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🗓️Denne ansøgningsrunde er åben til torsdag den 21. april.
Læs mere: https://europa.eu/!kB7hVt
#StandUpForUkraine har indsamlet 9,1 mia. EUR til mennesker på flugt fra bomber internt i og uden for Ukraine.
Og når bomberne en dag holder op med at falde, så vil vi hjælpe ukrainerne med at genopbygge deres land.
Verden står sammen for Ukraine!
🇪🇺📰 EU i dagens aviser 12. april 2022: Flere af dagens aviser bringer nyt om krigen i Ukraine, yderligere sanktioner mod Rusland og Østrigs kanslers møde med Putin - https://europa.eu/!8gjkqY
🇪🇺📰EU i dagens aviser 11. april 2022: Flere af weekendens og mandagens aviser skriver om, hvordan Rusland bliver ramt af flere og flere sanktioner fra Vesten. EU-Kommissionen har fredag formelt godkendt femte pakke af sanktioner mod Rusland - https://europa.eu/!HPcppr
🇪🇺📰Den siddende præsident Emmanuel #Macron og udfordreren fra højrefløjen, Marine #LePen fra Rassemblement National, kvalificerede sig til anden valgrunde ved det franske præsidentvalg- https://europa.eu/!HPcppr
#eudk #franceelection
RT @EU_Commission: The solidarity of countries, companies and people worldwide offers some light in this dark hour.
Our #StandUpForUkraine campaign with @GlblCtzn has raised 9.1 billion euros for people fleeing bombs, inside and outside Ukraine.
Thank you 🙏
Politiske ledere støtter Ukraine med #StandUpForUkraine
Deltag i det globale donorarrangement som skal skaffe penge til ukrainske internt fordrevne og flygtninge.
RT @vonderleyen: President @ZelenskyyUa, we heard you.
You called on the world to join forces in support of those fleeing the invasion, inside and outside Ukraine.
We respond today with #StandUpForUkraine to mobilise funding and support for Ukraine. https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1BRJjnyZoZdJw
RT @PiaAhrenkilde: 📣Less than 1️⃣ hour to go!At the #StandUpForUkraine pledging event @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen & Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau will mobilise the global community to raise funds to help refugees & internally displaced. Info & LIVE link 👉https://stand-up-for-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/index_en
RT @vonderleyen: Your fight is our fight. Europe is on your side.
This is the message I brought to President @ZelenskyyUa and the Ukrainian people yesterday in Kyiv.
RT @EU_Commission: "Dear Volodymyr, my message today is clear: Ukraine belongs in the European family. We have heard your request, loud and clear"
President @vonderleyen in Kyiv. Read full statement https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_22_2381
RT @vonderleyen: It was important to start my visit in Bucha.
Because in Bucha our humanity was shattered.
My message to Ukrainian people:
Those responsible for the atrocities will be brought to justice.
Your fight is our fight.
I’m in Kyiv today to tell you that Europe is on your side.
RT @vonderleyen: The missile attack this morning on a train station used for evacuations of civilians in Ukraine is despicable.
I am appalled by the loss of life and I will offer personally my condolences to President @ZelenskyyUa
My thoughts are with the families of the victims.
Vær med, når vi streamer den globale donorarrangement #StandUpForUkraine i morgen kl. 15
RT @EU_Commission: Tomorrow at 3 PM CET, join us in the global pledging event #StandUpForUkraine.
President @vonderleyen and @CanadianPM, together with @GlblCtzn and President @AndrzejDuda, will mobilise support and raise funds for Ukrainian refugees and those internally displaced.
RT @EU_Commission: If you are fleeing Ukraine and coming to the EU, here are some useful recommendations on how to stay safe while on the move. 👇
Info on:
📄 Documents
🏬 Accommodation
🧰 Jobs
🛡 Safety from trafficking
🇪🇺📰EU i dagens aviser den 8. april: EU indfører nu flere sanktioner mod Rusland og for første gang indebærer en af disse sanktioner importforbud på en russisk energikilde, nemlig russisk kul, skriver flere aviser - https://europa.eu/!NW3d6r
🇪🇺📰EU i dagens aviser den 7. april: Flere af dagens aviser bringer bl.a. debatindlæg omkring afstemningen om afskaffelse af forsvarsforbeholdet. https://europa.eu/!j6rmvW
RT @vonderleyen: We have all seen the haunting images of Bucha.
This is what is happening when Putin´s soldiers occupy Ukrainian territory.
They call this liberation.
I call this war crimes.
The Russian authorities will have to answer for them. https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1gqGvlOZjRRxB
🇪🇺📰EU i dagens aviser den 6. april 2022: Flere af dagens aviser skriver om de nye sanktioner, som er på vej fra EU efter de angivelige russiske krigsforbrydelser i Ukraine - https://europa.eu/!RX3DMD
EU i dagens aviser tirsdag den 5. april 2022: Politikere kræver hårde sanktioner efter #Butja... https://europa.eu/!xNGGBy #eudk #StandWithUkraine️
RT @vonderleyen: Russia is waging a cruel, ruthless war, also against Ukraine’s civilian population.
We need to sustain utmost pressure at this critical point.
So today we are proposing a 5th package of sanctions.
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