorisse ja R&amp;D keskusesse Eestis rohkem töökohti, plaanime kodumaal laieneda ning olla ja jääda Eesti ettevõtteks.

[2024-05-14 10:06 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: 1/2 Seoses Skeletoni Prantsusmaa investeeringuga üks oluline selgitus - sellest investeeringust ei jäänud Eesti ilma - ei tehtud viga, mille tõttu läksime Prantsusmaale - skaalad ja riigid on erinevad.

[2024-05-14 10:05 UTC]

Agreed with
that we all need to continue efforts to support
and deter Russia. Stopping the circumvention of sanctions is one area.
Welcome progress in our regional transport and energy projects. Must coordinate closely to stay on track.

[2024-05-13 12:13 UTC]

Looking forward to our meeting with
in Vilnius today.
Our focus is on supporting Ukraine, European security and connectivity.
It is always good to see close friends often.

[2024-05-13 06:42 UTC]

Always good to be together on special occasions with our close Polish friends.
Sent a postcard with
emphasising our commitment to Ukraine’s freedom.
We look forward to the day when Ukraine can celebrate
with us as a full EU member.

[2024-05-09 15:39 UTC]

to all of us!
Being part of one united European family with shared aims and values makes us stronger together.
Let’s not be afraid of our own power. If we stay commited to supporting Ukraine until victory, we can bring sustainable peace back to our continent.

[2024-05-09 15:05 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Tänasel Euroopa päeva seminaril andis peaminister @kajakallas üle uued 2024 tiitlid:

Aasta eurooplane 2024 @KustiSalm ja

Aastate eurooplane ⁦@ilvestoomas

Palju õnne! 👏

[2024-05-09 11:07 UTC]

Crucial decision by the EU to hand over profits from Russian frozen assets, including for military aid to Ukraine. Thank you to
for efforts to reach the deal.
But we can't stop here. We must find a way to use Russia's frozen assets entirely.

[2024-05-08 15:53 UTC]

Good exchange ahead of important summits with
Olaf Scholz together with
Focused on our cooperation in NATO, helping Ukraine and strengthening European defence.
We also need collective effort to counter Russia’s hybrid operations.

[2024-05-06 18:09 UTC]

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