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At @europarl_en, I reiterated that EU Member States must ensure that the rights of rainbow families to freedom of movement are respected.

We are in dialogue and closely monitoring MSs' implementation of EU free movement rules to ensure compliance.



In today's debate, I called upon @europarl_en to advance swiftly on our proposed directive on & the EU’s accession to the .

Violence against women is a human rights violation that is pervasive - but too little prosecuted


The Directive is adopted in @europarl_en and will become EU law.

Leadership is stronger when it represents women and men, in all their diversity, equally.

This a good step on the road to in Europe.



Today’s is even more relevant following the shooting at an LGBTIQ bar in .

It is a stark reminder that we are not safe to be who we are, in many parts of the world.

No one should have to live in fear because of who they are.



RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: And the winner🏆 of the 15th Anniversary Awards is the Rehabilitation and Restoration project of Cittadella Gozo, in Malta!

This project gave to this beautiful historic monument a new life for present & future generations.

Congratulations @EUfundsMalta 🌟


I met with @StojmenovaDuh, Minister for Digital Transformation in the Slovenian Government

We discussed:
- Digital Education Action Plan
- women's representation in STEM
- gender digital gap
- combatting cyberviolence
- eliminating stereotypes
- European Accessibility Act



For 25 years, @LGBTIintergroup, you have stood up for people's right to love who they want to love and to be themselves.

You are the largest of 27 @europarl_en Intergroups: Minority rights are by no means a minority concern for this House.



Collaboration with civil society is crucial for building a and a barrier-free Europe.

I welcome @ONCE_oficial commitment to advancing the rights of persons with disabilities including our upcoming and guidelines.


Today at @europarl_en, I called on Member States to pay closer attention to seeing the Racial Equality Directive fully implemented on the ground.

We must deliver fully on our action plan and see through that racism has zero place in our


I addressed the LGBT+ Diamond Awards 2022 in 🌈💎

In the EU and worldwide, we must be free to love who we want and be who we are.


I addressed @JobsplusMalta on the opportunities provided by the green and digital transitions.

Young people’s best interest and inclusion must be integrated in our action towards climate neutrality.


We must turn crisis into opportunity for regeneration.

The Ministerial Declaration on made by 42 countries of sets the way for a better future of women and girls in all their diversity across the Euro-Mediterranean.


I met @IreneMontero, Spanish Minister for Equality to discuss:

- European Care Strategy
- Proposals on:
• combatting violence against women & domestic violence
• women on boards
• pay transparency

I called on Spain to implement the EU Work Life Balance directive 🇪🇺🇪🇸


At the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society.

This meeting brings 42 countries together to put gender equality high on the political agenda.

We must build on achievements, monitor progress and empower women.


With Nasser Kamel, Secretary General of I discussed today's Declaration and its clear focus on women’s full participation:

- to be financially independent
- to take decision-making positions, and
- end violence against women and girls.


Ensuring Roma equality, inclusion & participation hinges on a joint undertaking between the @EU_Commission and Member States.

Member states must:

- implement strategies efficiently
- monitor progress
- make best use of available EU & national funds


I opened a discussion on at the @europarl_en Gender Equality Week.

1 in 2 young women have experienced gender-based cyber violence.

This is unacceptable and must be addressed as the crime that it is.


In times of crisis, women, in all their diversity, must not lose out.

We remain steadfast for a gender-sensitive response.

We must turn crisis into opportunity for


At @ILGAEurope’s , I referred to the implementation of the Equality Strategy.

- raising the bar for equality for all
- proposing legislation
- addressing stereotypes
- standing firm for LGBTIQ people’s well-being.



We act to help our Ukrainian friends counter Russian disinformation and support the cultural and creative sectors to rise in amidst Russian war with a sense of duty.

Culture is essential for resilience and for recovery.



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