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RT by @eucopresident: The world needs an international treaty on pandemics — a shield against future pandemics.

With @DrTedros we rallied the international community to launch discussions in @WHO for an international treaty on pandemics.

We must conclude negotiations by May 2024.


[2023-09-20 16:09 UTC]

RT by @eucopresident: Looking forward to meeting @POTUS on 20 October in Washington with @vonderleyen for a Summit 🇪🇺🇺🇸

In these testing times, transatlantic action is more important than ever.!tCvmRw


[2023-09-28 10:03 UTC]

RT by @eucopresident: Convened EU heads of state or government for an informal in Granada this Friday.

Our discussions will mark the start of an important reflection process on EU's future priorities, allowing us to collectively chart the course for the Union, defining its direction & future goals.!nQwCNm


[2023-10-02 20:20 UTC]

RT by @eucopresident: Sono profondamente addolorato per il terribile incidente di questa sera di un bus a Mestre.

Porgo le mie più sentite condoglianze alle famiglie e ai cari delle vittime in questo triste momento. Vi sono vicino.


[2023-10-03 21:24 UTC]

RT Charles Michel
We have made significant progress on since February.
Our debate at didn't show unanimity but it showed large convergence.
The European Council remains fully committed to this topic and will return to it on a regular basis.


RT Charles Michel
Stort tack @SwedishPM and the team of @Sweden2023EU for the excellent work during your presidency!
has been a true success! You delivered the 11th sanctions package against Russia, an important deal on migration and one of the world's largest climate packages!


RT Charles Michel
Dear @MarinSanna, thank you for all your work in the European Council as Finnish prime minister!
We will remember your achievements during and your strong voice in the Ukraine conflict.
Kiitos ja kaikkea hyvää!


RT Charles Michel: Thank you, dear @eduardheger for the excellent cooperation. Wishing you all the best for the future.


RT Charles Michel
Met with Prime Minister @kajakallas
Working hard to ensure has all the capabilities it needs to repel Russia’s ongoing aggression.
Ahead of also prepared discussions on China and external relations.


RT Charles Michel
Our unwavering unity stands in contrast to the disunity in Russia showcased by this weekend’s events.
My invitation letter to EU leaders ahead of this week's European Council!CYbr7K


RT Charles Michel
We stand by the people of , @WilliamsRuto and his Government after the terrorist attack in .
The fight against Al-Shabaab is a common fight that requires the mobilization of the entire international community.
The EU will continue supporting Kenya in this endeavour.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Josep Borrell Fontelles: Terrorism has struck Kenya's county.
As President @WilliamsRuto recently said, “Al Shabaab is not going to reverse the gains we have made in the last couple of years. We will confront and defeat them.”
The EU will stand by Kenya in that fight.



RT Charles Michel
Congratulations @kmitsotakis on your re-election as Greece's Prime Minister.
Looking forward to meeting you in this week's and continue working together on our common European challenges.
Συγχαρητήρια και καλή δύναμη Κυριάκο!


RT Charles Michel
Dozens of children and students were killed by last night in Kasese
Targeting children is the most coward and despicable act possible.
EU presents its condolences to @KagutaMuseveni and the people of
We stand by your side in the fight against terrorism.


RT Charles Michel
Au lendemain du sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier mondial et une semaine avant le sommet européen, retrouvez mon interview sur @BFMTV où j’aborde les grands enjeux actuels: la guerre en Ukraine, ses conséquences, la migration, l’action européenne.


RT @CharlesMichel: This is truly a big step!

Congratulations to @YlvaJohanson and @sweden2023eu for the perseverance and the hard work.


RT @CharlesMichel: Bouleversé par l’attaque ignoble qui a eu lieu à Annecy.

La lâcheté absolue dont l’auteur a fait preuve en s’attaquant à des enfants nous choque tous.

Mes pensées vont aux victimes et leurs familles.

Je remercie forces de l’ordre & équipes médicales pour leur réaction rapide.


RT @CharlesMichel: Congratulations Nikolay Denkov on your swearing-in as Bulgaria's new Prime Minister.

I am looking forward to working with you in the interest of Bulgarian and European citizens.


RT @CharlesMichel: With @sanchezcastejon closely looked into the EU’s priorities for the presidency.

The July EU-CELAC summit will bring our partnership to a new level.

Together we will deliver.


RT @CharlesMichel: Will raise the issue at June and propose more assistance to the flooded areas.

My thoughts with all the families in affected by this catastrophe.


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