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RT by @catherinerowett: It took 3.8 billion years for 10 million species to slowly evolve on Earth.

It has taken just a few hundred years for just one of those species to usher in a global ecosystem collapse which will be the biggest extinction event of the planet


[2024-02-04 12:03 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Solidarity with @CamStopTheWar @Cambridge_Uni students.

You're right to confront VC Prof Deborah Prentice with Israel's scholasticide in Gaza and the university's complicity in it.

Sorry to see Prof Athene Donald trying brusquely to shut you down.


[2024-02-04 18:38 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: This was at the event 'Give me Inspiration! The Paradigm Shift', which explored how 'professional women do amazing things'. What a shame that neither the VC nor @AtheneDonald appears to have welcomed the inspiring acts of the students in front of them


[2024-02-04 19:02 UTC]

Let's see fair pay rises for public sector workers, full alignment with EU workers' rights (no social dumping here), a £15 minimum wage linked to cost of living, max. 10:1 ratio between top and bottom salary in every organisation, end freeport zones.


[2024-02-04 08:25 UTC]

If you don't fund prescriptions at a price that covers costs, you can't deliver this kind public good via private enterprise. The private enterprise loses money just by fulfilling the job.
It won't work.
Same with dentists and childcare.


[2024-02-03 21:25 UTC]

A misleading headline, given that there's been only one nuisance event.
But there is a problem.
It's this.
"But there was found to be no wrongdoing as there are no restrictions in place preventing drivers from parking on the pavement on this road."


[2024-02-03 12:13 UTC]

R to @catherinerowett: Cars should be taxed on the external size of the vehicle, and that includes EVs. And big spaces for big vehicles in car parks should be more expensive.


[2024-02-03 08:28 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Despite decades of broken promises, and greenwashing, &gt;@ProcterGamble continues to source “sustainable” palm oil and consumers believe the lie. ALL PALM OIL causes . via @palmoildetect


[2024-02-03 08:37 UTC]

The USA should get out of the Middle East. Why did they even have military personnel in Jordan? These things don't end well. Bombing other people's countries doesn't tend to help sort out who should be where, let alone achieving it.


[2024-02-03 08:37 UTC]

You know what? Gruesome penalties and threats are not the way to run a happy country.
They think it would be funny if people were garotted with their own intestines as a punishment for fly tipping?
And they like the way things are done in Iran? And under the Taliban do they?


[2024-02-03 08:48 UTC]

Thank you to the judges who sided with the canary against the criminals who tried to silence the canary again.


[2024-02-03 08:50 UTC]

When I was young we had free orange juice, free school milk, free dentistry, prescriptions and opticians, bus pass for school, free university places, grants for travel, books &amp; accommodation, free eye tests. Any govt with sense makes things that matter for the future free.


[2024-02-03 09:06 UTC]

When I was young we had free orange juice, free school milk, free dentistry, prescriptions and opticians, bus pass for school, free university places, grants for travel, books &amp; accommodation. Any govt with sense makes things that matter for the future free.


[2024-02-03 09:12 UTC]

This is bonkers. Why don't we have a limit on the size of cars? The roads aren't big enough, not just the car park spaces. The answer is smaller cars, not larger ones. Or better still bicycles and buses, which reduce congestion on city streets even more.


[2024-02-02 22:33 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Like we are getting a decent postal service? Read the article.

I realise that people have invested a lot in neoliberal economic theory over the past 50 yrs. I hope we can help people on that difficult mental journey as the facts collide with their faith.


[2024-02-02 07:17 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Very important to note that it definitely cannot be described as corruption to allow two individuals 'to “cherry pick” the most profitable elements... [so] they had made tens of millions of pounds, while the taxpayer ploughed in more than £560mn and was saddled with liabilities.'


[2024-02-02 07:25 UTC]

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