I am attending the interparliamentary conference on the common foreign and security policy in Prague 🇨🇿 for discussions with HRVP Borrell on the Strategic Compass and a debate on EU enlargement policy and our pre-accession support to the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership.
Svim učenicima, a osobito onima koji prvi put sjedaju u školske klupe te njihovim roditeljima, učiteljima, nastavnicima i profesorima želim sretan prvi dan škole i uspješnu školsku godinu! 📚✏️
U Splitu sam danas glasovala na izborima za vijeća 27 gradskih kotareva i 7 mjesnih odbora. Kotarski izbori važni su za daljnji razvoj Splita na svim razinama i za bolju kvalitetu života svih njegovih građana.
I voted today in @EP_ForeignAff for an increased budget for EU external relations in 2023. We need suitable investments to tackle the growing external challenges.
This morning we also discussed the geopolitical developments around Taiwan.
RT @MiseticLaw: Bosnia and Herzegovina: On the Brink of Disaster. An excellent video in English explaining the current crisis in Bosnia and why @OHR_BiH needs to take action to preserve the Dayton Agreement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE5uLiMzLI&ab_channel=MHFIN
In @EP_ForeignAff I participated in a debriefing of our mission to the South Caucasus 🇦🇿🇬🇪🇦🇲 in July.
I highly welcome today’s meeting between President Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan, organised by President Michel.
Another 🇪🇺 initiative towards a lasting peace.
Today as Vice Chair in @EP_ForeignAff, I talked about the situation in Sudan, ahead of our mission to 🇸🇩 and 🇪🇹.
We also discussed our report to strengthen the EU’s tools to ensure the implementation of the 🇪🇺-🇬🇧 withdrawal agreement and trade and cooperation agreement.
RT @MiseticLaw: election under an unconstitutional electoral law is not illiberal. END.
RT @MiseticLaw: provisions for constitutional amendment contained in the existing constitution. But it is disingenuous in the extreme to argue that changing the electoral law in the midst of an election - to comply with a decision of the Constitutional Court - is "illiberal," but holding an
RT @MiseticLaw: 4/@OHR_BiH 's job to change the deal reached by the Dayton parties and create a system palatable to @jasminmuj. It is the job of Bosnia's political leaders to make changes if that is what their constituents desire - as long as those changes are made consistent with the
RT @MiseticLaw: 3/because his constituents stand to benefit from procee@ding under the present, unconstitutional system. @OHR_BiH is only a backstop, there to act when Bosnia's political leaders won't, and only to implement the existing deal reached by Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. It is not
RT @MiseticLaw: 2/implemented the Constitutional Court's decisions - or those of the European Court of Human Rights - in more than four years. One such leader, Bakir Izetbegovic, is campaigning on the fact that he deliberately sabotaged negotiations to implement Constitutional Court decisions
RT @MiseticLaw: 1/This tweet is so disingenuous. Folks, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia has declared the existing system unconstitutional to the extent it does not allow Croats to elect their own reps - a problem flowing from @OHR_BiH's own decision in 2002. Bosnia's elected leaders have not
Kornatska tragedija je prije 15 godina cijelu Hrvatsku zavila u crno. U najtežoj nesreći u povijesti hrvatskog vatrogastva, živote je izgubilo 12 vatrogasaca. Njihova hrabrost i žrtva nikad neće biti zaboravljena.
Radi se o projektu koji će uz pomoć sredstava iz europskih fondova osuvremeniti KBC Split, a što je od izuzetnog značaja za cijelu Dalmaciju.
Danas sam se u Splitu susrela s dr. Julijem Meštrovićem, ravnateljem KBC-a Split. Razgovarali smo o strateškom projektu za daljnji razvoj #KBCSplit, a na koji je tijekom ljetne sezone orijentirano preko milijun domaćih i stranih pacijenata te veliki broj prekograničnih.
RT @MiseticLaw: Deputy Foreign Minister Brkić writes to Blinken: Foreign Minister Turković is misusing state resources and diplomatic channels https://fena.ba/article/1282630/brkic-writes-to-blinken-turkovic-is-misusing-state-resources-and-diplomatic-channels
Sljedeća 2 tjedna, #Split je domaćin 35. Europskog prvenstva u vaterpolu. Našim vaterpolistima želim puno uspjeha u postizanju izvrsnih rezultata! Sretno, Barakude! 🇭🇷
#wp2022split @LENaquatics
Jakirović: Ja ne gledam tko se kako križa. Ove igrače nitko nije htio | http://Poskok.info https://poskok.info/jakirovic-ja-ne-gledam-tko-se-kako-kriza-ove-igrace-nitko-nije-htio/
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Potpredsjednica Odbora za vanjske poslove/Vice-Chair @EP_ForeignAff
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