На 1 февруари 1945 г. са осъдени на смърт принц Кирил Преславски, Богдан Филов, ген. Никола Михов – тримата регенти на България преди окупацията от СССР и осъществяването на деветосептемврийския преврат, с който на власт идва „Отечественият фронт“. Освен тях, на смърт са осъдени 17 бивши министри. Присъдата им е изпълнена незабавно в нощта между 1 и 2 февруари, а телата им са захвърлени в яма в близост до Централните софийски гробища.
Тази черна дата ознаменува началото на унищожаването на българския елит, на унищожаването на българския суверенитет, национална чест и памет.
Унищожени са стотици паметници, изградени в памет на загиналите за свободата и обединението на Отечеството. Един от тях е паметникът на „Незнайния македонски четник“ в Благоевград. Изграден да пази паметта за безсмъртните борци за свободна българска Македония и унищожен по заповед на Кремъл, за да се настани там лъжата, наречена „македонска нация“.
Терорът е насочен срещу стотици хиляди противници на режима, сред тях множество дейци на ВМРО като Кирил Дрангов, Страхил Развигоров и Йосиф Марков. Погромът, осъществен над Организацията, е продължение на действията на Народния съд и е с цел да бъде спряна борбата на ВМРО срещу налаганата насилствена „македонизация“ на Пиринския край.
Днес е важно да припомним тези черни събития и да разобличаваме лъжите и прикриването на престъпленията, извършени от комунистите. Историята е такава, каквато е и ние не трябва да я крием, колкото и да е жестока и срамна! Нека се знае и помни!
Поклон пред жертвите и вечна памет!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1752982798888054867#m
[2024-02-01 09:10 UTC]
The situation in
after the parliamentary
held at the end of last year raises more and more questions about its possibility of
integration. In the parliamentary elections held in December 2023, numerous irregularities were registered, undermining the electoral process in the country - pressure on voters, mass re-registration and organized removal of citizens of
and Herzegovina who illegally voted on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Attacks by the authorities in
against the international observers and their findings followed. Thus, the question arises; can
be part of the civilized Western world and the European Union, after using
methods of organizing and holding parliamentary elections?
This is not a precedent for Serbia. For more than 100 years, Belgrade has been carrying out a policy of genocide against the Bulgarians in the Western suburbs, deliberately refusing to develop economically and transport this area, which is currently on the territory of Serbia. There are countless times when the Serbian authorities do not allow
citizens to enter Tsaribrod or Bosilegrad to participate in cultural events or commemorative ceremonies. Deterring free movement, confiscating books and not allowing cultural and commemorative events of the Bulgarian minority in Serbia only shows that Belgrade is moving in the opposite direction of the European Union.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1747596140181074325#m
[2024-01-17 12:26 UTC]
„Името на България трябва да стои най-високо и да свети като слънце в сърцето ни.“
80 години от героичния на подвиг на капитан Димитър Списаревски.
Орлите умират в полет!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1737375970280026494#m
[2023-12-20 07:34 UTC]
Scandalous insolence on the part of
and the
Mr. Mandl and his Austrian colleagues seem to forget who uttered the words "Wir schaffen das", who invited everyone, not only
, but all kinds of illegal migrants from everywhere. It was not us
, nor any
politician. On the contrary, we organized and defended our border, which is external to the EU, from the hordes of illegal immigrants. When we from
insisted to build a fence and enhance available manpower along the border, people like Mandl were silent.
is the largest group in
why didn't colleague Mandl get involved when we warned and wanted a common European policy to stop illegal migration? Because then he willingly voted
together with his colleagues for the protection of "fundamental rights", for the redistribution of
, fake rescue operations etc.
should not and will not accept
, because of the mistakes and bad conscience of some Europeans. We have fulfilled all the criteria to be in the
area, confirmed by several commissions and inspections. Any delay in our accession is a gross double standard and hypocrisy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1735720528113975709#m
[2023-12-15 17:56 UTC]
The European Certificate of Parenthood is an atempt to impose recognition of
partnerships in countries that have legislation against them. The
is clear on this. Families are to be composes by mothers, fathers, and their children.
Homosexual parenthood is unnatural and it is not up to the
institutions to decide how countries regulate
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1735168768823718307#m
[2023-12-14 05:24 UTC]
Today is a good day. The totem of the occupational red army has fallen.
was a plight for the nations of Eastern
and it's monuments must be removed, dismantled and forgotten.
Better dead than red!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1734939301832503413#m
[2023-12-13 14:12 UTC]
Добре че е мис Бони. Всичко е готово и е от Алиекспрес.
е спасена. Време е за
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1733085474183406019#m
[2023-12-08 11:25 UTC]
RT by @djambazki: Warsaw Institute was very strongly represented at the Western Balkans Summit 2023 🇧🇬organised by @europeanreform in cooperation with Warsaw Institute and @WeAreEDYN. On our behalf, the conference was attended by our experts Maciej Tyburski and @AlekArabadzic ❗️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/WarsawInstitute/status/1731632036761280575#m
[2023-12-04 11:10 UTC]
RT by @djambazki: At the Western Balkans Summit hosted by Angel Dzhambazki MEP and the New Direction, we discussed the transformative impact of EU expansion as a pathway to stability, prosperity, and the fostering of peace.
#EUEnlargement #WesternBalkans #Transformation
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/teutavodo/status/1731346589992591592#m
[2023-12-03 16:16 UTC]
A heartfelt thank you to all participants and online viewers of the
! Your insights, discussions, and engagement have made this event a success. Let's continue working together for a prosperous and harmonious future in the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730983278323134751#m
[2023-12-02 16:12 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Jure Gudelj, journalist, Editor at http://Dnevkik.ba
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730957904583233610#m
[2023-12-02 14:31 UTC]
I would like to thank Mr. Fabio S.P. Iacono, who is the representative ot Fratelli d'Italia and the Italian Monarchic Union, for his intervention at our
Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730959748067950704#m
[2023-12-02 14:38 UTC]
🗣Almir Saiti -Senior Political Advisor - in the Office of Deputy Prime Minister Of Rep. of Kosovo
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730959956000534753#m
[2023-12-02 14:39 UTC]
🌐 Exciting discussions ahead at Panel IV - Future of the Western Balkans: A Young Political Leader’s Roundtable! 🎓 Join us for a dynamic conversation with emerging leaders from the region, exploring challenges and envisioning a united and prosperous future.
🗣 Speakers:
- Marsela Delija, EDYN Albania Chapter Representative
- Vedrana Vujović, MP, and EDYN Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador
- Ideal Zhaveli, Executive Director of Activism Roots and EDYN Kosovo Ambassador
- Zineta Husić, EDYN Montenegro Chapter Representative
- Blendi Hodai, CEO of Forum for Educational Change, and EDYN North Macedonia Chapter Representative
- Aleksandar Mijailović, Lawyer, and EDYN Serbia Ambassador
🎤 Moderator: Enrik Keco, Vice-President, European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN)
Let's hear the voices of the next generation shaping the future of the Western Balkans! 🌍
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730963058120343868#m
[2023-12-02 14:52 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Marsela Delija, EDYN Albania Chapter representative
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730966244143009890#m
[2023-12-02 15:04 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Ideal Zhaveli, Executive Director of Activism Roots and EDYN Kosovo Ambassador
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730966809161928776#m
[2023-12-02 15:07 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Zineta Husić, EDYN Montenegro Chapter representative
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730969127408259387#m
[2023-12-02 15:16 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Blendi Hodai, CEO of Forum for Educational Change, and EDYN North Macedonia Chapter representative
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730969774744564022#m
[2023-12-02 15:18 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Aleksandar Mijailović, lawyer, and EDYN Serbia Ambassador
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730971736584122616#m
[2023-12-02 15:26 UTC]
R to @djambazki: 🗣Vedrana Vujović, MP, and EDYN Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/djambazki/status/1730973812852769265#m
[2023-12-02 15:34 UTC]