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2️⃣ months ago, Russia started its unjustified invasion of Ukraine.

Food, water, shelter, or medical aid – we continue to provide the assistance the country needs.

Since the very first day, Europe has stood united. We continue to do so.

©️ Carmine Palladino


نحتفل بمناسبة والدبلوماسية.

يجدد التزامه الثابت بمبادئ ميثاق الأمم المتحدة من أجل السلام العالمي.

ندعو لاحترام هذه المبادئ أيضا و لوقف عدوانها على .

يعرض الغزو الروسي السلام الدولي للخطر.


Today is .

Amid the devastating war in 🇺🇦 Ukraine and growing global challenges, we reaffirm our resolve to uphold the UN Charter and its principles. For a peaceful and prosperous world.

Multilateralism matters 👇!KbXCcB


On International Human Fraternity Day, the , in cooperation with @HumanFraternity, @EFYouth & @ArabYouthCenter, held a “Youth Majlis” at under the theme: “Developing across Various Sectors”.


2022 is the .

The 🌍 needs the vision, engagement & participation of young people to build a better, greener, more inclusive & digital future.

The held an interactive dialogue between decision-makers and 30 young people from different countries.


Since the war in Ukraine started, over 4.7M people fled the country arriving in the EU.

Latest updates on the situation of refugees coming from Ukraine to Europe ⬇️


RT @EUinArabic: تأخذنا جولتنا اليوم ضمن فقرة إلى هولندا. تضم هذه الدولة مساجدا مختلفة لكن اخترنا مدينة أمستردام تحديدا حيث يقع مبنى كنيسة كاثوليكية تحول في ١٩٨١ إلى مسجد اسمه الفاتح. إلاّ أنّ منذ ذلك الحين، لم تتغير واجهته حيث يمكنكم رؤية الهلال على قمة البرج.


Innovation is key for economic growth.

The presented a new study by the 🇪🇺 Joint Research Centre () on innovative models for urban innovation ecosystems.

Watch the session that took place at @Expo2020se here:


Putin’s assault on Ukraine is an unprovoked, premeditated and
barbaric attack on Ukrainian citizens and the democratic foundation of our societies and the rules by which we coexist.


RT @eu_eeas: Europe and its Southern Neighbourhood: how large is the sea between us?

Join the 5th session of EEAS & @Academie_be Conference Cycle for answers with Ambassador @RaoulDelcorde, Prof. Jean-Pierre Filiu and Tunisia Junior Minister Faouzia Farida Charfi


The 2021 Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World is published at a truly extraordinary moment. Human rights and democracy are and will continue to be at the heart of the EU’s external action.!VY6Fdm


في نحتفي بذكرى الوالد المؤسس المغفور له الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان والقيم الإنسانية التي جسدها.

سيواصل العمل مع في مساعيها للبناء على نهج الخير والعطاء للشيخ زايد، من أجل توفير الدعم الإنساني للمحتاجين في جميع أنحاء العالم.


On we remember the Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the humanitarian values he embodied.

The will continue to work with the as they carry forward Sheikh Zayed's legacy to support those in need around the world.


AI offers immense potential in areas as diverse as health, transport, energy, agriculture, and tourism or cyber security. However, certain applications if used without care, may create complexity, risk the disruption of activities and processes or even harm human rights.


Buildings & infrastructures produce at least 40% of 🌍 greenhouse emissions.

The is rethinking architecture to become the 1st climate-neutral continent by 2050.

This was showcased at the exhibition: "Transformation Strategies: European Architecture as Caregiver".


EU VP @MargSchinas opened the forum:

“Our well-established - cooperation provides the right framework to advance together toward a sustainable economic model. As we move on, we should learn lessons from the pandemic & use the opportunity to do things better.”


RT @EUinArabic: نصل ضمن فقرة إلى بلغاريا. أكبر مسجد هناك هو مسجد "تومبول" الذي بُني في ١٧٤٤ وأصبح تراثا قوميا. يمكنكم الصلاة في العاصمة صوفيا دخل مسجد "بانيا باشي". هل تعلمون أن الجالية المسلمة ستوزع ٧٥٠٠ عبوة غذائية على المحتاجين خلال شهر ؟



RT @JanezLenarcic: While taking the initiative, the 🇪🇺 remains firmly committed to engage with Rome-based 🇺🇳 agencies, like @WFP, @FAO & @IFAD, which have a critical role to play in mobilising international response that mitigates what could otherwise become an unprecedented global hunger crisis.


RT @EUinArabic: نواصل جولتنا ضمن في السويد. أحد مساجدنا المفضلة في ذلك البلد هو مسجد "فيتجا" الذي يقع في ستوكهولم. هل تعلمون أن أول نداء للصلاة في السويد قد سُمع في عام 2013 من هذا المسجد. شاهدوا.


@AndreaFontanaEU During Global Goals Week the organised a broad set of activities in partnership with several Member States including Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden in addition to participating to @Expo2020Dubai activities.


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