RT by @ijoveva: Z zunanjim ministrom BIH @DinoKonakovic o evropski poti 🇧🇦: Ob nadaljnem uresničevanju reform je začetek pogajanj o članstvu v 🇪🇺povsem dosegljiv politični cilj, ki je predvsem v interesu prebivalcev BIH in tudi v skladu s 🇸🇮 zunanjepolitičnimi cilji.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/KGroselj/status/1701604197937107124#m
[2023-09-12 14:30 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: and signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding Cooperation in the Field of Space Activities for Peaceful Purposes during an economic forum at the @ccluxembourg . We also reiterated our like-mindedness when it comes to the European Union 🇪🇺 and its fundamental values.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Xavier_Bettel/status/1701644339531686352#m
[2023-09-12 17:10 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: (ODZIVI) @LjudmilaNovak, @ijoveva, @MatjaNemec, @RomanaTomc, @KGroselj, @MilanZver in @Franc_Bogovic o nagovoru von der Leyen: Veliko o spravljivosti, številna vprašanja ostala neodgovorjena. Iz Strasbourga poročata @JonKnez & @MatijaStepisnik https://vecer.com/slovenija/odzivi-slovenski-poslanci-o-nagovoru-von-der-leyen-veliko-o-spravljivosti-stevilna-vprasanja-ostala-neodgovorjena-10340212
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/vecer/status/1701928753142607930#m
[2023-09-13 12:00 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva ob razpravi o stanju v EU #SOTEU: “Bližanje konca mandata Komisije ne pomeni, da mora EU upočasniti svoje delovanje … V govoru (Ursule von der Leyen) sem pogrešala konkretne predloge glede izzivov mladih, zdravstva, migracij in pravne države.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_SL/status/1702284681398374543#m
[2023-09-14 11:34 UTC]
Full room today during “breakfast briefing” discussion on European Media Freedom Act in
between policymakers and a wide range of media freedom watchdogs.
Happy to hear they’re glad with the result in EP.
Next step: Plenary vote and negotiation with the Council.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1706957733965050222#m
[2023-09-27 09:03 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: They dit it!
Exit poll shows our own @RenewEurope Progressive Slovakia at the brink of winning the election.
My warmest congratulations to my friend @MSimecka for this strong showing that fills Europe with hope.
Democracy prevails. Always. 🇪🇺💪🏼🇸🇰
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/steph_sejourne/status/1708231041696047367#m
[2023-09-30 21:23 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: 🔴 Live Now!
Follow the press confernce with our president @steph_sejourne, @martinhojsik & @ijoveva on #RenewEurope's priorities of this week, the Slovakian elections and the European Media Freedom Act 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RenewEurope/status/1709123607614345573#m
[2023-10-03 08:29 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Independent journalism is a cornerstone of healthy democracies!
Today @europarl_en will vote on the Media Freedom Act
@ijoveva: "It is the most decisive step we can take at the moment to ensure freedom of the media. No one should be afraid of it, except those who undermine it."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RenewEurope/status/1709142609560522926#m
[2023-10-03 09:45 UTC]
Na plenarki smo potrdili
Preprečili bomo zlorabe. Netransparentne prevzeme, državna financiranja. Pritiske na medije.
Javni mediji so marsikje – v 🇸🇮 na srečo več ne – najmanj podvrženi poskusom podreditve.
Skrajni čas je za zakonske, EU varovalke.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709182611837345816#m
[2023-10-03 12:24 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Po današnjem uspešnem sprejetju besedila Evropskega akta o svobodi medijev sem se srečala s podpredsednico Evropske komisije. Sporočam, da @VeraJourova zelo dobro sliši. Tako kot je preostala EU slišala in videla, kaj je Janševa vlada počela/želela početi z mediji v Sloveniji. 🙂
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709272663770661354#m
[2023-10-03 18:22 UTC]
“Austria joins ‘co-ordinated’ border checks against illegal migrants”.
(…)” the latest measures have thrown up a 1,500km hard border through central Europe.“
More like a ‘co-ordinated” demolition of the border-free Schengen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709545092027920582#m
[2023-10-04 12:24 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva ob sprejetju evropskega akta o svobodi medijev: “To je ena od ključnih zakonodaj, sprejetih v tem mandatu (Parlamenta), ki se je ne rabi bati nihče, razen tistih, ki želijo to svobodo spodkopati.” Več podrobnosti o tem, kaj prinaša, v 🎥.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_SL/status/1709550790296089045#m
[2023-10-04 12:47 UTC]
I suppose this is a confirmation we did a good job with
. Somehow, in Orban’s logic, the EU is establishing “total control” over media by legislating safeguards to protect media freedom precisely to prevent such media capture as happened in Hungary.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709875458639048711#m
[2023-10-05 10:17 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: 😂
More seriously, Mr Musk, which part of the law are you concerned about? My DMs are open for you.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VeraJourova/status/1709879190927917278#m
[2023-10-05 10:32 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: The future of Europe is in our youth’s hands.
Today, we published a call for proposals worth €9 million to fund cross-border journalism projects for young Europeans.
This will provide them with thought-provoking and trustworthy content on current affairs.
More info ↓
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EU_Commission/status/1712415530936680627#m
[2023-10-12 10:30 UTC]
RT Jade Grandin de l'Eprevier
Climat: la nouvelle solidarité entre Européens.
Les inondations en Slovénie sont «un signal de rappel, pour ceux qui ne seraient pas désireux d’aider financièrement, car il se produira de plus en plus de catastrophes naturelles à l’avenir», dit @ijoveva.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JadeGrandin/status/1689563504615821312
RT Klemen Groselj
Našim državljankam in državljanom moramo pomagati pri obnovi s hitrim zagotavljanjem vse razpoložljive pomoči ter dokazati da je 🇪🇺 prilagodljiva in odgovorna.
Skupaj z @ijoveva v pismu Evropski komisiji - Poplave v 🇸🇮 brez primere. @RenewEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KGroselj/status/1689610057334280192
RT Kim Ghattas
My latest in @FT @ftopinion
Courting Middle Eastern autocrats won’t solve Europe’s refugee crisis https://www.ft.com/content/49a52369-62ee-4eb5-9efb-ad1f066a5734
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KimGhattas/status/1687115024081522689
RT Evropski parlament v Sloveniji
Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva v #PoslankinDnevnik✍️o zakonu o obnovi narave: »Sistem, ki temelji na izkoriščanju in izpodrivanju narave, je treba prepovedati. Skrajni čas je, da se začnemo VSI zavedati, kaj je pomembno za življenje na tem planetu.« Več ➡️ https://bit.ly/JOVEVAdnevnik
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_SL/status/1685297878611394560
RT Tour de France™
There isn't one quote we could pick out of this interview to do it justice. If there is one interview you watch today, make it this one with @matmohoric.
On n'a pas su choisir une seule citation qui rendrait hommage à l'interview. Du coup si vous devez écoutez un seul interview… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1682422045458550785 https://t.co/sK0LUkCStD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LeTour/status/1682422045458550785
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament 🇸🇮 @RenewEurope 🇪🇺