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R to @kajakallas: 20 years ago, Estonia joined the EU and also NATO.

Joining the EU wasn’t just about reaping benefits, but also sharing responsibilities.

Estonia’s prosperity and security is testament to the dividends of enlargement. 2/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

Honoured to speak at
foundation event at
I emphasised Europe is an unfinished project: as long as there are nations sharing our heritage, believing in rule of law and democracy, wanting to be part of our union, and as long as grey zones exist. 1/

[2024-05-03 13:54 UTC]

The security reality demands Europe to be bold and creative.
That’s why my government has decided to create a new defence investment fund to accelerate the development of the defence industry in Estonia.
Hope our example also inspires others.

[2024-05-03 07:55 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: If, for some reason, you don’t want to listen to 🇪🇪 Prime Minister, then listen to 🇫🇷 President.

Their message is the same - Europe’s existential interests are at stake. Thus - Europe must do more.


[2024-05-02 19:08 UTC]

Wholeheartedly wish
and the people of
happiness, prosperity and security on the occasion of the 3 May Constitution Day. Estonia and Poland are closer than ever – glad to celebrate this day with you.

[2024-05-03 03:26 UTC]

20 years ago today,
joined the EU.
We knew we did not join a ready-made organisation – the
is constantly developing and we've gladly helped shape it.
Our accession has been a success story. It now allows us to help others, including
, on their way to join.

[2024-05-01 07:07 UTC]

Emphasised to
that every arms package sent to Ukraine is highly welcome.
It should also inspire others to deliver to Ukraine what it urgently needs.
We should not forget we have the resources and expertise – our strength outweighs Russia’s.

[2024-04-29 07:02 UTC]

Sincere congratulations to
and people in Netherlands on the occasion of
Appreciate our close cooperation in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression and ensuring European security.

[2024-04-27 06:15 UTC]

Crucial and right decision by the US House of Representatives to send Ukraine urgent military aid.
The best way to secure ourselves is to make sure we help Ukraine to win its fight for freedom.
Hope this vote encourages all allies to look through their warehouses and do more.

[2024-04-20 18:00 UTC]

's new Ambassador
Agreed that supporting Ukraine is important to both our countries.
Estonia supports Georgia's Euroatlantic path.
As an EU candidate country, the focus should be on steps moving Georgia closer to the EU, not further from it.

[2024-04-19 10:31 UTC]

Emphasised to
that we must set Ukraine’s victory as the goal.
We must be united, give aid to Ukraine and stand up to a bully, so that Ukraine wins and Russia is pushed back to Russia.
This is the way to prevent war spreading further in Europe.

[2024-04-19 09:52 UTC]

Agree with
: history judges us for what we do. Hope Congress will do the right thing.
Ukraine needs our help now.
If you look away, it will cost more. Security and prosperity in Europe and the U.S. are tied. Giving Ukraine aid saves American jobs and tax dollars.

[2024-04-18 09:16 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: We need free movement of data as our fifth basic freedom and to strengthen the data economy.

Secure energy, transport and data connections are key to economic development and security. Sufficient financing of cross-border infrastructure projects must continue.

[2024-04-18 09:11 UTC]

Looking forward to the discussion on competitiveness at today's
The Single Market works for goods, but it should work the same way for services.
We know where the barriers are and what more needs to be done.

[2024-04-18 09:11 UTC]

My message to EU leaders: let's demonstrate the will to defeat Russian aggression.
Israel’s success in intercepting Iran’s attack shows the power of cooperation and help from partners. It must also remind us to help Ukraine. They are under daily drone and missile attacks.

[2024-04-17 19:23 UTC]

My message at
: we have a very real threat to defend against.
Europe is facing a critical moment that will shape our future for decades.
We need to ramp up our defence industry and spending. With the right resolve and united effort, I believe we can succeed.

[2024-04-17 17:31 UTC]

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