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One of the biggest events was the 5th - Business Forum.

It provided the opportunity for governments & private sector to familiarise themselves with EU/GCC economic policies & programmes & to identify business opportunities.

Watch here:


The Slovo building in Kharkiv stands as a landmark of 🇺🇦 history and an inspiring literature residence for writers across the world. Its facade was damaged by Russian shelling, but word is adamant.

On support @PenUkraine



The conference aimed at building bridges between the innovation ecosystems in both the and Arab countries by creating connections among the three critical stakeholders in ecosystems: top researchers, driven entrepreneurs, and smart capital investors.


Expo was an opportunity for us to create new partnerships in the region across all fields.

In , the & @ExpoSpain2020 hosted "Fostering EU-Arab Countries Innovation in Green Tech: Connecting Minds, Scaling-up strategies and Funding."



RT @EUinArabic: أقدم لكم اليوم في مداخلة من إيطاليا. ينضم إلينا من هناك الإمام يحيى بلاّفيتشيني رئيس المجتمع الإسلامي الإيطالي للحديث عن الإسلام في بلده. شاهدوا.


RT @eu_eeas: 📢The Earth is calling.
Make some noise to beat .
Join us & make the Earth’s 💚beat stronger.

Use your hands, your voice, tap on a table, or make any other sound.
Post your video with & tag us.

Listen to the beat grow & spread the word👇


RT @EUinArabic: نصل ضمن فقرة إلى بلغاريا. أكبر مسجد هناك هو مسجد "تومبول" الذي بُني في ١٧٤٤ وأصبح تراثا قوميا. يمكنكم الصلاة في العاصمة صوفيا دخل مسجد "بانيا باشي". هل تعلمون أن الجالية المسلمة ستوزع ٧٥٠٠ عبوة غذائية على المحتاجين خلال شهر ؟



DYK? 60 % of world ecosystems are degraded.

Now is the time to join in as people around the world respond to the Earth’s call to amplify its heartbeat.

Follow the instructions 👇 &

🗓️ 22 April


RT @EUinArabic: يتابع الاتحاد الأوروبي بقلق بالغ تصاعد العنف في أنحاء الضفة الغربية المحتلة، بما في ذلك القدس الشرقية والاشتباكات في المسجد الأقصى. يجب وقف العنف على الفور، ومنع وقوع المزيد من الضحايا المدنيين. يجب احترام الوضع الراهن للأماكن المقدسة احتراما كاملا:


RT @ExtSpoxEU: Israel/Palestine: 🇪🇺 follows with deep concern latest upsurge of violence in West Bank & clashes at Al Aqsa Mosque. Violence must stop immediately, status quo of holy sites has 2B respected, leaders must act against extremists, all side need to de-escalate


RT @JanezLenarcic: While taking the initiative, the 🇪🇺 remains firmly committed to engage with Rome-based 🇺🇳 agencies, like @WFP, @FAO & @IFAD, which have a critical role to play in mobilising international response that mitigates what could otherwise become an unprecedented global hunger crisis.


The also held the forum “A Shared Sustainable Recovery Based on SDGs” at @ItalyExpo2020 to discuss best practices to implement the and the in the context of the COVID19 pandemic and its socio-economic effects at global level.



RT @EUinArabic: أود أن أتحدث اليوم في عن عملنا مع منظمة التعاون الإسلامي على مجموعة من المستويات، بما فيها مكافحة الكراهية ضد المسلمين. طلبت من السيدة بيرغيت لويزِر، مديرة قسم العلاقات مع المنظمات الإقليمية في الاتحاد الأوروبي، أن تشرح لنا المزيد حول هذا الموضوع.


The Circular Europe Days events organised by the opened with a statement by EU Executive VP Frans @TimmermansEU:
“We must find a way to prosper together. The transition to the circular economy is at the heart of the to reach climate neutrality by 2050”


The organised the Circular Europe Days, a series of events to showcase Europe's excellence in the circular economy.

Our 🇪🇺 and international high-level speakers discussed how to move from a linear economic model to a circular economy model.



@AndreaFontanaEU The organised the Circular Europe Days, a series of events to showcase Europe's excellence in the circular economy.

Our 🇪🇺 and international high-level speakers discussed how to move from a linear economic model to a circular economy model.



RT @euintheuae: is over but its impact and benefits will be felt for years to come.

The European Union 🇪🇺 planned to leave a positive legacy at Expo from the outset.

Follow this thread over to discover how we delivered on our objectives & revisit the best of .


Ukraine´s cause today is the world´s cause. 🇺🇦 🌍

We made it clear by raising €9.1 billion through the campaign.

This sum will help cater for the needs of the people fleeing the war inside and outside the country.

Check out our for more. ↓


RT @EUinArabic: نواصل جولتنا ضمن في السويد. أحد مساجدنا المفضلة في ذلك البلد هو مسجد "فيتجا" الذي يقع في ستوكهولم. هل تعلمون أن أول نداء للصلاة في السويد قد سُمع في عام 2013 من هذا المسجد. شاهدوا.


The global pledging event, held in Warsaw on 9 April, raised €10.1 billion for people fleeing the Russian invasion.

The funds will guarantee housing, economic security and support for those who have had to flee their homes in Ukraine.


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