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RT by @catherinerowett: 'Bonanza' indeed. It's a simple accounting exercise, non-inflationary if invested in productive activity. Last year Reeves was summoned by Wall St. to receive her instructions - "listen, no public investment to crowd out our private investors, keep the tax'n'spend myth running"


[2024-02-08 11:21 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: When the climate and young people are crying out for even more investment in a Green New Deal, delivering less than ever is not ‘pragmatic’ from Labour - it’s a collision course with reality and aiming your legacy at the bin before you even start.


[2024-02-08 08:19 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: A just transition to Green jobs is fiscal responsibility.

@UKLabour is betraying the public and the workers by rowing back on the investment needed to make this a prosperous country
with industries and housing fit for a fossil-free future.

Realism only with @TheGreenParty ❎


[2024-02-08 08:33 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Real Precise Talk!

The Lesser Greened Starmer starts another page in his
To Don't List notebook.

Best to cut out this middle man and to


[2024-02-08 08:37 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Tim Loughton raised a number of allegations and questions to the Archbishop of Canterbury @JustinWelby in Parliament today.

1. Mr Loughton says the Archbishop issued "secret"guidance to clergy on asylum.

The document is not secret, it's easily accessible on the @churchofengland website. Indeed even the @DailyExpressUg describes it as an official document. It is pastoral guidance to the clergy which is precisely what you would expect him to offer to clergy on how do their job offering support and help to anyone in need.

2. Tim Loughton asks "Who is the church accountable to?"

Mr Loughton the church is accountable to God.
I would be suprised if Mr Loughton who is a son of the vicarage, is unaware of this. Jesus' teaching is clear we are to love our neighbours whoever they may be. I dare say he has come across the parable of the Good Samaritan. The church has been at the frontline of care for asylum seekers and refugees. I have met many people who have been persuaded of the veracity of the Christian faith through the welcome and support of their local church.

3. "And are tax payers being scammed by the Archbishop?"

This is a serious allegation of inappropriate and deceitful behaviour by the leader of the Church of England while he is Ukraine and unable to directly defend himself.

There are rules about public conduct, in Parliament you are not allowed to accuse another MP of lying without censure. So this seems wholly unacceptable language.

The answer to the question is No.

The asylum system is run by the government.
The church's job is offer the mercy and grace of God to all who ask for it.
The asylum system has long been broken. Indeed Mr Loughton himself raised serious questions about the system to former…


[2024-02-07 18:56 UTC]

No, some people tried to ask the MP about his voting record on new oil and gas licences and fracking, and how that relates to the climate disasters that threaten parts of Norfolk. And that was not the kind of issues he wanted to hear about.


[2024-02-07 22:20 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Shortly after Keir Starmer welcomes Brianna Ghey's mother to the gallery, Rishi Sunak mocks him for "not knowing what a woman is".

Starmer: "Of all the weeks to say that when Brianna's mother is in this chamber. Shameful"


[2024-02-07 12:08 UTC]

Cost of living payments: a stop gap for a stop gap.
The Conservatives deliberately promote poverty and stigma.
We need higher wages and a fair distribution of wealth: because the fruits of our work currently enrich only the people who are already rich.


[2024-02-07 08:55 UTC]

Rishi Sunak is so determined that no one should get fair pay rises that he's personally obstructing a settlement that would get the doctors back to work.
Meanwhile vast numbers of people are off work waiting for treatment.


[2024-02-06 20:04 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The BBC are now running a story on the 'First Sighting of the King since Diagnosis'

Just leave him alone. Give him some dignity


[2024-02-06 16:11 UTC]

R to @catherinerowett: The way to stop this is to stop using oil and gas. Pussy footing around and importing it on the global market isn't a solution. Adding more of our own isn't a solution. The problem is that oil is still in demand and Russia will feed that demand.


[2024-02-05 08:36 UTC]

Unhealthy children, poor diet, obesity, preventable tooth decay, poor vaccine uptake...
all correlate with deprivation.
Our problem in the UK is inequality.
It's simple to fix but we have a government determined to do the opposite.
End child poverty.


[2024-02-05 08:09 UTC]

One hand funds weapons for Ukraine, while the other hand funds weapons for the enemy Ukraine is fighting against.
The profits go to the arms manufacturers, the cost to the 🌏
BBC News - Russian oil getting into UK via refinery loophole, reports claim


[2024-02-05 08:26 UTC]

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