@huettemann @SchwarzkopfStfg @EuropaUnionDE @JEF_de @NetzwerkEBD wow, the movement is moving😂Congrats !
Gute Erinnerungen an die Sophienstrasse🤗
@jakob_eu @DB_Presse ich leide mit Dir 😝
RT @das_NBG: Welche Rolle spielen #Kommunen bei der #Endlagersuche?Ihr wollt Antworten?Dann kommt am 20. September zu unserer Online-Veranstaltung mit @DJoucken und anderen Kommunalpolitiker*innen aus #Bayern #SachsenAnhalt & #Niedersachsen Hier geht es zur Anmeldung. https://t.co/egBf28slNo
@EuropeAsiaFoun2 the people are punished with a corrupt political elite 😝
RT @EuropeAsiaFoun2: With the @europarl_en agreeing to restart #EUIndia trade deal talks, in an analysis by a former ambassador, we look at the ups and downs of Europe-India relations and a concerted push for greater collaboration in recent months 🇮🇳 🤝
@FrankRHofmann ich war einer davon 🤗
@ArneLietz @BrunswickGroup @DB_Bahn @FES_Europa @JanRoessmann @MartaPolusik @Conny_Reuter_PA @berndlange lieber Arne, viel Erfolg an alter Wirkungsstätte 🤗
#Johnson : the permanent author of lies is finally at the end of his carreer.
With a lot of damages for many people
RT @EuropeAsiaFoun2: First started in 2007, but stalled since 2013, it's great news that the @europarl_en has agreed to restart #EUIndia trade deal talks. 🤝
EU-India trade increased by more than 70% between 2009 and 2019 & there's big potential for growth while upholding EU values. 🌍
RT @democracywb: In 2023, the UN will convene a "Summit of the Future". Richard Ponzio & @nudharaY provide background & summarize @StimsonCenter & @GGINetwork's latest report on the subject. The UN requires far-reaching changes, they argue, and make recommendations. https://www.democracywithoutborders.org/23150/what-will-the-world-make-of-the-un-summit-of-the-future-in-2023/
@lsap_lu @AnkeRehlinger und wir unterstützen uns grenzüberschreitend in SaarLorLux 🤗
RT @ArtofLiving: “Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is like a ball in your hands to play with.”
Gurudev @SriSri Ravi Shankar
@PetrosFassoulas UK will feel the negative consequences of Brexit over the years to come.
Brexit is a warning the European unity is not a given thing
but has to be organised again and again
@M_TellesFreitas @PES_PSE @carterifra @redsoxbrussels @letenicolas @JulianSommEU @ch_rouillon @OlgaFotinou what a pleasure to see this gorgeous team 🤗
Kind regards
RT @Cosa76: 3- Appels à la mobilisation des Enseignants des différents établissements secondaires de Libreville et partout dans le #Gabon
Les putschistes n'ont plus rien à proposer et sont incapables de gérer ce pays.
@UNESCOGabon @OnuGabon @MicheleRivasi
@singhsaket4 @ArtofLiving @jyothirmayah @UNGeneva @IndiaUNGeneva @SriSri ok, thank you for this information👍
@PulseofEurope @Alliance4EU @EuropaUnionDE @JEF_de @_europecalling @ABaerbock @fbrantner @daniel_freund @ManfredWeber @ToniHofreiter @c_lindner der Konvent muss auf der Agenda bleiben und auch bald starten👍
@spenglerandreas @AnkeRehlinger in Detroit/USA
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Former Member of the European Parliament, Committees for Environment, Foreign and Constitutional Affairs, President of China-Delegation