RT @N1info: During his speech at the #UNGA #Croatia PM #AndrejPlenkovic urged the High Rep of the intl community in #Bosnia to impose changes to the election law and ensure legitimate representation for Bosnian Croats https://ba.n1info.com/english/news/croatian-pm-at-unga-high-rep-in-bosnia-must-impose-electoral-reform/
We concluded our mission to Ethiopia and Sudan. In both countries, we met with high-level interlocutors and key actors to promote security and democracy. We also met with representatives of the African Union and followed up on AU-EU cooperation.
We finished our visit in Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and arrived this morning in Sudan 🇸🇩 where we continue our meetings and assess the democratic transition.
We continued our visit with productive meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the Committee of Foreign Affairs in the House of Peoples’ Representatives of Ethiopia.
Dosta članova SDA iz BiH također ima hrvatsko državljanstvo kao i nekretnine u RH…Također SDP i sl. RH je dala preko milion putovnica i ti ljudi danas preko RH uživaju pogodnosti članstva RH u EU.
RT @MiseticLaw: Bakire, vaša stranačka kolegica iz SDA i ministrica @biseraturkovic ima stan u Zagrebu i hrvatska je državljanka, koji joj je hrvatski "agresor" odobrio nakon što je kao izbjeglica pobjegla kod "agresora" na sigurno. Prema …
RT @MiseticLaw: Bakire, vaša stranačka kolegica iz SDA i ministrica @biseraturkovic ima stan u Zagrebu i hrvatska je državljanka, koji joj je hrvatski "agresor" odobrio nakon što je kao izbjeglica pobjegla kod "agresora" na sigurno. Prema tome, "ona je naša", jel? https://www.dnevnik.ba/vijesti/izetbegovic-porucio-milanovicu-bosanski-hrvati-su-nas-narod-nisu-vas-2642842
The mission to Ethiopia and Sudan has started. In Addis Ababa we are briefed about the latest developments by the EU Ambassadors to Ethiopia and the African Union.
MEPs to assess armed conflict in Ethiopia and democratic transition in Sudan | News | European Parliament https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220916IPR40808/meps-to-assess-armed-conflict-in-ethiopia-and-democratic-transition-in-sudan
RT @MartaVrbetic: Glad that more than a week later since published by @BrusselsMorning, the article is one of the most read ones on the website, #2 at this moment!
Electoral Reform Disarray Foreshadows Uncertain Future for Dayton Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina https://brusselsmorning.com/electoral-reform-disarray-foreshadows-uncertain-future-for-dayton-peacein-bosnia-and-herzegovina/26244/
Susret Hercegovine u Posavini - nastavljeno neraskidivo zajedništvo - https://bljesak.info/vijesti/politika/Susret-Hercegovine-u-Posavini-nastavljeno-neraskidivo-zajednistvo/393688#image-426778
U Odžaku sam posjetila župu Glavosjeka sv. Ivana Krstitelja, potom novo vodocrpilište u Domaljevcu, muzej Franjevačkog samostana u Tolisi - Vrata Bosne i gradilište budućeg konzulata 🇭🇷 u Orašju. Posjet BiH završio je tradicionalnom manifestacijom #Hercegovina u Posavini.
Danas sam u radnom posjetu Bosni i Hercegovini obišla Odžak, Domaljevac, Šamac i Orašje.
RT @EPPGroup: #NewEuropeanBauhaus⤵️
An initiative that connects the world of culture and art with the world of technology and science.
To create pleasant, accessible, sustainable and energy-efficient living spaces. 🏡🎨🌳
Check out our #podcast with @ZovkoEU ▶️ https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/new-european-bauhaus-what-how-and-for-whom/id1558508054?i=1000579532627
Next week I will participate in an @EP_ForeignAff delegation to Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and Sudan 🇸🇩 to assess the security situation of the armed conflict in Tigray and to discuss the Sudanese authorities' and people's efforts towards democracy.
RT @EPPGroup: You probably know what Bauhaus is.
But do you know what #NewEuropeanBauhaus is?
Tune in to our latest #podcast episode with @ZovkoEU, and find out:
🟢 What?
🟢 How?
🟢 For whom?
Europski zastupnici osudili uhićenje nikaragvanskoga biskupa Alvareza - IKA https://ika.hkm.hr/novosti/europski-zastupnici-osudili-uhicenje-nikaragvanskoga-biskupa-alvareza/
‼️ @europarl_en je upravo izglasao moju rezoluciju o uhićenju nikaragvanskog biskupa #RolandoAlvarez.
RT @epphdz: Zastupnica @ZovkoEU inicirala rezoluciju o uhićenju nikaragvanskog biskupa Alvareza ➡️https://www.eppgroup.eu/s/hrSv3 via @EPPGroup @Agencija_HINA @vecernji_list @Jutarnji @vijestihr @hrtvijesti @hkr_radio @mediaservishr @DNEVNIKhr @N1infoZG #EPlenary
📺 U Strasbourgu sam s @mila_moralic za @N1infoZG komentirala #SOTEU2022, cijene energenata i aktualnosti u 🇧🇦.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Zastupnica u @europarl_en/ MEP (@HDZ_HR/@EPP)
Potpredsjednica Odbora za vanjske poslove/Vice-Chair @EP_ForeignAff
Potpredsjednica/Vice-Chair @EPPGroup