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Had a phone conversation with
. I'm glad to support the President in preparation for the upcoming Peace Summit.
Emphasised that for а just and lasting peace we need to maintain our focus on Ukraine's 10-point Peace Formula and on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

[2024-05-06 13:42 UTC]

I am in Riga today to meet with
Olaf Scholz.
We are going to discuss countering Russian aggression in
and the Kremlin’s shadow war against the free world, boosting our defence readiness and regional connectivity.

[2024-05-06 09:42 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: 🗣️ Kaja Kallas : "La Russie de Poutine se construit une impitoyable machine de guerre"

La Première ministre d’Estonie déplore l’inconscience des citoyens européens qui ne se sentent pas concernés par le conflit ⤵️

✍️ @AxelGylden

[2024-05-05 08:01 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: « Merci à la France. Elle traite l’Estonie en égale. »

La Première ministre @kajakallas rencontrait @EmmanuelMacron et @GabrielAttal. Elle salue le rôle de la France en Europe.

Diversité des points de vue en Europe. L’Italie a au contraire la dent dure contre Paris … 1/2

[2024-05-04 16:08 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Avec l’Estonie, nous partageons une même vision pour la défense de notre Europe, en particulier sur le soutien à une industrie européenne de défense.

Merci chère Kaja pour ta visite.

Pour notre avenir. Pour notre Europe !

[2024-05-04 08:20 UTC]

Estonia again ranks high on World Press Freedom Index, alongside other Northern friends.
At the same time, the global trend of growing censorship and attacks on journalists continues.
We must protect these basic freedoms so they do not disappear for future generations.

[2024-05-04 09:02 UTC]

and all our Latvian friends and neighbours a wonderful Day of the Restoration of Independence.
We are lucky to have Latvia as a close friend, ally and partner by our side.

[2024-05-04 05:15 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Merci de ta visite chère @kajakallas et pour cet échange.

Alors que la guerre est aux portes de l’Europe, nous sommes plus que jamais unis pour lutter contre l’ingérence russe et assurer l’Ukraine de notre soutien. Notre coopération économique et nos liens se renforcent.

Le moment européen que nous vivons est le même : l’Estonie, comme la France, y joue son avenir.

[2024-05-03 19:12 UTC]

Happy to meet with Prime Minister
are good partners and strong allies. We highly value France’s military presence in Estonia.
We're also interested in boosting our business relations, there's great potential in clean tech and innovation.

[2024-05-03 20:00 UTC]

Important discussion with President
We live in decisive times.
share a common wish to shape Europe’s future.
Our top strategic priorities: Ukraine’s victory and European defence readiness. We must convince partners and allies to do more.

[2024-05-03 18:38 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: PM ⁦@kajakallas⁩ and President ⁦@EmmanuelMacron⁩ - the meeting is on! 🇪🇪🤝 🇫🇷

[2024-05-03 16:29 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: As we don’t have a crystal ball to predict the future, we have to learn from history.

First, if you look away, eventually it will cost more.

Second, if aggression pays off somewhere, it's an invitation to use it elsewhere. 3/

[2024-05-03 14:55 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: To stop the historic cycle of Russian aggression we also need accountability.

The leaders of Russia must be held accountable and for that we need a special tribunal for the crime of aggression. 2/

[2024-05-03 14:55 UTC]

Good conversation with
on the security of Europe at
There’s a war on European soil. Our aim must be Ukraine’s victory.
If we don’t set victory as a goal, if we hold back, then it is also unclear what actions and policies should follow. 1/

[2024-05-03 14:55 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: The road ahead won’t be easy, but failure isn’t an option.

Let’s rise to the challenges, safeguarding our European project for future generations.

Let's make sure the EU doesn't speak only to the head but also to the heart.

Our choices today shape the Europe of tomorrow. 7/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: With Russia's war against Ukraine, the security environment in Europe has changed, demanding strategic action.

We need higher defence spending, a robust industrial base, and a reinvigorated EU defence budget.

Together with NATO, we must strengthen our collective security. 6/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: We must understand the threat to make the efforts proportionate to the danger.

We should listen to @EmmanuelMacron’s warning that our Europe is mortal and whether it dies depends only on our own choices. Europe’s existential interests are at stake – so Europe must do more. 5/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: History is calling on us to make bold decisions.

Russia is holding every single person in Ukraine at gunpoint – every day and every night.

This could someday be the fate of the rest of Europe. Or it could not, if we choose to act and avoid it. 4/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Enlargement is a political decision first and foremost.

It is about whether Europe is serious about being a geopolitical actor and whether Europe can deliver on its promises.

When countries have done their homework, they also deserve to progress on their path to the EU. 3/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

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