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I presented progress on the#EUDisabilityStrategy at the @MyEDF Summit.

Together with Member States & civil society, we are taking bold steps on :
- resource centre


RT @unwomenEU: Last week, the EU & @UN_Women reaffirmed their commitment to the MoU of 2012 to work for full equality & rights of women.

With women's rights & gender equality under increased attack, this partnership is more important than ever.


In @Parlimag, I recall that in inclusive societies, everyone, regardless of personal characteristics, will be able to fully contribute to the best of their abilities.

Equality and diversity are the moral and economic choice.


I discussed the upcoming legislative initiative on with youth representatives.

I draw inspiration from their visions & insights for an EU where equality & diversity are our strength.

My takeaway: ‘youth test’ on policy making.


Ensuring fairness & addressing inequalities are at the heart of today's Spring Package with considerations informing country-specific recommendations.

Read more:!9gGtrm


I met @ibpete03, Deputy ED @UNFPA, and we discussed the developing situation for Ukrainian women and their risk of , and ongoing efforts to mitigate and address the situation.


I met Sima Bahous, @unwomenchief, and we discussed the:
- global fight against
- @GlobalSpotlight Initiative
- the situation in and

We will continue building upon our 10-year cooperation.


Today at the @EuStartupPrize Award Ceremony, I recalled the importance of in .

We need everyone on board to foster inclusive innovations and ensure a fair and sustainable transition.


I presented the 1st Special Prize for accessible & inclusive mobility @EuStartupPrize award to Andrea Mocellin for @WheelRevolve’s foldable wheelchair.

Congratulations for the .

Ingenious innovation will help bring &



Today, I will participate to @EuStartupPrize Award Ceremony as patron of the first Special Prize for & mobility.

Innovations contribute towards an inclusive & sustainable transition.

LIVE 🎥 @ 4pm - 6:30pm


Today is

is an enabler of rights, autonomy, and equality.
💻 ✈️ 🏤 🚄 👩‍🦼🦻

We all have the right to participate in society equally.


Today we celebrate the first .

Our EU Gender Equality Strategy strives for a Europe where all women and girls can thrive, lead and be free.

The maritime sector 🌊can only reach its full potential if all talent and diversity is used.


I opened the session on positive narratives @ with @PeterPollak8 & @oscehcnm

The EU Roma Strategic Framework addresses the whole of society to reduce & .

We must promote awareness of Roma culture, language & history.


The implementation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy is our priority in the area of equality.

We must guarantee equality in all spheres of life to ensure that all are free to be themselves.



is an occasion to celebrate sexual & gender diversity and freedom, whilst remaining vigilant against discrimination, hatred & violence.

Too many Europeans are affected by stereotypes and discrimination against who they are and who they love.

equality 🌈


Today we mark - a day that attests the bravery of Roma people in the face of oppression.

I started my by this address to young Roma advocates.


With a special dedication to all the athletes taking part in the Malta @SpecialOlympics 2022.

@D_EvangelistaSO @abela_lydia


Thank you @europarl_en for organising

We must all do our part to achieve a true for all Roma.

Roma equality & inclusion policies must be addressed in line with the Strategic Framework & Council Conclusions.


Together with @abela_lydia and @D_EvangelistaSO I spoke at the @SpecialOlympics opening ceremony.

embody the I strive for, where everyone is valued and can thrive.

"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."


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