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No one needs to earn more than ten times what the lowest paid employee gets. That includes bonuses.
Inequality is the blight of our country and our world. Ordinary hard working people need to be paid more. Bankers can have bonuses at an appropriate scale.


[2024-01-31 08:13 UTC]

It's not so much our businesses (though they're going to be utterly trashed by this), but why should any EU business bother to adapt, when they have easy markets within the EU? It's not for us to tell them to adapt. They didn't vote in our shambolic government.


[2024-01-31 08:27 UTC]

R to @catherinerowett: Did any of our UK businesses ask for this? Wetherspoons and Dyson yes. Anyone else? Did you vote to get Brexit done like this?


[2024-01-31 08:27 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: The most maddening thing about this will-they-or-won’t-they on Labour’s £28bn green investment is that £28bn isn’t anywhere near the annual investment necessary to stop climate chaos, and they’re not even promising that until at least after 2026.

Want Green? Vote @TheGreenParty!


[2024-01-30 09:14 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Labour abstain on the Rwanda Bill so attempts by LibDems &amp; Greens to get it booted out fail.

Completely useless. The Bill is unsalvageable. An offence to democracy. No amount of amendments, even if they pass, will make it acceptable.


[2024-01-29 23:22 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: And the morning news is a deal over Northern Ireland and Brexit. But... this statement isn't true under the Windsor Framework. Even if the UK government decide to align food and drink regulations with the EU. So is this really all settled?


[2024-01-30 07:23 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: Communities know what is best for their communities.

The climate crisis will hit the poorest communities the worst.

The solutions need to be led by trade unions, workers and people from these communities for a fair &amp; just transition.


[2024-01-30 07:34 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: As for Westminster, the DUP decision is yet another nudge towards alignment with the EU. But when will more politicians be making the case that this is in fact a good thing, for trade and since there never was a divergence dividend in goods regulations?


[2024-01-30 07:41 UTC]

Your monthly reminder that when inflation falls, prices are still rising. You'll need to slim your basket.
In addition, if the fall is due to "massive discounts in the January sales", the underlying inflation is much bigger.
Plus, we now face Brexit inflation from February.


[2024-01-30 08:17 UTC]

What they're reporting doesn't sound feasible, so I presume the DUP saw their last chance to manipulate a Tory govt with a huge majority &amp; extract bribes, so have settled for something we know not what, that may or may not work.
Allows them to save face and get back to Stormont.


[2024-01-30 08:38 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: | France condemns the holding of a conference in Jerusalem yesterday, promoting the establishment of settlements in Gaza and the transfer of Gaza’s Palestinian population out of that territory.

Statement ➡️


[2024-01-29 18:54 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: “Countries of the world will have pity on them and take them…” like countries of the world did with liberated concentration camp survivors at the end of WWII? Am I interpreting that correctly?


[2024-01-29 20:32 UTC]

I am so disappointed with Labour Lords, aside from a few decent people. They are a waste of space without integrity. Well done to the Green peers and the few who stood up for decent care for our country's morals.


[2024-01-29 22:35 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: 📺 "The Greens are popping up everywhere."

The BBC looks at our recent election successes in the East of England and gets the thoughts of some local residents 👇


[2024-01-29 12:15 UTC]

"... it'll be interesting to see which party goes into the election promising to put bus fares up. I would like to think they'll all promise to retain the flat fare."
£1 for your whole journey with
Norfolk bus passenger numbers up by 16%


[2024-01-29 08:14 UTC]

I was worried, for just these reasons among others.
But if you think our problem is more to do with refugees and wars, then do watch the video. Because yes it is about that. Only much much worse.


[2024-01-28 21:06 UTC]

RT by @catherinerowett: It’s telling that British politicians (obvious and rare notable exceptions) are more interested in allegations against 12 members of a UN aid agency than their 152 colleagues killed by Israeli bombs or the starvation that agency is trying to ameliorate in Gaza.


[2024-01-28 20:17 UTC]

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