
85% of Irish 🇮🇪 people judge the quality of life in their region to be rather or very good, just above the EU average of 82%, according to a new
survey on EU regions.
Download the survey and an Ireland fact sheet at:!gfvTpT

[2024-03-26 10:49 UTC]

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@eurireland It's all dandy, apart from not being able to buy a home, and the health service being broken


I think when you live in an insular society, the art of comparison is somewhat lost on you.

Self-evaluation of islanders leads to magical thinking. I'm speaking from personal experience having moved back and forth throughout my life.


@nichorra @eurireland And if you're a nation colonised for hundreds of years by the nation next door, you tend to parrot the ideas of that former coloniser, and make all your comparisons with it. We should be comparing ourselves with Scandinavia

@sinabhfuil @eurireland ahhh, but we have a plan, we're going to open the pubs and night clubs longer so that we won't need homes so much, and as a result of the longer hours, we'll feel good (in an inebriated kinda way like), so no need for better health services either. That's the plan right? Genius tbh.

(Detail in this toot may be filled with sarcasm and poor attempts at dry humor. Best consumed in small doses)

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