RT @M_OrdonezSikora: Brussels came together on Wednesday evening to celebrate #MEPAwards2022 , an annual ceremony that honours the EU lawmakers who have carried the most outstanding legislative work. Our group @TheProgressives led the list of triumphs! @euronews @Parlimag
Velika mi je čast što sam večeras u Bruxellesu proglašen najboljim eurozastupnikom u području zaštite ljudskih prava.
Ovaj MEP Oskar je rezultat timskog rada i zahvaljujem se svim kolegama/icama s kojima sam surađivao u protekle gotovo 3 godine, kao i mom timu. Hvala! 🇪🇺
RT @pedjagrbin: Odlična vijest stigla je večeras iz Bruxellesa. Naš Fred je dobio EU Oskara kao najbolji zastupnik u području ljudskih prava. Drugi je ovo Oskar za naše vrijedne eurozastupnike i ne mogu biti ponosniji nego što jesam. Bravo, majstore!
RT @Parlimag: Well done to Croatia’s @fred_matic of @TheProgressives for his #MEPAwards2022 for accomplishments in fighting for justice, defending the rule of law and protecting human rights
RT @SDPHrvatske: Naš eurozastupnik @fred_matic danas je u Bruxellesu dobio EU Oskara za ljudska prava. Bravo! Iskrene čestitke! 👏💪
Velika mi je čast što sam večeras u Bruxellesu proglašen najboljim eurozastupnikom u području zaštite ljudskih prava.
Ovaj MEP Oskar je rezultat timskog rada i zahvaljujem se svim kolegama/icama s kojima sam surađivao u protekle gotovo 3 godine, kao i mom timu. Hvala! 🇪🇺
RT @UNFPABiH: @fred_matic’s keynote to BiH MPs at inaugural launch of Parliamentary Group on Population & Development: Investing in #SexualandReproductiveHealth critical for the overall wellbeing of population - but reaching consensus on that is difficult - let’s work together to change that!
Milijuni žena u SAD-u, kao i osobe koje im pomažu, suočavaju se sa stvarnim rizikom od progona zbog traženja pobačaja. Europa mora stati uz njih i odbiti dijeljenje osobnih podataka sa SAD-om u svrhu provođenja drakonskih zakona.
Pitanje upućeno Komisiji sa @SophieintVeld 👇
RT @SophieintVeld: Millions of women in the US and persons helping them, face a real risk of persecution for seeking an abortion. The EU should stand with them…
RT @SophieintVeld: Millions of women in the US and persons helping them, face a real risk of persecution for seeking an abortion. The EU should stand with them, and refuse to share personal data with the US for the purpose of enforcing those draconic laws. Questions with @fred_matic 👇🏻
RT @TheProgressives: An absolutely shocking decision, taking the USA back 50 years. It is a huge blow to women’s fundamental rights.
All our solidarity with American woman and all those fighting to overturn this backwards step.
RT @PES_Women: Today #AllEyesOnPoland as Parliament debates a civil bill initiated by 200k signatures to demand legal access to abortion without compromise 💚
We stand with @__Lewica for women’s right to choose, what will @pisorgpl & others do?
The 🇵🇱 left is united ⬇️
Na izvanrednom sastanku Odbora za ribarstvo, izglasali smo hitne kompenzacijske mjere pomoći ribarskom sektoru zbog energetske krize.
Kao izvjestitelju svoje političke grupe, dana mi je velika čast i veselim se glasanju na plenarnoj sjednici u Strasbourgu za dva tjedna!
RT @eige_eu: On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, we stress the importance of protection.
In war, women are at particular risk of being targeted by violence, such as conflict-related sexual violence.
Read more here - https://eige.europa.eu/publications/beijing-25-policy-brief-area-e-women-and-armed-conflict
Ovaj tjedan smo u Bruxellesu gdje nas čeka:
✅ plenarna sjednica
📖 sastanci PECH i FEMM odbora
💻 pregovori oko EU legislative za političko oglašavanje
I sve to uz potporu naših vrijednih stažistica :)
RT @TheProgressives: One more step towards equality at the top of EU companies!
Members in the @EP_GenderEqual and @EP_Legal committees just adopted last week's agreement on Women on Boards directive.
Danas je na @EP_GenderEqual usvojeno moje mišljenje u kojem jasno tražimo pristupačnu i sveobuhvatnu infrastrukturu u ruralnim područjima, puni pristup zdravstvenoj zaštiti i SRHR-u, konkretne mjere kojima se smanjuje siromaštvo, socijalna isključenost i nezaposlenost.
Together with @SophieintVeld we issued a statement of support to the judicial protest taking place at the moment in Malta.
Through the judicial protest, Maltese women are asking for the decriminalization and legalization of abortion.
RT @unwomenbih: Day 2️Working Sessions in Brussels was spent at the @europarl_en
Thank you @TPicula and @fred_matic for your time and hospitality. The Sessions are organised within the Gender Equality Facility project, which is funded by @eubih and co-funded and implemented by UN Women.
Objavljen je Program ribarstva RH za sljedećih 5 godina. Dokument sadrži 100 stranica, a rok za savjetovanje je samo tjedan dana.
To najbolje govori o ozbiljnosti, a još više o "dobrim namjerama" Vlade RH i Min. poljoprivrede prema građanima i ribarima.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Zastupnik u EU parlamentu, član @SDPHrvatske
Member of the EU Parliament @TheProgressives
Promoting social justice, economic security and equal opportunities.