The @europarl_en must condemn in the strongest terms the Azerbaijani blockade of the #LachinCorridor. Thousands of Armenians are suffering in #Artsakh. Yet again in their history, Armenians are subjected to #genocide. We stand with them! Solidarity with #Armenia🇦🇲 !
The future of #Moldova🇲🇩 is in the #EU 🇪🇺. It's the only defence against malicious foreign interference. I urge the government in #Chisinau to stop the attempts to limit the autonomy of the #Taraclia region populated with the #BulgarianMinority in the country.
If we're serious on the issue of #HumanRights, then we need to demonstrate the same standard in every situation. And #Artsakh needs our solidarity, support and concrete humanitarian aid. We stand with #Armenia🇦🇲! #EPlenary
#Fitfor55 is a legislative package of measures that can only be qualified as Europe's ritual economic suicide. The green transition is a mirage. The #transportsector will be particularly hard hit. Personal mobility vanish. #EPlenary
"#Fitfor55 is a legislative package of measures that can only be qualified as Europe's economic suicide. The transport sector will be particularly hard hit."
🗣 ECR MEP @djambazki denounces the outcomes of the Fit for 55 package negotiations. #EPlenary @EP_Transport
#Kosovo deserves #visaliberalisation and I am glad that they will get it. They are progressing while other countries in the #WesternBalkans are lagging behind.
RT @kos_data: 🇪🇺 EU countries have agreed to grant Kosovo visa liberalization.
Kosovo passport holders will be able to travel to the EU without a visa starting from 01.01.2024.
Унищожен, заедно с Мемориала на Първи и Шести пехотни полкове, заедно с първия паметник на Ботев във Враца. Заедно с хиляди други паметни знаци. Тези, които разрушиха българските паметници, сега пищят, че трябвало да пазим тотемите на окупатора.
Знаете ли кой е този паметник, къде се намира и на какво е посветен? Това е Паметникът на незнайния македонски четник. Открит е през 1933 г. в Горна Джумая, днес Благоевград. Защо не го виждате? Защото е разрушен от болшевишкия пролетариат след съветската окупация през 1944 г. 🧵
Вече съм убеден - ние с Нинова, с Мая, с Копейката, със спагети Сидерони - не сме една нация. Просто не сме. Те са истинското, позорно, криво, некрасиво лице на грозното национално предателство. Национално предателство, което си иска съветския окупатор.
#МОЧА трябва да бъде премахнат. Защото е позорен тотем на армия окупатор. Това е моята позиция и позицията на групата общински съветници от #ВМРО в #СОС.
Решенията в СО се вземат на заседание на СОС, чрез #гласуване, а не на заседание на постоянни или временни #комисии.
This joke, actually pretty accurately, outlines the #DemocraticParty and its foreign policy attitude. Via local proxies, they stifle opposition and take politicians as "hostages". We know this all too well. Foreign agents must be ashamed of themselves!
#GenderIdeology exists. It is malevolent and it seeks to change our perception simple biological realities. It is making its way in our schools and it must be banned asap. President #Trump clearly outlined the conservative response: children must not be sexualised or mutilated.
Честит национален празник, българи! България над всичко! Да живее България! 🇧🇬
Today we mark one year of the illegal #war of #aggression waged by #Russia against #Ukraine. The #peace will be achieved through the #victory of the Ukrainian people when and only when Ukraine is restored in its constitutional borders.
Слава #Україні🇺🇦!
Героям Слава!
150 години от гибелта на Васил Левски! 150 години безсмъртие, достойнство и памет българска!
Дълбок поклон пред Апостола! Вечна памет! #ПомниГероите #ПомниИсторията
15 years passed since the people of #Kosovo🇽🇰 achieved their heroic #independence. I was in Pristina on this faithful day and I know what this day meant for the people of this country. Happy independence day dear friends! We will always stand by you! #Kosovo15Years
One year of terror and violence for #Ukraine🇺🇦. Declarations would not help Ukraine. #Weapons and modern #technology will. #Peace in #Europe can be achieved only when the #territorialintegrity of #sovereignUkraine is restored.
Tackling #violence against #women is a noble cause. One in which the #IstanbulConvention plays no role. Instead it imposes the unnatural view that the biological #gender is something different than biological sex. Trans men are not men and trans women are not women. Simple.
🗣️ ECR MEP @djambazki stands up for those Europeans who rely on affordable car travel ⤵️