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RT by @catherinerowett: Update: I've been contacted by the @Telegraph - an apology has been made and a fee has been agreed which recognises the unauthorised uses of this image. On receipt, I will donate the fee to the Horizon Scandal Fund (@HSFforSPMs). Thanks to all for their comments.


[2024-02-02 09:03 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: They bang on blindly about growth but growth without redistribution only leads to greater inequality and poverty not less


[2024-02-01 08:43 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The hustle culture mindset won’t get you where you need to be.

It will rob you of who you are.


[2024-02-01 07:15 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: After days of headlines about Brexit border checks, a vast increase in red tape, food shortages, higher cost of imports and the ridiculous arrangements with NI, this government advert is quite staggeringly, childishly delusional.



[2024-02-01 07:47 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Once again @BorisJohnson repeats the lie that Brexit led to faster roll out of vaccines. This has been debunked more times than a flat Earth but still he persists


[2024-02-01 08:25 UTC]

None of the promises materialised.
They couldn't have.
The way to end plundering of the sea is to be part of the organisation that oversees co-operation on fishing.
We had seats on the 🇪🇺 fisheries committee.
We had MEPs to represent the fishing community.


[2024-02-01 08:39 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The Tories can always be trusted to come up with an economically preposterous rationale. Their entire brexit project was built on the foundation myth that EU-born UK residents were a net drain on the public purse.


[2024-01-31 17:24 UTC]

If you can't find a tangible benefit from Brexit, find me an intangible one.
We're happier? have more power? more influence? can solve world problems? can stop people dying in the channel due to the lack of safe routes to a new home? Anything?


[2024-01-31 08:51 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: 11,000 dead children. The argument that Israel's slaughter is 'proportionate' to military necessity is obscene. These are war crimes and they must be stopped. There must be much greater pressure, as clearly Israel is utterly impervious to feeble calls for restraint.


[2024-01-31 09:49 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The government's failure to call out war crimes, which are so obvious, is shameful. Their pathetic calls for lower casualties are empty and meaningless. Silence on war crimes and atrocities amounts to a kind of implied complicity, for which they must be held accountable.


[2024-01-31 09:49 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: 🇪🇺 Today marks four years since the UK left the EU.

📈 Polling shows that 57% of adults in the country believe Brexit has been a failure.

💚 Only the Green Party is ready to fix our relationship with the EU and rejoin when the time is right.


[2024-01-31 12:33 UTC]

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