RT by @catherinerowett: The IDF has surrounded Nasser hospital and told everyone sheltering inside that they have to evacuate. They've then been shooting people who try to leave.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/SaulStaniforth/statu

[2024-02-14 07:09 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The moment of truth in yesterday’s ⁦@UKHouseofLords⁩ Rwanda debate (after 6.15 pm). The government asks us to declare that Rwanda IS safe but had to accept that the necessary safeguards are not in place – and could give us no timescale or meaningful details on progress.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/bricksilk/status/175

[2024-02-13 06:57 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: 🚨🚨The EU will tell the UK on Monday that it must ease visa procedures & costs for scientists or risk missing out on the full benefits of the @HorizonEU research programme. New story via @AndyBounds , @JavierespFT , @pmdfoster & @Mikepeeljourno . ft.com/content/280a070c-e708-4

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Jacobbe79601492/stat

[2024-02-12 08:33 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Huge buzz at action day- 85 helpers over 2 locations getting out message that @TheGreenParty is the challenger to Conservatives in this new seat

Great doorstep conversations & growing sense that people want change &know Greens can provide it here

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/AdrianRamsay/status/

[2024-02-10 15:35 UTC]

pays less on his capital gains income than doctors pay on their salaries...
Funny that he is raising income tax for nurses every year, whilst cutting their salaries, but no rises for his own capital gains income...

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DonnachadhMc/status/

[2024-02-10 09:05 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: It's not a cost of living crisis.

It's an inequality crisis.

Yet Labour and the Conservatives refuse to tax the wealth of the super rich.

We need to invest to reduce bills, create jobs & tackle the climate crisis.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/ZackPolanski/status/

[2024-02-10 09:39 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Rishi Sunak made about £2.3m in 2022/23 and paid £520k tax. About a 23% effective tax rate.

What devious planning did he use to pay so little tax? Absolutely none 1/3

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DanNeidle/status/175

[2024-02-09 17:37 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: £1.7trillion piled onto the national debt in 14 years, to achieve absolutely nothing.
NHS on its knees,
One million children in destitution,
Malnutrition, Rickets and Scurvy,
Hundreds of thousands homeless,
Public services failing,
Rampant corruption.
@RishiSunak @Conservatives

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/TStandfield1789/stat

[2024-02-09 09:11 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: £1.7trillion piled onto the national debt.
£119.1billion borrowed in the financial year-to-December 2023.
Biggest tax burden since the Second World War.
Biggest fall in living standards since the 1950s.
@RishiSunak @Conservatives @Jeremy_Hunt
Vote Conservatives, get poorer.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/TStandfield1789/stat

[2024-02-09 12:29 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Having forced most of ’s population into appalling conditions in the south, Israel now plans to lay waste to Rafah. Thousands will die. This must not be allowed. What on earth is the government doing to stop the slaughter? For ⁦⁦@TheGreenParty bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-ea

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/carneross/status/175

[2024-02-09 13:14 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Just been on @Channel4News with @cathynewman talking about Labour announcing it’s new position on green funding. The dramatic shift in the state of the economy is the reason given, for the dramatic cut to the £28 billion pledge.  But we need to remember that borrowing for investment is not a bad thing to do, on the contrary - it’s how businesses & economies grow.  We just have to choose the right things to invest in and it’s not fossil fuels..:)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DaleVince/status/175

[2024-02-08 21:48 UTC]

Rishi Sunak is so determined that no one should get fair pay rises that he's personally obstructing a settlement that would get the doctors back to work.
Meanwhile vast numbers of people are off work waiting for treatment.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/catherinerowett/stat

[2024-02-06 20:04 UTC]

One hand funds weapons for Ukraine, while the other hand funds weapons for the enemy Ukraine is fighting against.
The profits go to the arms manufacturers, the cost to the 🌏
BBC News - Russian oil getting into UK via refinery loophole, reports claim

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/catherinerowett/stat

[2024-02-05 08:26 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: It took 3.8 billion years for 10 million species to slowly evolve on Earth.

It has taken just a few hundred years for just one of those species to usher in a global ecosystem collapse which will be the biggest extinction event of the planet

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/99blackbaloons/statu

[2024-02-04 12:03 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: This was at the event 'Give me Inspiration! The Paradigm Shift', which explored how 'professional women do amazing things'. What a shame that neither the VC nor @AtheneDonald appears to have welcomed the inspiring acts of the students in front of them chu.cam.ac.uk/event/give-me-in

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/USSbriefs/status/175

[2024-02-04 19:02 UTC]

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