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RT by @daniel_freund: Brief but good account of Orban's with laughable quote from "pro-government political scientist Andras Lanczi" who describes corruption as “well-thought-out economic policy”
cc @daniel_freund


[2024-01-24 18:36 UTC]
strikes again!
Bayerns Vize hier beim Händeschütteln mit Peter Szijjarto - dem Außenminister des Orban-Regimes. Das allein ist schon schlimm genug. Aber ausgerechnet Szijjarto ist der, der weiter freundschaftliche Beziehungen mit dem Kreml unterhält.


[2024-01-24 10:50 UTC]

R to @daniel_freund: Man muss dazu sagen, dass die Orban-Leute immer gern gesehene Gäste in München waren. Bis es zum Zerwürfnis zwischen CSU und Orban kam. Alte Traditionen sollen jetzt wohl wieder frisches Leben eingehaucht werden.


[2024-01-24 10:55 UTC]

When US journalists look at the prospects of a second Trump presidency, they turn to Hungary. Here, F. Foer in
"The party loyalists Orbán appointed became the capos of his crime family. Their job was to reward its friends and to punish its vocal critics."


[2024-01-24 08:53 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Quite a view from Hungary’s EU-funded “forest canopy walkway” project in Nyírmártonfalva.


[2024-01-23 17:15 UTC]

While Hungarian citizens are still waiting for EU funds (due to inaction of the Orban government), the Brussels arm of Orbans propaganda machine is organizing roundtables in Brussels denouncing the rule of law.
At the Radisson.


[2024-01-22 19:36 UTC]

When I was a student I was nominated for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize because with friends I had started a European newspaper. (We did not win).
What Orban mouthpiece HirTV makes of this episode:


[2024-01-22 14:34 UTC]

"In a non-democratic country Orban will get the treatment he thinks he deserves: red carpet, the whole shebang, no negative press, no protests, no opposition. It’s just more evidence to the fact that autocrats around the globe think alike."
My statement:


[2024-01-19 12:20 UTC]

Orban crony Mate Kocsis called me a "Nazi". It took minutes and my inbox was filling up with messages like these.
They like to talk about "respect" - but if you dare to criticize them, they well send the mob after you.


[2024-01-19 08:45 UTC]

"Ursula von der Leyen hat vor dem EU-Gipfel im Eilverfahren 10 Milliarden Euro an Orban locker gemacht, weil er den EU-Beitritt der Ukraine per Veto blockierte. Sie hat sich erpressen lassen und das größte Schmiergeld in der EU-Geschichte gezahlt."
Meine Rede:


[2024-01-19 11:22 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: JUST NOW:

The @europarl_en has approved a joint resolution calling on the European Council and the Member States to take action and to determine whether HU has committed serious and persistent breaches of EU values under Article 7(2) TEU.

This is a significant development. 1/3


[2024-01-18 12:04 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: you forgot to include my answer to @erno_sb. But I got you covered. You're welcome:


[2024-01-17 15:42 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: The EU Parliament could take the @EU_Commission to court for releasing over €10.2 billion of previously frozen funds to Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban.

Our MEP @daniel_freund comments ahead of the vote tomorrow in 👉


[2024-01-17 16:24 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: sind nicht das Problem intransparenter und korrupter Politik. Der Bericht des Kollegen @markuspiepermep versucht trotzdem, die Zivilgesellschaft zum Sündenbock für zu stilisieren. Ich sage: das Problem sind korrupte Politiker!


[2024-01-17 16:25 UTC]

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