In today’s EMPL meeting I informed my colleagues about the progress of negotiation on
. We’re doing everything on our end to finish the file in this term, while remaining motivated and encouraged. The ball is now in your court


[2024-02-14 08:19 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: European Media Freedom Act agreed!

Stop the assault on press freedom:
✔️boost internal market in media sector
✔️ protect media pluralism & independence
✔️ adequate funding public service media
✔️ transparency of private sector ownership
❌ spyware


[2023-12-15 17:09 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: “Between the suitcases of cash found in people’s homes, the plane tickets, the all-expenses-paid hotels ... It’s time for Parliament to put its own house in order," said French Greens MEP Karima Delli in today's Qatargate debate


[2023-12-13 19:25 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: Aujourd'hui comme hier et comme demain, je demande le cessez-le-feu à Gaza, et la libération de tous les otages.

La situation durable à ce conflit ne peut être que politique : la solution à deux états avec les frontières de 1967 en est la clé.


[2023-12-13 15:52 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: [ZELENI PREHOD]
Dejstvo je, da kolikor manj bomo postorili na področju zmanjševanja izpustov, toliko večja bo cena soočanja s posledicami naravnih nesreč.

Jasno je, da brez istočasnega reševanja obeh izzivov žal ne bomo dovolj uspešni.

Vir: 24ur


[2023-12-08 17:28 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: Studio Evropa. @MatijaStepisnik z evroposlanci o aktualnih temah in prihodnosti. @EP_Slovenija @MilanZver @RomanaTomc @milan_brglez @MatjaNemec @KGroselj @Franc_Bogovic @LjudmilaNovak @ijoveva @vecer


[2023-12-08 11:55 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: 9 out of 10 cases of murdered journalists remain unsolved including that of Daphne Caruana Galizia.
On International Day to for Crimes against Journalists, we continue our fight to end the persecution of journalists & for perpetrators to be brought to justice.


[2023-11-02 08:33 UTC]

Danes, ob delovnem obisku pri Evropski komisiji, nas je na sestanek povabil minister Aleksander Jevšek. Predstavil nam je načrte vlade glede reprogramiranja kohezijskih sredstev za odpravo posledic poplav v Sloveniji.
Pričakujemo fleksibilnost in nadaljnjo solidarnost EU.


[2023-09-07 13:43 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: "Rad bi preživel današnji dan, rad bi preživel jutrišnji dan, potem bi se pa rad zbudil nekje, da bi vedel, zakaj sem sploh živel."
- Sašo Hribar

Spominjajo se ga Milan Krapež, Darja Groznik, Miha Lampreht, Ilinka Todorovski in Robert Škrjanc 🎧👇


[2023-09-09 09:57 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: Zbogom še ti, prijatelj moj…. Pogrešal te bom. Vem, videl te bom, ko bo jasno nebo 🖤🖤🖤


[2023-09-10 15:48 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: 🌡️🏠 9.3% of EU population unable to keep home warm in 2022

Highest in:
🇧🇬 Bulgaria (22.5%)
🇨🇾 Cyprus (19.2%)
🇬🇷 Greece (18.7%)

Lowest in:
🇫🇮 Finland (1.4%)
🇱🇺 Luxembourg (2.1%)
🇸🇮 Slovenia (2.6%)



[2023-09-11 09:01 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: Z zunanjim ministrom BIH @DinoKonakovic o evropski poti 🇧🇦: Ob nadaljnem uresničevanju reform je začetek pogajanj o članstvu v 🇪🇺povsem dosegljiv politični cilj, ki je predvsem v interesu prebivalcev BIH in tudi v skladu s 🇸🇮 zunanjepolitičnimi cilji.


[2023-09-12 14:30 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: and signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding Cooperation in the Field of Space Activities for Peaceful Purposes during an economic forum at the @ccluxembourg . We also reiterated our like-mindedness when it comes to the European Union 🇪🇺 and its fundamental values.


[2023-09-12 17:10 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: (ODZIVI) @LjudmilaNovak, @ijoveva, @MatjaNemec, @RomanaTomc, @KGroselj, @MilanZver in @Franc_Bogovic o nagovoru von der Leyen: Veliko o spravljivosti, številna vprašanja ostala neodgovorjena. Iz Strasbourga poročata @JonKnez & @MatijaStepisnik


[2023-09-13 12:00 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva ob razpravi o stanju v EU : “Bližanje konca mandata Komisije ne pomeni, da mora EU upočasniti svoje delovanje … V govoru (Ursule von der Leyen) sem pogrešala konkretne predloge glede izzivov mladih, zdravstva, migracij in pravne države.”


[2023-09-14 11:34 UTC]

Full room today during “breakfast briefing” discussion on European Media Freedom Act in
between policymakers and a wide range of media freedom watchdogs.
Happy to hear they’re glad with the result in EP.
Next step: Plenary vote and negotiation with the Council.


[2023-09-27 09:03 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: They dit it!

Exit poll shows our own @RenewEurope Progressive Slovakia at the brink of winning the election.

My warmest congratulations to my friend @MSimecka for this strong showing that fills Europe with hope.

Democracy prevails. Always. 🇪🇺💪🏼🇸🇰


[2023-09-30 21:23 UTC]

RT by @ijoveva: 🔴 Live Now!

Follow the press confernce with our president @steph_sejourne, @martinhojsik & @ijoveva on 's priorities of this week, the Slovakian elections and the European Media Freedom Act 👇


[2023-10-03 08:29 UTC]

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