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RT @F_Alfonsi: Avec ⁦⁦@jordisolef⁩ & ⁦@PediciniEu⁩ à Napoli : EFA in European Parliament en conférence en soutien à la lutte contre sous-devt de l’Italie du Sud. Identité culturelle, patrimoine historique immense, ces territoires veulent s’émanciper et réussir leur développement.


Aquesta setmana hem rebut l'Oriol @junqueras al Parlament Europeu. Reunions, reunions i reunions per teixir complicitats explicant el moment polític a Catalunya i també treballant junts per construir l'Europa que volem.


RT @F_Alfonsi: Accueil @GroupeLIOT_An par @EFAparty @GreensEFA au Parlement Européen. Très intéressante initiative de convergence de nos groupes. Rencontres avec @junqueras & @DavidCormand. @BertrandPancher @Paul_Molac @Castellani_


RT @EFAparty: 🏝️🟣EFA defends the recognition of a special status for EU islands at the Commission

🇪🇺A key outcome of the work EFA is doing to build a Common European Islands Strategy.

🔗Read more:


RT @Esquerra_ERC: ❗️Avui fa 30 anys que va ser assassinat per l'extrema dreta. Ni oblit ni perdó✊

Continuem lluitant per la justícia i contra el feixisme!


[NOU POST] Després de tres dècades en què el panorama polític ha estat dominat per , les eleccions presidencials de diumenge passat, que vaig seguir sobre el terreny en la primera volta, completen un canvi polític a . En parlo aquí 👉


RT @MetzTilly: The situation in is extremely worrying. The UN group of Human Rights Experts says more sanctions are needed, to stop crimes against humanity.

So far, calls from @europarl_en to extend EU's list of sanctions have been unheard.

Our question to @JosepBorrellF 👇


RT @raquelsans: A la Ciutat de Mèxic, més de 50 lideresses d'esquerres i feministes de tot el món, decidim fundar l' .
Un espai de lluita que impulsa el feminisme com un projecte democratitzador.
Quin orgull poder representar @ERC_dones en un moment històric com aquest ✊


We stand together with the Mayor of Milan @beppesala for the rights of in Italy!🏳️‍🌈

All families are equal, loved and valid.🌈


To successfully overcome all the challenges the economy is facing, there is a key area in which we are not doing enough, and where we continue to lag behind: namely, investment in research, development and innovation.


RT @EFAparty: 🗳️ We stand by @MeritxellSerret who has gone on trial today for organizing the Catalan referendum on 2017. The Spanish state must stop repression against the peaceful Catalan movement and its democratically elected leaders and seek for a political solution.


Mr. Comissioner @dreynders, would it be legitimate, or even legal, or both, that member states would spy on opposition politicians defending democratic goals, with democratic means, on the basis of democratic mandates?


RT @F_Alfonsi: MEP Clara Ponsatì arrêtée en Espagne malgré immunité parlementaire. Le système répressif espagnol bafoue démocratie européenne ! Pegasus/espionnage d’opposants, peines à la turque (13 ans prison @junqueras ) : cette dérive autoritaire menace l’Europe. @RetPS @GreensEFA @EFAparty


Informe anual d’Amnistia Internacional sobre la situació dels drets humans al món. Apartat Espanya @amnesty @AmnistiaCAT


RT @Esquerra_INT: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @Esquerra_ERC congratulates @HumzaYousaf on his election as new leader of @theSNP, a role that will be decisive for Scotland's near political future.

We wish the party and the new leadership great success in delivering a better Scotland, able to choose its own future.


RT @EFAparty: EFA wishes to congratulate @HumzaYousaf on his election as the leader of our member party @theSNP

We look forward to working with you and ensuring Scotland's voice is heard and represented in Europe.



I'm delighted to participate in the worldwide celebration of and support nature restoration in Europe!

While European biodiversity continues to plummet, we can change this with the upcoming EU Nature Restoration Law. Let's restore nature, now!


Avui a m’he reunit amb l’alcaldable republicà @GabrielFerDiaz Hem estat comentant les propostes de la candidatura @erc_sbd per traslladar els compromisos del Pacte Verd Europeu i les polítiques de transició energètica a la ciutat de Sabadell


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