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RT @oliverroepke: Dear Sviatlana @Tsihanouskaya it's difficult to put into words how much I admire your courage.
You not only fight for Belarus people but also for our common values.
Thank you so much for addressing the @EU_EESC today.
You will always have a place in our house.


'We need to be more resolute in dealing with autocracies and support Belarus opposition more energetically. We are keeping conversations about how can we deal with the Belarusian diaspora in a realistic manner'

@angelpagliara @UILofficial debate


'Those of us who lived under such governments understand. We too desired and normal living conditions. We must not let the conflict in overshadow the conflict in Belarus'

@LucaLuc19908512 debate @Tsihanouskaya


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'We need to increase the support for independent media and journalists in and the exiled ones; following also the @EESC_REX opinion recommendations. You are the real president of Belarus'

@TatjanaBab with @Tsihanouskaya



'As trade unionists, we support your fight for freedom. We know most trade union leaders are in jail or exile. We must continue showing support for and against '

Szymański @Tysol debate with @Tsihanouskaya


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RT @miroslavhajnos: 🇧🇾 Excellent speech of @Tsihanouskaya during in Brussels 🙏

True, the destiny of Europe is being determined at this very moment. It is being determined in the war zones of Ukraine, in the clandestine Belarusian resistance, and in the major cities of 🇪🇺


'As a Romanian I can understand you are going through. We need to give rights to Belarus workers who came to work in the EU by recognising their professional skills and integrating them in the labour market and our social life'



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🗣️@Tsihanouskaya at the :

"The future of Europe is being decided right now on the battlefields of Ukraine, in the Belarusian underground resistance, and in 🇪🇺 capitals.

Are we as Europeans able to defend democratic values or will we let tyrannies take over again?"


'We know some of the trade unionists in prison personally. Trade Unions and Civil Society have our full support in their struggle. I ask you to stay strong, @Tsihanouskaya, and we demand the regime in Minsk to free all political prisioners'



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RT @decarobin: Dans sa lutte désespérée pour survivre, le régime cible ses opposants en exil. Il révoque leur citoyenneté et utilise la peine de mort. Il est crucial de faire la distinction entre le peuple biélorusse et le régime'


RT @decarobin: Près de 1500 prisonniers politiques;bcp des militants syndicaux.Des travailleurs qui ont répondu aux crimes du régime par 1 grève légale. Presque ts les syndicats indépendants ont été interdits. Des milliers de travailleurs ont perdu leur emploi et ont été brutalement réprimés


RT @ForneaDumitru: Right now:Debate on 'The European Neighbourhood Policy-the Belarusian way', with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya,Leader of the Belarusian democratic movement



RT @decarobin: "L'avenir de l'Europe se décide maintenant. Il se décide sur les champs de bataille d'Ukraine, dans la résistance clandestine biélorusse, et bien sûr dans les grandes capitales d'Europe
@Tsihanouskaya maintenant à


Urban wastewater treatment is an important last filter to protect receiving waters with benefits for the environment, human health & society.

We call on the 🇪🇺 to start addressing water as a priority and develop an "EU Blue Deal".



'In its desperate struggle to survive the regime is targeting its exiled opponents. It revokes their citizenship and uses the death penalty. It’s crucial to distinguish between the Belarusian people and the regime'



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'Almost 1,500 political prisoners; many, trade unions activists. Workers who responded to the regime's crimes with a legal strike. Almost all independent trade unions were banned. Thousands of workers lost their jobs and were brutally repressed'



RT @EU_EESC: It's time!⏰

📌Opinions on short-term rental, sustainable growth, energy, air quality, and much more.

📌Debates on labour market developments, the EU neighbourhood policy & the impact of the war in Ukraine.

Watch it live:


RT @EU_EESC: 🔔 Join our debate happening now! ↓ 

We are discussing the European Neighbourhood Policy – the Belarusian way with @Tsihanouskaya, leader of the Belarusian democratic movement.

 Tune in →


RT @EESC_LiaisonG: ⚡ Any plans for 3 March?

📣How about joining the final workshop to have your say on ensuring a safe & resilient ?

👀Look into the future of our democracy



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