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I had the pleasure to discuss the benefits of diversity in businesses with the European Australian Business Council @EurAusBiz. Businesses that embrace diversity benefit from increased productivity, loyalty and wider markets.


With Julie Inman Grant, Australia's eSafety Commissioner, we had the pleasure to discuss initiatives to make the internet a safer space, especially for women and children.



It was my pleasure to attend the working dinner organised by the UK Consulate General and the @Equality_Caucus to learn more about the common and specific challenges of politicians for LGBTIQ equality around the world, with a particular focus on Asia-Pacific.



I met Commissioner Ro Allen, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner and Bonnie Halsall Principal Strategic Adviser.

We discussed the importance of strong independent human rights institutions to guarantee minority rights.


I participated to the @GPP_Updates’s Panel Discussion where I reiterated the EU’s resolve to support equality in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, including through financial support.


I held a briefing meeting along with @GVisentinEU on EU LGBTIQ equality legislation and policy for representatives of EU Member States present in Canberra.


I met @billshortenmp, Australian Minister for the National Disability Scheme to learn about Australia’s approach on disability equality and mainstreaming.

We discussed persons with disabilities’ right to employment, and ways to address unconscious bias.


I met @SenKatyG, Australian Minister for Finance, Women & Public Service and Senator for the ACT.

We discussed gender budgeting mainstreaming and financial autonomy of women, as well as our respective strategies to address violence against women.


I met Stephanie Copus Campbell, @AusAmbGender with whom I discussed the state of play on our common fight against violence against women in Europe and Asia-Pacific.

We must have adequate resourcing and address the dynamics that enable .


I had the privilege to have a private tour of @MelHolocaustMus, hosted by Pauline Rockman OAM, Co-President of the Museum and Graham Goldsmith AO, Deputy Chair of the Gandel Foundation.

Impressed by the Museum’s outreach to secondary schools across Victoria.


At the @sweden2023eu’s conference on National Action Plans against Racism, I called for the setting up of structures to implement anti-racist measures at the national and local levels.

I thank all gov. and CSO representatives for their EU level contributions.


En rik diskussion med @Pau_Brandberg, Sveriges Jämställdhets och biträdande arbetsmarknadsminister, om utveckling och antagande av nationella handlingsplaner för att ta itu med rasism på lokal, regional och nationell nivå - grunden för ett EU.


Rich exchange with @Pau_Brandberg, Swedish Minister for Gender Equality & Deputy Minister for Employment on the development and adoption of national action plans to address racism at the local, regional and national level - the basis for an EU.


The European Disability Card will facilitate free movement for persons with disabilities and ensure equal access to culture and leisure in the EU.

Your input is essential, join the consultation:!6XkHmj


The security situation in the Great Lakes region is a growing concern.

Speaking at @europarl_en, I emphasised our commitment to peace and called on partners to join us.

Our forthcoming reaffirms our dedication to this vital mission.


Speaking at @europarl_en, I emphasised the importance of the technical agreement between and the and urged for its timely approval.

The EU remains committed to accompanying in the current complex socio-economic situation.



I met MEP @ASPelletier and discussed the implementation of the
strategy regarding:
- The upcoming Disability Card legislative proposal
- Sign language mainstreaming in official EU communication
- EU funds and disability conditionality


At @europarl_en, I presented the initial findings of @EU_Eurostat’s EU-wide violence against women survey.

Along with @sweden2023eu, I called for the EU's accession to the .

We must ratify it and invest in systems to counter & .


I join the 8th .
Women & girls must be free to thrive & lead. Their voice and role must be acknowledged and equal.

& breaking stereotypes will enhance @WomenScienceDay


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