Hallo 🇦🇹 ist da wer?
RT @davidmcallister: Joint Statement by Chairs of Foreign Affairs Committees on granting EU candidate status to #Ukraine.
signed by 🇭🇷🇨🇿🇧🇪🇧🇬🇪🇪🇭🇺🇮🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹🇵🇱🇪🇺
Teenagerträume werden wahr ❤️
RT @toriamos: So great getting to catch up with my music sister @SarahMcLachlan at last night’s show in Vancouver!
RT @shashj: Jaw-dropping, even by the debased standards of Russia’s foreign ministry. Every post-colonial state should take note of the ideas that Russia is propounding here.
RT @RenewEurope: "We must invest in sustainable aviation to keep our promise of climate neutrality by 2050.
With this vote the @europarl_en has set international standards and ensures that the aviation sector joins the fight against climate change", says @dieGamon.
RT @Pieter_de_Pous: 2 immediate thoughts:
For an EP that got into power on the back of a 'green wave', adopting ambitious green policies is way more difficult then it should be.
Sending it back to Commiteee is a bold, unusual move that gives EP a second chance to get it right
RT @miquelme10: Roland Frühstück (ÖVP) gerade im Landtag an die Opposition: "Seit Monaten scheffknechtet, bitscht und auert eine blutrünstige Opposition herum." Ratet mal, was heute wieder Thema im #Landtag ist. #Vorarlberg #Wirtschaftsbund
RT @LudgerWess: #Gentechnik, wie sie im #Bioladen zu finden ist: In solchen "Atomaren Gärten" entstanden Sorten, die noch heute im Biolandbau üblich sind. In der Mitte des Gärten befand sich eine radioaktive Strahlenquelle..
RT @christogrozev: When you ask Siri in Russia/n "Siri, what's the latest news", it gives you "news" from three websites: all run by the Kremlin, all long proven to be peddling fake news, and in fact two of the three are sanctioned. This is embarrassing, and probably criminal, @Apple.
RT @chinarhyming: As ever on June 4 this beautiful photo that shows the sheer joyousness & hope of #TiananmenSquare before the tanks rolled in
RT @JacquelynGill: CO2 levels have reached those of the mid-Pliocene, over 4 million years ago, when sea levels were between 5 and 25 meters higher than today, and temperatures were 2-3 degrees C warmer than today.
Is this what our world is going to look like, now?
No, and here’s why:
RT @mbk_center: Childhood happiness is when you find your beloved cat alive in the ruins of the house you used to live in...
RT @netflix: Max & Kate Bush: another perfect Stranger Things duo
RT @diego_bxl: Von der Leyen smashes her legacy today.
RT @FelixEypeltauer: Die ständigen Malversationen und Korruptionsfälle der ÖVP beschädigen unseren gemeinsamen Ort Politik schwer. OÖVP-Chef Thomas Stelzer muss veranlassen, dass sein Seniorenbund die 1,9 Millionen Corona-Förderung zurückzahlt. Das gebietet allein der Anstand.
@sim0nvetter Ich bin hin und her gerissen!!!
RT @NikiScherak: Ist es eigentlich ok, wenn sich die Ukraine verteidigt liebe @SPOE_at ? Oder soll sie sich lieber gleich ergeben? Eure Haltung ist wirklich erschreckend.
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