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Parliament has backed prolonging an exemption to EU privacy rules to facilitate the detection of child sexual abuse material online until 3 April 2026.
MEPs stressed the need to agree on a permanent framework.
Read more:!nDWbH7

[2024-04-10 17:00 UTC]

Parliament has approved the new Migration and Asylum Pact.
Asylum claims will be examined more quickly, including at the EU’s borders, and there will be more effective returns.
Press release:!vN6MPR

[2024-04-10 16:37 UTC]

Parliament has adopted a new law to reduce emissions from the energy sector
The new law will enable the EU to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector to reach its climate goals and improve air quality.

[2024-04-10 15:55 UTC]

Parliament, Commission, Council - it can be confusing to know who does what in the EU.
Here's a handy explainer ↓

[2024-04-09 18:00 UTC]

Foreign powers use disinformation and cyber attacks to try to shape EU public opinion in their own interest.
Find out how the EU is fighting back:!rg6kY7

[2024-04-09 15:00 UTC]

From migration and asylum to a reform of the electricity market and new rules for breakfast foods, find out what the European Parliament will be working on this week:!Gxb7NB

[2024-04-08 09:30 UTC]

R to @europarl_en: The more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes. Sign up to get voting reminders so you don't forget to use your vote ↓ 🗳️

[2024-04-08 08:17 UTC]

, here are some of the ways the EU is protecting you ↓
Read more about what the EU is doing to improve public health:!QRGGXj

[2024-04-07 08:00 UTC]

See how many MEPs will represent your country in the EU elections in June ↓
The distribution of seats takes into account the size of the population of EU countries and the need for a minimum level of representation for EU citizens from smaller countries.

[2024-04-06 09:00 UTC]

By polarising the debate, disinformation spreaders want us believe that the differences between us are much greater than they really are and make it difficult to reach compromises and come up with solutions.
Watch this video to see how you can avoid falling into this trap ↓

[2024-04-05 15:00 UTC]

Disinformation and information manipulation pose a serious threat to democracy.
Join our AMA about the European Parliament's work against disinformation with
at 10am CET:

[2024-04-05 07:13 UTC]

Buildings account for 36% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions.
Bringing this number down benefits both consumers and the planet - that's why the Parliament has adopted a new law to do just that.
Find out more:!QY8wnF

[2024-04-04 16:00 UTC]

What has over 700 members, changes every five years and is the only EU body directly elected by the people? 🇪🇺
Watch to find out 👇 and don't forget to use your vote in June 🗳️

[2024-04-03 09:00 UTC]

🕵️ Pause. Think. Check.
This International Fact-Checking Day and every day make sure the content you post, share and read online is accurate. Here are four simple steps to help you on the way 🔎

[2024-04-02 11:30 UTC]

Disinformation: you have probably seen it. And you may even have shared it without knowing.
The first step in breaking the fake is understanding how it works 👇

[2024-04-02 09:19 UTC]

Don't just follow the European elections - act for democracy!
and participate in events, create projects and help to get out the vote for Europe's future 👉

[2024-04-01 09:11 UTC]

The EU has some of the world's best animal welfare standards and it is Parliament’s job to keep it that way.
Find out how Parliament is protecting animals here:!bprFfF

[2024-03-31 07:13 UTC]

Parliament wants to reduce the 60 million tonnes of food waste that is generated in the EU every year.
By 2030, MEPs aim to reduce this number by updating waste rules and setting tougher reduction targets:!FjT6Y8

[2024-03-30 13:59 UTC]

Meet Manuel, a conference usher at the European Parliament. His job is to make sure that meetings run smoothly.
But what exactly does work look like for Manuel?
Take a look for yourself ↓

[2024-03-29 10:26 UTC]

🧸Toys made up nearly a quarter (23%) of products reported as dangerous in the EU in 2022.
This is why Parliament is taking action to protect children.
Learn more:!7CJkp9

[2024-03-28 17:28 UTC]

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