RT @danielswedin: Tack för att du berättade om det du sett, för att du larmade om det du hörde. Tack.
Vila i frid. https://www.dn.se/kultur/hedi-fried-ar-dod-blev-98-ar/
RT @UlfBjereld: Bra att @JohanPehrson talar klarspråk om "skiten i Tidöavtalet" och om Sverigedemokraternas "bruna sörja". Men "skiten" skvätter på Pehrson också, eftersom han undertecknat avtalet och aktivt samarbetar med den "bruna sörja" som SD representerar. https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/APrmGj/pehrson-inte-jag-som-slapat-in-skiten-i-avtalet #svpol
RT @AnnLinde: En av samtidens viktigaste röster har tystnat. Hédi Frieds vittnesmål om nazisternas brott och hennes orubbliga kamp för människovärdet har haft stor betydelse. Vi har ett ansvar att föra hennes gärning vidare. Vila i frid.
RT @EURightsAgency: Putting #EURightsAgency's research in the service of policy and law making – great meetings today with MEPs @d_boeselager, @salv_de_meo, @evinincir, and @dragos_pislaru.
RT @Solidar_EU: Join SOLIDAR and @EuroMedRights on 29 November, Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People, for a webinar on #ShrinkingSpace for Civil Society 🇵🇸.
Honoured to have @FranceskAlbs, @IratxeGarper and @evinincir with us!
Programme & registration📝⤵️
RT @MuiggTheresa: Ich habe gestern im Plenum zum Antirassismusbericht von @evinincir gesprochen.
Rassistische Gewalt und Diskriminierung darf nicht geduldet werden. Umso wichtiger ist, dass der Bericht verabschiedet wurde.
RT @ShePersistedGL: Are you based in Brussels? Join us on November 14th for a screening of the pivotal documentary #SalePute and a discussion on the impacts of gender-based online violence with @kwilfore and fellow experts! Register here: https://framaforms.org/registration-for-salepute-film-screening-on-14-november-2022-in-brussels-1667473041 @HateAid @evinincir
RT @isabel_mep: ❗️O Parlamento Europeu aprovou hoje o relatório sobre justiça racial, não discriminação e antirracismo na União Europeia. A apresentação do documento, da autoria da minha colega Evin Incir, decorreu esta manhã durante a mini-sessão plenária em Bruxelas. (…)
I dag röstade parlamentet med brett partiöverskridande stöd - dock utan M, KD & SD - för att EU ska ta ett helhetsgrepp i kampen mot strukturell rasism & diskriminering.
👉🏼 https://www.svd.se/a/8Jq3xW/svensk-oenighet-om-antirasism-i-eu
RT @EP_Justice: @evinincir 📢Time to deal with structural and institutional racism in the EU, MEPs say
Parliament demands a robust and multifaceted approach to combat all forms of racism and discrimination, including structural and institutional racism, in the EU.
RT @EP_Justice: ‼️ The report by @evinincir has been adopted with 442👍 114👎 and 420⃣.
Stay tuned for our press release.
RT @RaymondGemen: Rapporteur @evinincir: "#racism is not an opinion, it is a crime. It is a #HumanRights violation" ..."Racism is a threat to our EU #democracy...it is time to go from our words to action. It is time to implement the motto of the EU: "United in Diversity" @europarl_en
RT @MonicaSilvanaG: 🇧🇪En el 2do día de #EPlenary en Bruselas debatimos sobre #JusticiaRacial, #NoDiscriminación y #Antirracismo en la UE.
🇪🇺Sólo 12 países de la UE han presentado sus planes contra el racismo.
Racismo no es ninguna opinión; es un delito y una violación de los DD.HH.
RT @ShadiaRask: Structural problems require structural solutions. Joint Workshop on Structural Racism kicked off, aiming to keep combating racism on the highest political agendas, and calling for political leadership & commitment. Powerful keynotes, incl. MEP @evinincir & MEP @alicebahkuhnke.
RT @TheProgressives: No one is free until everybody is free.
Prejudice always has its roots in everyday life, it is an expression of ignorance and fear.
It is time to go from words to actions – It is about uniting our people and end discrimination and violence.
RT @TheProgressives: The 🇪🇺 exists as a counter force against hatred, but still for too many people discriminations and harassments are a daily reality.
41% or Roma, 45% of people with northern Africa background, 25% of Jewish people feel discriminated against.
Racism is a threat to our democracy.
RT @TheProgressives: Rooting out racism in 🇪🇺 requires action, not just words.
Today, we are leading the debate and vote on the EP’s first comprehensive report on racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism.
More by our MEP and author of the report @evinincir here 👇
@a_gustavsson AOC och/eller Bernie Sanders
RT @CalleFriden: Vad är det för idioter som tror vi ”ger” bort miljarder i bistånd?
RT @EUAntiRacism: MEP @evinincir from @ARDIEuroParl recalled in a powerful keynote that racism is never an opinion, but a human rights violation & should be tackled as such and the need to base national action plans against racism on the recognition of structural racism and #equalitydata
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇪🇺🇸🇪🌹Europaparlamentariker för @socialdemokrat 📧Kontakt via: evin.incir@ep.europa.eu 📍Uppsala 🇸🇪 / Bryssel 🇧🇪