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🧵 In 2022 we published ten new or updated Explainers, a clear and visual way to understand central banking topics – available in all EU languages!

Here is a recap of some of them in case you missed them ⬇️



Današnji je dan povijesni dan za Hrvatsku i Europu. Eurska obitelj dobila je prinovu! Želimo dobrodošlicu Hrvatskoj, novoj članici europodručja. Radujemo se što si s nama i čestitamo @HNB_HR na svemu što je učinjeno kako bi se uveo euro!


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This New Year’s Day is a truly historic one for Croatia and Europe. The euro family has grown, and we welcome Croatia as our newest member! Happy to have you with us and congratulations to @HNB_HR on all the hard work done towards adopting the euro!


RT @Lagarde: I’m delighted to welcome Croatia as the 20th member of the euro area! My compliments to the Croatian central bank @HNB_HR and Governor Boris Vujčić on all the hard work to prepare for the adoption of the euro. It’s a fine start to 2023.


Lagarde: ECB policy rates must be higher to curb inflation and bring it down to our 2% target. That process is essential to prevent inflation from becoming entrenched in the economy.


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Lagarde: Croatia has implemented the necessary restructuring and has done everything to ensure its public finances remain sound. It should not now rest on its laurels but continue to implement structural reforms.


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🧵For Croatia, joining the euro area on 1 January 2023 is an incredible success, says President Christine Lagarde. It’s wonderful to welcome the 20th member to the family as we round off celebrations of the 20th anniversary of euro cash.



How did euro area bank lending and money supply evolve in November? How do they compare with October’s figures? Find out more in the press release


24 episodes, 536 minutes of content.

In 2022, did its thing, says our . And our listeners loved it! We’ve covered a wide range of topics and there’s much more to come next year.

Tune in to the latest episode


In times of uncertainty, people and businesses must be prudent and focus on the long term, Vice-President Luis de Guindos tells the young entrepreneurs of @CEAJE. The future of Europe’s and Spain’s firms depends on how they adapt to the current challenges


In just five days Croatia will join the euro area and adopt the euro!

We’re excited to welcome a new member to the euro family on 1 January 2023.


Strong supervision is beneficial for everyone, Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria tells @SZ.

As supervisors, we hold up a mirror to banks to show them their strengths and weaknesses. This helps us to share good practices across the sector


As inflation is expected to stay above 2% for some time, we will raise interest rates for as long as necessary to bring inflation back to target, Executive Board member @Isabel_Schnabel tells @FAZ_NET. This requires moving rates into restrictive territory


RT @Lagarde: The past year has challenged us more than we could have imagined. During this holiday period, I hope you will share moments of joy and celebration with your loved ones.

I wish you a happy start to 2023.


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