A pleasure to meet @PresidentIRL Michael D Higgins while on a State visit to Malta.
A #UnionOfEquality is very close to his heart.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525763830181134336
During an interview with @SpecialOlympics I highlighted the @EU_Commission’s commitment to ensure a #UnionOfEquality for all persons with disabilities and implement Art 30 @UN #CRPD.
#SpecialOlympics #EUDisabilityRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525749815065321472
A pleasure to meet athletes on their way to @SpecialOlympics.
Their determination is palpable. They stand by their motto: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
#UnionOfEquality #EUDisabilityRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525749535988924416
I met @D_EvangelistaSO, @SpecialOlympics Regional President & Managing Director, ahead of the games in #Malta.
The #SpecialOlympics are a tool for empowerment & inclusion.
Sport keeps us healthy, displays our unique strengths and creates solidarity.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525742754407514112
Congratulations to the Kalush Orchestra for their emotive winning song ‘Stefania’, which captured the hearts of Europeans yesterday night at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Europe stands with you.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525740854618497025
My congratulations to the CHAIN project for working across five #EU countries over 2 years in promoting a Europe free from #violence, in particular to end #FGM and #early and #forcedmarriage:
@ENDFGM_Network @ActionAidEU
@Equipop_Ong @TDFeV @save_a_girl
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525487407776276484
A pleasure to discuss cooperation and joint work with Triantafillos Loukarelis, @coe #CDADI Chair, with regards to ongoing equality initiatives and anti-hate crime action.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1525032644135858176
I met @AcceptCY at the #IDAHOTForum2022 to discuss their priorities for #LGBTIQ equality, both domestically and internationally.
- #LegalGenderRecognition
- anti-bullying
- equality education
- anti-conversation practices
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524801251824771072
With #Cyprus Parliament President @AnnitaDemetriou, I discussed the current #LGBTIQ situation in Cyprus and the ways in which parliament can be of assistance by supporting equality legislation inc. the upcoming #LegalGenderRecognition proposal.
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOTForum2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524793192205393922
With #Cyprus Minister for Education @pprodromou I discussed #LGBTIQ and #racialised pupils’ welfare:
- anti-bullying
- equality awareness
- mandatory diversity teacher training
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOTForum2022 @GovCyprus
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524790715808722945
With #Cyprus Minister for Justice Stefie Dracou I discussed the current #LGBTIQ situation in the country. She informed me about the #LegalGenderRecognition proposal and her determination to see it through.
#UnionOfEquality #IDAHOTForum2022 @GovCyprus
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524789903665647616
RT @gerardofortuna: #Eurovision is an 'undisputed element' of the European shared cultural identity, which could this year help renew the call for #peace on the continent, #EU Commissioner for Equality @helenadalli told me in an interview.
Check it out on @EURACTIV:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524787145239539714
This morning, I addressed the professional #engineering community at @CWIEMEexpo Berlin 2022
As with any profession, the engineering sector can only be at its best if it embraces #diversity and harvests the best talent.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524779440215056386
This morning I addressed the #IDAHOT2022 Forum in #Cyprus, a gathering of politicians & CSOs working for #LGBTIQ equality.
#IDAHOBIT takes a particular meaning w/ the invasion of Ukraine putting #LGBTIQ people at heightened risk of discrimination and violence.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524767141815365632
RT @VictimSupportEU: ✅ @helenadalli , Commissioner for Equality at the
@EUCommission, has joined #VSEAnnualConference2022 efforts to reach the #AgeOfResilience.
Let’s continue to drive the field of #VictimsRights forward!
#UnionOfEquality #EUVictimsRights #VictimSupportEU #VictimSupport
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524763733398065154
RT @EUHomeAffairs: Child sexual abuse is a real and growing danger.
Abusers use the internet to share materials and reach out to children.
Learn about the new EU legislation proposal to detect, report and prevent #childsexualabuse online👉https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/whats-new/campaigns/campaign-legislation-prevent-and-combat-child-sexual-abuse_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524761838608691202
RT @MHESME: 📢 Day two of the #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek 🎊
We begin with a great message from Commissioner @helenadalli.
She talks about the importance of investments in mental health-friendly policies. Thank you Commissioner Dalli!
#SpeakUpForMentalHealth #UnionOfEquality
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524284748461395969
Ieri, nello #EuropeDay, abbiamo celebrato i valori fondamentali come diversità, uguaglianza, solidarietà e pace.
Insieme, uniti nella diversità, siamo più forti.
Insieme, uniti nella diversità, possiamo costruire un'#EuropeForPeace.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524106966481649667
Yesterday, on #EuropeDay, we celebrated the founding values of diversity, equality, solidarity & peace.
Together, united in diversity, we are stronger.
Together, united in diversity, we can build a #EuropeForPeace.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524094577099128834
Mayor of Turin @lorusso_stefano & I highlighted the extensive ways in which cities & art can contribute to the building of a diverse & inclusive EU. The #Eurovision is a great example of a cultural event that brings Europeans together & celebrates equality, diversity & inclusion.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1524085723829354497
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