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RT @deelomas: Dear @BorisJohnson

If someone was driving along a road that’s 30mph and they’re driving at 40mph and they are pulled over by the police, could they use, in their defence, that their passenger didn’t tell them what the lawful speed limit was?

Asking for a friend.


Putting up to keep unit rates down is utterly irresponsible. We need to get rid of standing charges which lead to those in poverty cutting themselves off, unable to afford any energy at all.
It's also reducing the incentive to save energy.
RT @MartinSLewis: @gazfrost3 Standing charges up, unit rates down to compensate, average is still the same.


RT @PaulbernalUK: Sunak was claiming credit for reducing inflation yesterday. Will he take responsibility for increasing it today?


RT @natalieben: of public land - 2 million hectares since late 1970s, about half the total.

Got some attention when I set out the figures in in Bill.


Those who vote against the today are playing with fire.
What can they achieve other than to inflame hostilities?
I note that Boris Johnson has decided to pin his colours to the .
As if he hadn't already done enough damage in his disgraceful political career.


It's funny that we didn't have all this sewage in rivers and beaches when we were in the EU.
And it didn't seem to cost us billions on our water bills.
I smell a Brexit opportunity.


The people coming out to defend Johnson! We need to rid this country of all of them. No morals. Send them to Rwanda to work in the prison camps.


RT @OborneTweets: When this was first published there were no reviews in any Murdoch, Associated or Telegraph paper. The reason: it exposed their complicity in Johnson's lies. We've published an updated paperback in time for Johnson's grilling by the Privileges Committee:


@flatt_dianne But they need to be returned to the firm that produced them or used the packaging, so that they have to pay the cost of disposal (not charge it to our council tax) and they have an incentive to use reusable containers or stop using pointless packaging. That would cut waste.


RT @MrJohnNicolson: Astonishing that Tory MPs are still coming on TV to defend Boris Johnson.

No 10 parties were indefensible. Johnson set the rules. He broke the rules. Then he lied about what he’d done. If the UK Parliament now acts with integrity he will get his comeuppance, and not before time.


Government borrowing (spending exceeding tax revenues) is at an all time high.
That's because they are
(1) throwing our money at fossil fuel companies and not taxing it all back
(2) keeping the majority of the population in poverty so there are no tax revenues.


@flatt_dianne Why not put a deposit on them so that people can make money from collecting and returning them and the supplier has to sort out the cost of waste disposal. That'd sort it.


@littlegreydog3 There is no safe or environmentally sound way to recycle plastic. Most plastic can't or won't be recycled. It's made into plastic pellets to be shipped to where it might (perhaps) be used. The pellets are then spilled from ships into the sea where they are ruinous. It's deadly.


Amused by the news reader this morning explaining a pumped water storage system for storing electric power as if it were a novelty 😂
Amazing how many people assume that we need new fangled technology or batteries.
And that the variability of renewables is a difficult problem.


@littlegreydog3 You underestimate the durability of glass. You don't remember? Sterilisation is done immediately before use so they're not wrapped, just taken from the steriliser. The cost of sterilisation is less than the cost of new sterile plastic ones plus transport and waste collection.


@littlegreydog3 The glass syringe is not for throwing away. The glass syringe replaces umpteen of those plastic ones. You sterilise it and use it for years. It's CHEAPER and there is NO RUBBISH. That also makes it cheaper, because clinical waste is extremely expensive to dispose of.


@littlegreydog3 No. Glass is fine and lasts well. Plastic is destroying our future. Throwaway stuff is monumentally expensive. It should be priced according to its damage to the environment.


RT @PaulbernalUK: What if, and bear with me, what if this is a result of deliberate policy choices rather than a combination of external events and incompetence? What if *austerity* stops wage growth?


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