Today, European leaders meet for their #EUCO meeting. A topic on their agenda is a potential banking crisis #SVB #CreditSuisse.
They need to urgently fix the EU Banking Union and grant the ECB more supervision to keep Europe innovative and sustainable!
Here is why👇
Wow! I am so impressed by the team around @HolgerKloetzner in Darmstadt!
Holger, you would have been a great mayor. But you are definitely a great @VoltEuropa pioneer! Thank you 🙏🏼🙌🏻
🚨#Volt made it into the Dutch senate!! 🚨
Congrats to everyone who made this possible. This is really big news 🙌🏻
RT @PerinGopie: Het is ons gelukt! @VoltNederland is nu vertegenwoordigd op alle lagen. Ik ben mega blij en enorm trots dat ik Volt mag vertegenwoordigen in de Eerste Kamer. Tijd om ook in de senaat vooruit te gaan denken! 💜⚡️#generatieVolt
RT @VoltDeutschland: Was macht eigentlich @TimMartonVolt als frisch gewählter Vorsitzender von Volt Deutschland? Und wie ist MEP @d_boeselager zur Politik gekommen?
➡️ Schaltet heute Abend ein & löchert die beiden mit euren Fragen! Oder stellt sie vorab unter diesem Tweet 👇🏼
Windmills, ships, airplanes - the #DataAct can help make much more non-personal data available - if it’s done correctly! My speech in plenary👇🏽
This EU flag was in space! Celebrating #InternationalWomansDay (slightly delayed 😊) in the EU Parliament.
Das @europarl_en hat gerade mit großer Mehrheit für den #DataAct gestimmt, ein Gesetz, das ich und mein Team sehr entscheidend mitgestaltet haben.
Worum gehts? Mit @phoenix_de und @repasi habe ich heute morgen über das Gesetz gesprochen.
… my thread on some elements of the data act 👇🏽🤓
RT @d_boeselager: More & more devices (windmills, ships, airplanes, …) are connected to the Internet #internetofthings
But who can have access to the non-personal data they produce? Who is allowed to share it?
This is what the #DataAct is about.
Today we vote on our position in Parliament! /1
For details about my position check out this video 👇🏽🎥 or …
RT @phoenix_de: Tweet-Text: LIVE aus Straßburg: #europatalk mit Damian @d_boeselager @Gruene_Europa & René @repasi @TheProgressives | @Europarl_DE @InesArland
Yes! The #DataAct position of the EP has been approved with a large majority!
Congrats to @delcastillop and everyone else. I am happy I was able to improve the position 🙏🏼
⏭️🔜 Data Act trilogues: us vs minister
RT @phoenix_de: #DataAct | Bei #Windrad-Daten sei bis heute ungeklärt, ob dem Hersteller oder dem Eigentümer die produzierten Daten gehören, so Damian @d_boeselager von @volteuropa. Mit dem Data Act wolle das #EU-Parlament dem Eigentümer erweiterte Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf diese #Daten geben.
Data is not gold, it’s not valuable in a vault. It’s valuable if it is used to create new solutions for customers!
With the data act we can create liquid data markets, and make Europe competitive.
Let’s not waste this chance due to a couple of large lobby groups. /f
I know where this comes from: a strong manufacturer lobby which believe that they have a god-given right or ownership of the data that leaves “their” devices.
This could turn the Data Act into a Data Suppression Act!
Data leaving a device I own should also be mine to share. /6
However, our great ideas for data markets are useless, if we don't have any data to share!
❌ trade secret protection
❌ security & safety
❌ non-compete provisions
❌ complex algorithms
These are all reasons we give data holders to suppress data, rather than to share it! /5
2️⃣ create incentives for the owners & data holders to share non-personal data on data markets.
Once non-personal data is flowing to marketplaces, smart minds can create innovative solutions which in turn become the core of new business models, products and services. /4
For @VoltEuropa and @GreensEFA I am happy that I managed to:
1️⃣ put the the OWNER of the connected device back into the center of the law, allowing them to decide who to engage in a contract with, and who to share data with from their connected device! /3
Overall I believe Parliament has risen to the task & improved the Commisison’s proposal 👏🏼
🙏🏼 I want to thank @delcastillop & the other colleagues for the highly professional and collegial work /2
More & more devices (windmills, ships, airplanes, …) are connected to the Internet #internetofthings
But who can have access to the non-personal data they produce? Who is allowed to share it?
This is what the #DataAct is about.
Today we vote on our position in Parliament! /1
Heute stimmen wir im EP über die Parlamentsposition zum Data Act ab.
Hier erkläre ich mit @repasi bei phoenix worum es geht und was ich da rein verhandelt habe! 👇🏽
RT @phoenix_de: Tweet-Text: LIVE aus Straßburg: #europatalk mit Damian @d_boeselager @Gruene_Europa & René @repasi @TheProgressives | @Europarl_DE @InesArland
RT @VoltDeutschland: Knapp vier Jahre im Europaparlament! 🇪🇺 Wer ist eigentlich @d_boeselager, an welchen Themen arbeitet er & was hat er bisher mit seinem Team erreicht?
Lest hier den gesamten Artikel der @wiwo über Damian & seine Arbeit im Europaparlament 👇 @schrei_ben
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP & Co-founder of @volteuropa 💜 Future of Europe & EU Reform 🇪🇺 Migration & Asylum 🌍 AI & Data strategy🤖